Page 508 - ITGC_Audit Guides
P. 508
GTAG – Appendix B: IT Architecture Models
Appendix B: IT
Architecture Models
Some it architecture models and references for
consideration are:
The Abu Dhabi IT Architecture & Standards
Framework – Based on an eight-layer framework, this
covers all aspects of an it environment and includes:
Business, access & Presentation, application, data,
integration, infrastructure, Security, and operations.
AndroMDA – modern enterprise applications are built
using several components connected to one another, each
providing a specific functionality. components that perform
similar functions are generally grouped into layers. these
layers are further organized as a stack where components
in a higher layer use the services of components in a lower
layer. a component in a given layer will generally use the
functionality of other components in its own layer or the
layers below it.
TOGAF® – an open group Standard is a proven
enterprise architecture methodology and framework used
by the world’s leading organizations to improve business