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         harbors against actual and constructive receipt   • The qualified indications of ownership of   ii. A person who is related to you or
         of money and unlike property discussed above,   property are transferred to an EAT.  your agent under the rules dis-
         the  agreement  must  provide  that  you  have  no                                cussed in chapter 2 under Non-
         rights  to  receive,  pledge,  borrow,  or  otherwise   Written  agreement.  Under  a  QEAA,  you  and   deductible Loss, substituting
         obtain the benefits of money or unlike property   the EAT must enter into a written agreement no   “10%” for “50%.”
         before  the  end  of  the  exchange  period.  How-  later than 5 business days after the qualified in-  3. The combined time period the relin-
         ever,  the  agreement  can  provide  you  with  the   dications  of  ownership  (discussed  later)  are   quished property and replacement prop-
         following limited sets of rights.   transferred  to  the  EAT.  The  agreement  must   erty are held in the QEAA cannot be lon-
           • If you have not identified replacement   provide all of the following.  ger than 180 days.
             property by the end of the identification pe-  • The EAT is holding the property for your
             riod, you can have rights to receive,   benefit in order to facilitate an exchange   Exchange   accommodation   titleholder
             pledge, borrow, or otherwise obtain the   under the like-kind exchange rules and   (EAT).  The EAT must meet all of the following
             benefits of the cash or cash equivalent af-  Revenue Procedure 2000-37, as modified   requirements.
             ter the end of the identification period.  by Revenue Procedure 2004-51.
           • If you have identified replacement prop-  • You and the EAT agree to report the ac-  • Hold qualified indications of ownership
                                                                                     (defined next) at all times from the date of
             erty, you can have rights to receive,   quisition, holding, and disposition of the   acquisition of the property until the prop-
             pledge, borrow, or otherwise obtain the   property on your federal income tax returns   erty is transferred (as described in (2), ear-
             benefits of the cash or cash equivalent   in a manner consistent with the agreement.  lier).
             when or after you receive all the replace-  • The EAT will be treated as the beneficial   • Be someone other than you or a disquali-
             ment property you are entitled to receive   owner of the property for all federal income   fied person (as defined in 2(b), earlier).
             under the exchange agreement.       tax purposes.                     • Be subject to federal income tax. If the
           • If you have identified replacement prop-  Property  can  be  treated  as  being  held  in  a   EAT is treated as a partnership or S corpo-
             erty, you can have rights to receive,   QEAA  even  if  the  accounting,  regulatory,  or   ration, more than 90% of its interests or
             pledge, borrow, or otherwise obtain the   state,  local,  or  foreign  tax  treatment  of  the  ar-  stock must be owned by partners or share-
             benefits of the cash or cash equivalent on   rangement between you and the EAT is differ-  holders who are subject to federal income
             the occurrence of a contingency that is re-  ent  from  the  treatment  required  by  the  written   tax.
             lated to the exchange, provided for in writ-  agreement, as discussed above.
             ing, and beyond your control or the control                            Qualified  indications  of  ownership.
             of any disqualified person other than the   Bona  fide  intent.  When  the  qualified  indi-  Qualified  indications  of  ownership  are  any  of
             person obligated to transfer the replace-  cations of ownership of the property are trans-  the following.
             ment property.                  ferred to the EAT, it must be your bona fide in-  • Legal title to the property.
                                             tent  that  the  property  held  by  the  EAT   • Other indications of ownership of the prop-
         Like-Kind Exchanges Using           represents either replacement property or relin-  erty that are treated as beneficial owner-
         Qualified Exchange                  quished  property  in  an  exchange  intended  to   ship of the property under principles of
         Accommodation Arrangements          qualify for nonrecognition of gain (in whole or in   commercial law (for example, a contract
                                                                                     for deed).
         (QEAAs)                             part) or loss under the like-kind exchange rules.  • Interests in an entity that is disregarded as
                                             Time  limits  for  identifying  and  transferring   an entity separate from its owner for fed-
         The  like-kind  exchange  rules  do  not  generally   property.  Under  a  QEAA,  the  following  time   eral income tax purposes (for example, a
         apply to an exchange in which you acquire re-  limits  for  identifying  and  transferring  the  prop-  single member limited liability company)
         placement  property  (new  property)  before  you   erty must be met.       and that holds either legal title to the prop-
         transfer  relinquished  property  (property  you                            erty or other indications of ownership.
         give  up).  However,  if  you  use  a  qualified  ex-  1. No later than 45 days after the transfer of
         change  accommodation  arrangement  (QEAA),   qualified indications of ownership of the   Other  permissible  arrangements.  Property
         the  transfer  may  qualify  as  a  like-kind  ex-  replacement property to the EAT, you   will  not  fail  to  be  treated  as  being  held  in  a
         change.  For  details,  see  Revenue  Procedure   must identify the relinquished property in a   QEAA as a result of certain legal or contractual
         2000-37,  2000-40  I.R.B.  308,  as  modified  by   manner consistent with the principles for   arrangements,  regardless  of  whether  the  ar-
         Revenue  Procedure  2004-51,  2004-33  I.R.B.   deferred exchanges. See Identification re-  rangements  contain  terms  that  typically  would
         294,  available  at  quirement, earlier, under Deferred Ex-  result from arm's-length bargaining between un-
         ar13.html.                              change.                         related  parties  for  those  arrangements.  For  a
                                               2. One of the following transfers must take   list of those arrangements, see Revenue Proce-
            Under a QEAA, either the replacement prop-  place no later than 180 days after the   dure 2000-37.
         erty  or  the  relinquished  property  is  transferred   transfer of qualified indications of owner-
         to  an  exchange  accommodation  titleholder   ship of the property to the EAT.  Partially Nontaxable Exchanges
         (EAT),  discussed  later,  who  is  treated  as  the   a. The replacement property is transfer-
         beneficial  owner  of  the  property.  However,  for   red to you (either directly or indirectly   If, in addition to like-kind property, you receive
         transfers  of  qualified  indications  of  ownership   through a qualified intermediary, de-  money  or  unlike  property  in  an  exchange  of
         (defined later), the replacement property held in   fined earlier under Qualified interme-  like-kind  property  on  which  you  realize  a  gain,
         a  QEAA  may  not  be  treated  as  property  re-  diary).              you may have a partially nontaxable exchange.
         ceived in an exchange if you previously owned                           If you realize a gain on the exchange, you must
         it  within  180  days  of  its  transfer  to  the  EAT.  If   b. The relinquished property is transfer-  recognize the gain you realize (see Amount rec-
         the property is held in a QEAA, the IRS will ac-  red to a person other than you or a   ognized, earlier) to the extent of the money and
         cept  the  qualification  of  property  as  either  re-  disqualified person. A disqualified   the fair market value of the unlike property you
         placement  property  or  relinquished  property   person is either of the following.  receive in the exchange. If you realize a loss on
         and  the  treatment  of  an  EAT  as  the  beneficial   i. Your agent at the time of the   the exchange, no loss is recognized. However,
         owner  of  the  property  for  federal  income  tax   transaction. This includes a per-  see Unlike property given up, later.
         purposes.                                     son who has been your em-
                                                                                    The recognized (taxable) gain on the dispo-
         Requirements for a QEAA.  Property is held in   ployee, attorney, accountant, in-  sition of the like-kind property you give up is the
                                                       vestment banker or broker, or
         a QEAA only if all of the following requirements                        smaller of two amounts. The first is the amount
         are met.                                      real estate agent or broker within   of gain realized. See Gain or Loss From Sales
                                                       the 2-year period before the
           • You have a written agreement.             transfer of the relinquished prop-  and Exchanges, earlier. The second is the limit
           • The time limits for identifying and transfer-  erty.                of recognized gain. To figure the limit on recog-
             ring the property are met.                                          nized  gain,  add  the  money  you  received  and
                                                                                       Chapter 1  Gain or Loss    Page 15
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