Page 40 - Selling Your Home User Guide
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
         Identification requirement.  You must identify   value of $1,000,000, if the total fair market value   If, in accordance with an escrow agreement,
         the property to be received within 45 days after   of  the  furniture,  laundry  machines,  and  other   trust  agreement,  or  exchange  agreement,  an
         the  date  you  transfer  the  property  given  up  in   personal property does not exceed $150,000.  exchange  facilitator  holds  exchange  funds  for
         the exchange. This period of time is called the                         you  and  keeps  some  or  all  of  the  earnings  on
         identification period. Any property received dur-  Replacement  property  to  be  produced.   the exchange funds in accordance with the es-
         ing  the  identification  period  is  considered  to   Gain  or  loss  from  a  deferred  exchange  can   crow agreement, trust agreement, or exchange
         have been identified.               qualify  for  nonrecognition  even  if  the  replace-  agreement,  you  will  be  treated  as  if  you  had
            If  you  transfer  more  than  one  property  (as   ment  property  is  not  in  existence  or  is  being   loaned the exchange funds to the exchange fa-
         part of the same transaction) and the properties   produced at the time you identify it as replace-  cilitator. You must include in income any inter-
         are transferred on different dates, the identifica-  ment property. If you need to know the fair mar-  est  that  you  receive  and,  if  the  loan  is  a  be-
                                             ket value of the replacement property to identify
         tion  period  and  the  exchange  period  begin  on                     low-market  loan,  you  must  include  in  income
         the date of the earliest transfer.  it, estimate its fair market value as of the date   any imputed interest.
                                             you expect to receive it.              Exchange  funds  include  relinquished  prop-
            Identifying  replacement  property.  You                             erty,  cash,  or  cash  equivalent  that  secures  an
         must  identify  the  replacement  property  in  a   Receipt  requirement.  The  property  must  be   obligation  of  a  transferee  to  transfer  replace-
         signed  written  document  and  deliver  it  to  the   received by the earlier of the following dates.  ment  property,  or  proceeds  from  a  transfer  of
         person  obligated  to  transfer  the  replacement   • The 180th day after the date on which you   relinquished property, held in a qualified escrow
         property or any other person involved in the ex-  transfer the property given up in the ex-  account,  qualified  trust,  or  other  escrow  ac-
         change other than you or a disqualified person.   change.               count, trust, or fund in a deferred exchange.
         See  Disqualified  persons,  later.  You  must   • The due date, including extensions, for   An  exchange  facilitator  is  a  qualified  inter-
         clearly describe the replacement property in the   your tax return for the tax year in which the   mediary,  transferee,  escrow  holder,  trustee,  or
         written  document.  For  example,  use  the  legal   transfer of the property given up occurs.  other person that holds exchange funds for you
         description  or  street  address  for  real  property   This period of time is called the exchange pe-  in  a  deferred  exchange  under  the  terms  of  an
         and the make, model, and year for a car. In the   riod.  You  must  receive  substantially  the  same   escrow  agreement,  trust  agreement,  or  ex-
         same manner, you can cancel an identification   property that met the identification requirement,   change agreement.
         of replacement property at any time before the   discussed earlier.
         end of the identification period.                                          For more information relating to the current
                                                Replacement  property  produced  after
            Identifying  alternative  and  multiple   identification.  In  some  cases,  the  replace-  taxation of qualified escrow accounts, qualified
         properties.  You can identify more than one re-  ment  property  may  have  been  produced  after   trusts,  and  other  escrow  accounts,  trusts,  and
         placement property. However, regardless of the   you  identified  it  (as  described  earlier  in  Re-  funds  used  during  deferred  exchanges  of
         number of properties you give up, the maximum   placement  property  to  be  produced).  In  that   like-kind  property,  see  Treasury  Regulations
         number  of  replacement  properties  you  can   case, to determine whether the property you re-  sections  1.468B-6  and  1.7872-16.  If  the  ex-
         identify is:                        ceived was substantially the same property that   change  facilitator  is  a  qualified  intermediary,
           • Three properties regardless of their fair   met  the  identification  requirement,  do  not  take   see Safe Harbors Against Actual and Construc-
             market value; or                into account any variations due to usual produc-  tive Receipt in Deferred Exchanges, later.
           • Any number of properties whose total fair   tion changes. Substantial changes in the prop-
             market value at the end of the identification   erty to be produced, however, will disqualify it.  Disqualified persons.  A disqualified person is
             period is not more than double the total fair   If your replacement property is real property   a person who is any of the following.
             market value, on the date of transfer, of all   that had to be produced and it is not completed   1. Your agent at the time of the transaction.
             properties you give up.         by the date you receive it, it still may qualify as
            If, as of the end of the identification period,   substantially the same property you identified. It   2. A person who is related to you under the
         you have identified more properties than permit-  will  qualify  only  if,  had  it  been  completed  on   rules discussed in chapter 2 under Nonde-
                                                                                     ductible loss, substituting “10%” for “50%.”
         ted under this rule, the only property that will be   time, it would have been considered to be sub-
         considered identified is:           stantially the same property you identified. It is   3. A person who is related to a person who is
           • Any replacement property you received   considered to be substantially the same only to   your agent at the time of the transaction
             before the end of the identification period;   the  extent  it  is  considered  real  property  under   under the rules discussed in chapter 2 un-
             and                             local  law.  However,  any  additional  production   der Nondeductible Loss, substituting
           • Any replacement property identified before   on the replacement property after you receive it   “10%” for “50%.”
             the end of the identification period and re-  does  not  qualify  as  like-kind  property.  To  this
             ceived before the end of the exchange pe-  extent,  the  transaction  is  treated  as  a  taxable   For  purposes  of  (1)  above,  a  person  who
             riod, but only if the fair market value of the   exchange of property for services.  has acted as your employee, attorney, account-
             property is at least 95% of the total fair                          ant, investment banker or broker, or real estate
             market value of all identified replacement   Interest  income.  Generally,  in  a  deferred  ex-  agent or broker within the 2-year period ending
             properties. Fair market value is determined   change, if the amount of money or property you   on the date of the transfer of the first of the relin-
             on the earlier of the date you received the   are entitled to receive depends upon the length   quished properties is your agent at the time of
             property or the last day of the exchange   of time between when you transfer the property   the transaction. However, solely for purposes of
             period. See Receipt requirement, later.  given up and when you receive the replacement   whether  a  person  is  a  disqualified  person  as
                                                                                 your  agent,  the  following  services  for  you  are
            Disregard  incidental  property.  Do  not   property, you are treated as being entitled to re-  not taken into account.
                                             ceive interest or a growth factor. The interest or
         treat property incidental to a larger item of prop-  growth factor will be treated as interest, regard-  • Services with respect to exchanges of
         erty as separate from the larger item when you   less  of  whether  it  is  paid  in  like-kind  property,   property intended to qualify for nonrecog-
         identify  replacement  property.  Property  is  inci-  money, or unlike property. Include this interest   nition of gain or loss as like-kind ex-
         dental if it meets both of the following tests.  in your gross income according to your method   changes.
           • If, in a standard commercial transaction, it   of accounting.         • Routine financial, title insurance, escrow,
             is typically transferred with the larger item.  If you transferred property in a deferred ex-  or trust services by a financial institution, ti-
           • The total fair market value of all the inci-  change  and  an  exchange  facilitator  holds  ex-  tle insurance company, or escrow com-
             dental property is not more than 15% of the   change funds for you and pays you all the earn-  pany.
             total fair market value of the larger item of   ings  on  the  exchange  funds  according  to  an   The  rule  in  (3)  above  does  not  apply  to  a
             property.                       escrow  agreement,  trust  agreement,  or  ex-  bank or a bank affiliate if it would otherwise be a
            For  example,  furniture,  laundry  machines,   change agreement, you must take into account   disqualified  person  under  the  rule  in  (3)  solely
         and  other  miscellaneous  items  of  personal   all items of income, deduction, and credit attrib-  because it is a member of the same controlled
         property will not be treated as separate property   utable to the exchange funds.  group  (as  determined  under  section  267(f)  of
         from  an  apartment  building  with  a  fair  market                    the Internal Revenue Code, substituting “10%”

                                                                                       Chapter 1  Gain or Loss    Page 13
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