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                                                   If you have a gain from a section 1231   For more information on casualties and
                                                                                     thefts, see Pub. 547.
                                                   transaction,  first  determine  whether
         3.                                  der the depreciation recapture rules (explained   Property  for  sale  to  customers.  A  sale,  ex-
                                                   any of the gain is ordinary income un-
                                             later). Do not take that gain into account as sec-  change,  or  involuntary  conversion  of  property
         Ordinary or                         tion 1231 gain.                     held mainly for sale to customers is not a sec-
                                                                                 tion 1231 transaction. If you will get back all, or
                                                   Only  gain  in  excess  of  the  recapture   nearly all, of your investment in the property by
         Capital Gain                         CAUTION  amount  is  considered  section  1231   selling it rather than by using it up in your busi-
                                                                                 ness, it is property held mainly for sale to cus-
         or Loss for                         Section  1231  transactions.  The  following
                                                                                    Example.  You  manufacture  and  sell  steel
                                             transactions result in gain or loss subject to sec-  cable, which you deliver on returnable reels that
         Business                            tion 1231 treatment.                are depreciable property. Customers make de-
                                               • Sales or exchanges of real property or
                                                 depreciable personal property. This   posits on the reels, which you refund if the reels
         Property                                property must be used in a trade or busi-  are  returned  within  a  year.  If  they  are  not  re-
                                                                                 turned,  you  keep  each  deposit  as  the
                                                 ness and held longer than 1 year. Gener-
                                                 ally, property held for the production of   agreed-upon  sales  price.  Most  reels  are  re-
                                                 rents or royalties is considered to be used   turned within the 1-year period. You keep ade-
         Introduction                            in a trade or business. This property must   quate  records  showing  depreciation  and  other
                                                 also be either real property or of a kind that   charges to the capitalized cost of the reels. Un-
         When  you  dispose  of  business  property,  your   is subject to depreciation under section   der these conditions, the reels are not property
         taxable  gain  or  loss  is  usually  a  section  1231   167 of the Internal Revenue Code. See   held  for  sale  to  customers  in  the  ordinary
         gain or loss. Its treatment as ordinary or capital   section 1231 for details. Depreciable per-  course of your business. Any gain or loss result-
         is  determined  under  rules  for  section  1231   sonal property includes amortizable sec-  ing from their not being returned may be capital
         transactions.                           tion 197 intangibles (described in chap-  or  ordinary,  depending  on  your  section  1231
            When  you  dispose  of  depreciable  property   ter 2 under Other Dispositions).  transactions.
         (section  1245  property  or  section  1250  prop-  • Sales or exchanges of leaseholds. The
         erty) at a gain, you may have to recognize all or   leasehold must be used in a trade or busi-  Patents and copyrights.  The sale of a patent;
                                                                                 invention; model or design (whether or not pa-
         part  of  the  gain  as  ordinary  income  under  the   ness and held longer than 1 year.
         depreciation  recapture  rules.  Any  remaining   • Sales or exchanges of cattle and   tented);  a  secret  formula  or  process;  a  copy-
                                                                                 right; a literary, musical, or artistic composition;
         gain is a section 1231 gain.            horses. The cattle and horses must be
                                                 held for draft, breeding, dairy, or sporting   or similar property is not a section 1231 trans-
                                                                                 action if your personal efforts created the prop-
         Topics                                  purposes and held for 2 years or longer.  erty, or if you acquired the property in a way that
         This chapter discusses:               • Sales or exchanges of other livestock.   entitled you to the basis of the previous owner
                                                 This livestock does not include poultry. It   whose personal efforts created it (for example,
           • Section 1231 gains and losses       must be held for draft, breeding, dairy, or   if you receive the property as a gift). The sale of
                                                 sporting purposes and held for 1 year or
           • Depreciation recapture              longer.                         such property results in ordinary income and is
                                               • Sales or exchanges of unharvested   generally reported in Part II of Form 4797.
         Useful Items                            crops. The crop and land must be sold,
         You may want to see:                    exchanged, or involuntarily converted at   Property  deducted  under  the  de  minimis
                                                                                 safe harbor for tangible property.  If you de-
                                                 the same time and to the same person and   ducted  the  costs  of  a  property  under  the  de
           Publication                           the land must be held longer than 1 year.   minimis  safe  harbor  for  tangible  property  (cur-
                                                 You cannot keep any right or option to di-
              534  534 Depreciating Property Placed in   rectly or indirectly reacquire the land (other   rently $2,500 or less), then upon its sale or dis-
                                                                                 position, this property is not treated as property
                 Service Before 1987             than a right customarily incident to a mort-  used  in  the  trade  or  business  under  section
                                                 gage or other security transaction). Grow-
              537  537 Installment Sales         ing crops sold with a lease on the land,   1231. Generally, any gain on the disposition of
                                                 though sold to the same person in the   this property is treated as ordinary income and
              547  547 Casualties, Disasters, and Thefts  same transaction, are not included.  is reported on Part II of Form 4797.
                                                                                    Example.  In  2022,  you  paid  $1,000  for  a
              551  551 Basis of Assets         • Cutting of timber or disposal of timber,   machine  that  you  used  in  your  business.  You
                                                 coal, or iron ore. The cutting or disposal
              946  946 How To Depreciate Property  must be treated as a sale, as described in   deducted  the  $1,000  cost  of  the  machine  on
                                                 chapter 2 under Timber and Coal and Iron   your 2022 income tax return under the de mini-
           Form (and Instructions)               Ore.                            mis  safe  harbor  for  tangible  property.  In  2024,
                                               • Condemnations. The condemned prop-  you sold the machine for $1,500. Because you
              4797  4797 Sales of Business Property  erty must have been held longer than 1   deducted the cost of the machine under the de
                                                 year. It must be business property or a   minimis safe harbor, this property is not treated
         See How To Get Tax Help for information about   capital asset held in connection with a   as property used in the trade or business under
         getting publications and forms.         trade or business or a transaction entered   section  1231.  Upon  sale  of  the  machine,  you
                                                 into for profit, such as investment property.   must  report  the  $1,500  as  ordinary  gain  on
                                                 It cannot be property held for personal use.
         Section 1231                          • Casualties and thefts.The casualty or   line 10 of Form 4797.
         Gains and Losses                        theft must have affected business prop-  Treatment  as  ordinary  or  capital.  To  deter-
                                                 erty, property held for the production of
                                                                                 mine  the  treatment  of  section  1231  gains  and
                                                 rents and royalties, or investment property   losses, combine all of your section 1231 gains
         Section 1231 gains and losses are the taxable   (such as notes and bonds). You must have   and losses for the year.
         gains  and  losses  from  section  1231  transac-  held the property longer than 1 year. How-  • If you have a net section 1231 loss, it is or-
         tions (discussed below). Their treatment as or-  ever, if your casualty or theft losses are   dinary loss.
         dinary or capital depends on whether you have   more than your casualty or theft gains, nei-  • If you have a net section 1231 gain, it is or-
         a  net  gain  or  a  net  loss  from  all  your  section   ther the gains nor the losses are taken into   dinary income up to the amount of your
         1231 transactions.                      account in the section 1231 computation.   nonrecaptured section 1231 losses from
         Page 26    Chapter 3  Ordinary or Capital Gain or Loss for Business Property
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