Page 125 - Selling Your Home User Guide
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         property was disposed of as a result of the fore-  The  36-month  test  for  separate  improve-  section 1250 property is treated as consisting of
         closure proceedings. The property qualifies for   ments.  A  separate  improvement  is  any  im-  two distinct properties.
         a  reduced  applicable  percentage  because  it   provement (qualifying under The 1-year test be-
         was held more than 100 full months. The appli-  low)  added  to  the  capital  account  of  the   Unadjusted basis.  In figuring the unadjus-
         cable percentage reduction is 30% (130 months   property,  but  only  if  the  total  of  the  improve-  ted basis as of a certain date, include the actual
         minus  100  months)  rather  than  50%  (150   ments  during  the  36-month  period  ending  on   cost of all previous additions to the capital ac-
         months minus 100 months) because it does not   the  last  day  of  any  tax  year  is  more  than  the   count plus those that did not qualify as separate
         apply after April 3, 2021, the starting date of the   greatest of the following amounts.  improvements.  However,  the  cost  of  compo-
         foreclosure proceedings. Therefore, 70% of the   1. 25% of the adjusted basis of the property   nents retired before that date is not included in
         additional depreciation is treated as ordinary in-  at the start of the first day of the 36-month   the unadjusted basis.
         come.                                   period, or the first day of the holding pe-  Holding  period.  Use  the  following  guidelines
            Holding  period.  The  holding  period  used   riod of the property, whichever is later.  for figuring the applicable percentage for prop-
         to  figure  the  applicable  percentage  for  low-in-  2. 10% of the unadjusted basis (adjusted ba-  erty with two or more elements.
         come housing generally starts on the day after   sis plus depreciation and amortization ad-  • The holding period of a separate element
         you  acquired  it.  For  example,  if  you  bought   justments) of the property at the start of   placed in service before the entire section
         low-income  housing  on  January  1,  2006,  the   the period determined in (1).  1250 property is finished starts on the first
         holding period starts on January 2, 2006. If you                            day of the month that the separate element
         sold it on January 2, 2022, the holding period is   3. $5,000.              is placed in service.
         exactly 192 full months. The applicable percent-                          • The holding period for each separate im-
                                                The 1-year test.  An addition to the capital
         age for additional depreciation is 8%, or 100%   account for any tax year (including a short tax   provement qualifying as a separate ele-
         minus 1% for each full month the property was                               ment starts on the day after the improve-
         held over 100 full months.          year)  is  treated  as  an  improvement  only  if  the   ment is acquired or, for improvements
                                             sum of all additions for the year is more than the   constructed, reconstructed, or erected, the
            Holding  period  for  constructed,  recon-  greater of $2,000 or 1% of the unadjusted basis   first day of the month that the improvement
         structed,  or  erected  property.  The  holding   of the property. The unadjusted basis is figured   is placed in service.
         period used to figure the applicable percentage   as of the start of that tax year or the holding pe-  • The holding period for each improvement
         for low-income housing you constructed, recon-  riod of the property, whichever is later. In apply-  not qualifying as a separate element takes
         structed, or erected starts on the first day of the   ing the 36-month test, improvements in any one   the holding period of the basic property.
         month it is placed in service in a trade or busi-  of the 3 years are omitted entirely if the total im-
         ness, in an activity for the production of income,   provements in that year do not qualify under the   If  an  improvement  by  itself  does  not  meet
         or in a personal activity.          1-year test.                        the 1-year test (greater of $2,000 or 1% of the
                                                                                 unadjusted basis), but it does qualify as a sepa-
            Property acquired by gift or received in   Example.  The unadjusted basis of a calen-  rate  improvement  that  is  a  separate  element
         a  tax-free  transfer.  For  low-income  housing   dar  year  taxpayer's  property  was  $300,000  on   (when grouped with other improvements made
         you acquired by gift or in a tax-free transfer the   January 1 of this year. During the year, the tax-  during  the  tax  year),  determine  the  start  of  its
         basis of which is figured by reference to the ba-  payer made improvements A, B, and C, which   holding period as follows. Use the first day of a
         sis  in  the  hands  of  the  transferor,  the  holding   cost $1,000, $600, and $700, respectively. The   calendar month that is closest to the middle of
         period  for  the  applicable  percentage  includes   sum of the improvements, $2,300, is less than   the  tax  year.  If  there  are  two  first  days  of  a
         the holding period of the transferor.  1% of the unadjusted basis ($3,000), so the im-  month that are equally close to the middle of the
            If the adjusted basis of the property in your   provements  do  not  satisfy  the  1-year  test  and   year, use the earlier date.
         hands just after acquiring it is more than its ad-  are  not  treated  as  improvements  for  the
         justed basis to the transferor just before trans-  36-month test. However, if improvement C had   Figuring  ordinary  income  attributable  to
         ferring it, the holding period of the difference is   cost  $1,500,  the  sum  of  these  improvements   each  separate  element.  Figure  ordinary  in-
         figured  as  if  it  were  a  separate  improvement.   would  have  been  $3,100.  Then,  it  would  be   come attributable to each separate element as
         See Low-Income Housing With Two or More El-  necessary to apply the 36-month test to figure if   follows.
         ements next.                        the improvements must be treated as separate   Step  1.  Divide  the  element's  additional  de-
                                             improvements.                       preciation after 1975 by the sum of all the ele-
         Low-Income Housing                     Addition to the capital account.  Any ad-  ments' additional depreciation after 1975 to de-
         With Two or More Elements           dition to the capital account made after the ini-  termine the percentage used in Step 2.
                                             tial acquisition or completion of the property by   Step  2.  Multiply  the  percentage  figured  in
         If you dispose of low-income housing property   you or any person who held the property during   Step 1 by the lesser of the additional deprecia-
         that has two or more separate elements, the ap-  a period included in your holding period is to be   tion after 1975 for the entire property or the gain
         plicable  percentage  used  to  figure  ordinary  in-  considered  when  figuring  the  total  amount  of   from  disposition  of  the  entire  property  (the  dif-
         come  because  of  additional  depreciation  may   separate improvements.  ference  between  the  fair  market  value  or
         be different for each element. The gain to be re-  The addition to the capital account of depre-  amount realized and the adjusted basis).
         ported as ordinary income is the sum of the or-  ciable real property is the gross addition not re-  Step  3.  Multiply  the  result  in  Step  2  by  the
         dinary income figured for each element.  duced  by  amounts  attributable  to  replaced   applicable percentage for the element.
                                             property. For example, if a roof with an adjusted
            The following are the types of separate ele-  basis of $20,000 is replaced by a new roof cost-  Example.  You  sold  at  a  gain  of  $25,000
         ments.                              ing $50,000, the improvement is the gross addi-  low-income housing property subject to the or-
           • A separate improvement (defined below).  tion to the account, $50,000, and not the net ad-  dinary income rules of section 1250. The prop-
           • The basic section 1250 property plus im-  dition  of  $30,000.  The  $20,000  adjusted  basis   erty  consisted  of  four  elements  (W,  X,  Y,  and
             provements not qualifying as separate im-  of the old roof is no longer reflected in the basis   Z).
             provements.                     of the property. The status of an addition to the   Step 1. The additional depreciation for each
           • The units placed in service at different   capital account is not affected by whether it is   element is: W—$12,000; X—None; Y—$6,000;
             times before all of the section 1250 prop-  treated  as  a  separate  property  for  determining   and  Z—$6,000.  The  sum  of  the  additional  de-
             erty is finished. For example, this happens   depreciation deductions.  preciation for all the elements is $24,000.
             when a taxpayer builds an apartment build-  Whether an expense is treated as an addi-  Step  2.  The  depreciation  deducted  on  ele-
             ing of 100 units and places 30 units in   tion to the capital account may depend on the fi-  ment  X  was  $4,000  less  than  it  would  have
             service (available for renting) on January   nal disposition of the entire property. If the ex-  been under the straight-line method. Additional
             4, 2019; 50 on July 18, 2019; and the re-  pense item property and the basic property are   depreciation  on  the  property  as  a  whole  is
             maining 20 on January 18, 2020. As a re-  sold  in  two  separate  transactions,  the  entire   $20,000  ($24,000  −  $4,000).  $20,000  is  lower
             sult, the apartment house consists of three                         than the $25,000 gain on the sale, so $20,000 is
             separate elements.                                                  used in Step 2.
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