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            All  substantial  rights  to  a  patent  are  not   payments are a substantial part of the   • Cut the timber for sale or for use in your
         transferred  if  any  of  the  following  apply  to  the   transfer agreement.  trade or business.
           • The rights are limited geographically within   Subdivision of Land     Making  the  election.  You  make  the  elec-
             a country.                                                          tion on your return for the year the cutting takes
           • The rights are limited to a period less than   If  you  own  a  tract  of  land  and,  to  sell  or  ex-  place by including in income the gain or loss on
             the remaining life of the patent.  change it, you subdivide it into individual lots or   the  cutting  and  including  a  computation  of  the
           • The rights are limited to fields of use within   parcels,  the  gain  is  normally  ordinary  income.   gain or loss. You do not have to make the elec-
             trades or industries and are less than all   However,  you  may  receive  capital  gain  treat-  tion  in  the  first  year  you  cut  timber.  You  can
             the rights that exist and have value at the   ment on at least part of the proceeds provided   make it in any year to which the election would
             time of the transfer.           you  meet  certain  requirements.  See  section   apply. If the timber is partnership property, the
           • The rights are less than all the claims or in-  1237 of the Internal Revenue Code.  election is made on the partnership return. This
             ventions covered by the patent that exist                           election  cannot  be  made  on  an  amended  re-
             and have value at the time of the transfer.                         turn.
                                             Timber                                 Once  you  have  made  the  election,  it  re-
         Related persons.  This tax treatment does not                           mains in effect for all later years unless you can-
         apply  if  the  transfer  is  directly  or  indirectly  be-  Standing timber held as investment property is   cel it.
         tween you and a related person as defined ear-  a capital asset. Gain or loss from its sale is re-  If you previously elected to treat the cutting
         lier  in  the  list  under  Nondeductible  Loss,  with   ported as a capital gain or loss on Form 8949  of  timber  as  a  sale  or  exchange,  you  may  re-
         the following changes.              and Schedule D (Form 1040), as applicable. If   voke  this  election  without  the  consent  of  the
                                                                                 IRS. The prior election (and revocation) is disre-
           1. Members of your family include your   you held the timber primarily for sale to custom-  garded  for  purposes  of  making  a  subsequent
             spouse, ancestors, and lineal descend-  ers, it is not a capital asset. Gain or loss on its   election. See Form T (Timber), Forest Activities
             ants, but not your siblings or half siblings.  sale is ordinary business income or loss. It is re-  Schedule, for more information.
                                             ported in the gross receipts or sales and cost of
           2. Substitute “25% or more” ownership for   goods sold items of your return.  Gain or loss.  Your gain or loss on the cut-
             “more than 50%.”                   Farmers  who  cut  timber  on  their  land  and   ting of standing timber is the difference between
            If you fit within the definition of a related per-  sell  it  as  logs,  firewood,  or  pulpwood  usually   its adjusted basis for depletion and its fair mar-
         son independent of family status, the sibling ex-  have  no  cost  or  other  basis  for  that  timber.   ket  value  on  the  first  day  of  your  tax  year  in
         ception in (1), earlier, does not apply. For exam-  These sales constitute a very minor part of their   which it is cut.
         ple,  a  transfer  between  siblings  as  beneficiary   farm businesses. In these cases, amounts real-  Your adjusted basis for depletion of cut tim-
         and fiduciary of the same trust is a transfer be-  ized from such sales, and the expenses of cut-  ber is based on the number of units (feet board
         tween  related  persons.  The  sibling  exception   ting, hauling, etc., are ordinary farm income and   measure, log scale, or other units) of timber cut
         does not apply because the trust relationship is   expenses reported on Schedule F (Form 1040).  during the tax year and considered to be sold or
         independent of family status.                                           exchanged. Your adjusted basis for depletion is
                                                Different rules apply if you owned the timber   also based on the depletion unit of timber in the
         Franchise, Trademark,               longer than 1 year and elect to either:  account used for the cut timber, and should be
                                                                                 figured in the same manner as shown in section
                                               • Treat timber cutting as a sale or exchange,
         or Trade Name                           or                              611 of the Internal Revenue Code and the rela-
                                               • Enter into a cutting contract.  ted regulations.
         If you transfer or renew a franchise, trademark,   Timber is considered cut on the date when, in   Timber  depletion  is  discussed  in  chapter  9
         or trade name for a price contingent on its pro-                        of Pub. 535.
         ductivity, use, or disposition, the amount you re-  the ordinary course of business, the quantity of
                                             felled  timber  is  first  definitely  determined.  This
         ceive is generally treated as an amount realized                           Example.  In  April  2022,  you  had  owned
         from the sale of a noncapital asset. A franchise   is true whether the timber is cut under contract   4,000 MBF (1,000 board feet) of standing tim-
                                             or whether you cut it yourself.
         includes  an  agreement  that  gives  one  of  the                      ber longer than 1 year. It had an adjusted basis
         parties  the  right  to  distribute,  sell,  or  provide   Under  the  rules  discussed  below,  disposi-  for depletion of $40 per MBF. You are a calen-
         goods,  services,  or  facilities  within  a  specified   tion  of  the  timber  is  treated  as  a  section  1231   dar-year taxpayer. On January 1, 2022, the tim-
         area.                               transaction.  See  chapter  3.  Gain  or  loss  is  re-  ber had a fair market value (FMV) of $350 per
                                             ported on Form 4797.                MBF. It was cut in April for sale. On your 2022
         Significant power, right, or continuing inter-                          tax  return,  you  elect  to  treat  the  cutting  of  the
         est.  If you keep any significant power, right, or   Christmas  trees.  Evergreen  trees,  such  as   timber  as  a  sale  or  exchange.  You  report  the
         continuing  interest  in  the  subject  matter  of  a   Christmas trees, that are more than 6 years old   difference between the FMV and your adjusted
         franchise,  trademark,  or  trade  name  that  you   when severed from their roots and sold for or-  basis for depletion as a gain. This amount is re-
         transfer or renew, the amount you receive is or-  namental  purposes  are  included  in  the  term   ported on Form 4797 along with your other sec-
         dinary royalty income rather than an amount re-  “timber.”  They  qualify  for  both  rules  discussed   tion 1231 gains and losses to figure whether it is
         alized from a sale or exchange.     below.                              treated as capital gain or as ordinary gain. You
            A significant power, right, or continuing inter-                     figure your gain as follows.
         est in a franchise, trademark, or trade name in-  Election  to  treat  cutting  as  a  sale  or  ex-
         cludes, but is not limited to, the following rights   change.  Under the general rule, the cutting of   FMV of timber January 1, 2022 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $1,400,000
         in the transferred interest.        timber results in no gain or loss. It is not until a   Minus: Adjusted basis for depletion .  .  .  .  (160,000)
           • A right to disapprove any assignment of   sale or exchange occurs that gain or loss is re-
             the interest, or any part of it.  alized.  But,  if  you  owned  or  had  a  contractual   Section 1231 gain .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $1,240,000
           • A right to end the agreement at will.  right to cut timber, you can elect to treat the cut-
           • A right to set standards of quality for prod-  ting of timber as a section 1231 transaction in   The FMV becomes your basis in the cut timber,
             ucts used or sold, or for services provided,   the year the timber is cut. Even though the cut   and a later sale of the cut timber including any
             and for the equipment and facilities used to   timber is not actually sold or exchanged, you re-  by-product  or  tree  tops  will  result  in  ordinary
             promote such products or services.  port your gain or loss on the cutting for the year   business income or loss.
           • A right to make the recipient sell or adver-  the timber is cut. Any later sale results in ordi-
             tise only your products or services.  nary  business  income  or  loss.  See  Example,   Outright  sales  of  timber.  Outright  sales  of
           • A right to make the recipient buy most sup-  later.                 timber  by  landowners  qualify  for  capital  gains
             plies and equipment from you.      To elect this treatment, you must:  treatment using rules similar to the rules for cer-
           • A right to receive payments based on the   • Own or hold a contractual right to cut the   tain disposal of timber under a contract with re-
             productivity, use, or disposition of the   timber for a period of more than 1 year be-  tained economic interest (defined below). How-
             transferred item of interest if those   fore it is cut, and         ever, for outright sales, the date of disposal is
         Page 24    Chapter 2  Ordinary or Capital Gain or Loss
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