Page 50 - Selling Your Home User Guide
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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
            If an asset described in one of the classifica-  are amortized over 15 years. They include the   partners  or  shareholders)  can  make  the  elec-
         tions above can be included in more than one   following assets.        tion. But each partner or shareholder must pay
         class,  include  it  in  the  lower-numbered  class.   • Goodwill.      the tax on his or her share of gain.
         For  example,  if  an  asset  is  described  in  both   • Going concern value.  To make the election, you, as the transferor,
         Class II and Class IV, choose Class II.  • Workforce in place.          must  attach  a  statement  containing  certain  in-
                                               • Business books and records, operating   formation to your income tax return for the year
            Example.  The  total  paid  in  the  sale  of  the   systems, and other information bases.  of  the  transfer.  You  must  file  the  tax  return  by
         assets of Company SKB is $21,000. No cash or   • Patents, copyrights, formulas, processes,   the  due  date  (including  extensions).  You  must
         deposit accounts or similar accounts were sold.   designs, patterns, know how, formats, and   also notify the transferee of the election in writ-
         The  company's  U.S.  Government  securities   similar items.           ing by the due date of the return.
         sold had a fair market value of $3,200. The only   • Customer-based intangibles.  If you timely filed your return without making
         other asset transferred (other than goodwill and   • Supplier-based intangibles.  the election, you can make the election by filing
         going  concern  value)  was  inventory  with  a  fair   • Licenses, permits, and other rights granted   an  amended  return  within  6  months  after  the
         market  value  of  $15,000.  Of  the  $21,000  paid   by a governmental unit.  due  date  of  the  return  (excluding  extensions).
         for the assets of Company SKB, $3,200 is allo-  • Covenants not to compete entered into in   Attach the statement to the amended return and
         cated  to  U.S.  Government  securities,  $15,000   connection with the acquisition of a busi-  write “Filed pursuant to section 301.9100-2” at
         to  inventory  assets,  and  the  remaining  $2,800   ness.             the top of the statement. File the amended re-
         to goodwill and going concern value.  • Franchises, trademarks, and trade names.  turn at the same address the original return was
            Agreement.  The buyer and seller may en-  See chapter 8 of Pub. 535 for a description of   filed.
         ter into a written agreement as to the allocation   each intangible.       For more information about making the elec-
         of any consideration or the fair market value of                        tion,   see   Treasury   Regulations   section
         any of the assets. This agreement is binding on   Dispositions.  You  cannot  deduct  a  loss  from   1.197-2(h)(9).
         both  parties  unless  the  IRS  determines  the   the  disposition  or  worthlessness  of  a  section
         amounts are not appropriate.        197 intangible you acquired in the same trans-
                                             action (or series of related transactions) as an-  Patents
            Reporting  requirement.  Both  the  buyer   other  section  197  intangible  you  still  hold.  In-
         and  seller  involved  in  the  sale of  business as-  stead, you must increase the adjusted basis of   The transfer of a patent by an individual is trea-
         sets must report to the IRS the allocation of the   your retained section 197 intangible by the non-  ted  as  a  sale  or  exchange  of  a  capital  asset
         sales price among section 197 intangibles and   deductible loss. If you retain more than one sec-  held longer than 1 year. This applies even if the
         the other business assets. Use Form 8594, As-  tion  197  intangible,  increase  each  intangible's   payments  for  the  patent  are  made  periodically
         set Acquisition Statement Under Section 1060,  adjusted basis. Figure the increase by multiply-  during the transferee's use or are contingent on
         to provide this information. Generally, the buyer   ing the nondeductible loss by a fraction, the nu-  the  productivity,  use,  or  disposition  of  the  pat-
         and  seller  should  each  attach  Form  8594  to   merator  (top  number)  of  which  is  the  retained   ent. For information on the treatment of gain or
         their  federal  income  tax  return  for  the  year  in   intangible's  adjusted  basis  on  the  date  of  the   loss on the transfer of capital assets, see chap-
         which  the  sale  occurred.  See  the  Instructions   loss  and  the  denominator  (bottom  number)  of   ter 4.
         for Form 8594.                      which is the total adjusted basis of all retained
                                             intangibles on the date of the loss.   This treatment applies to your transfer of a
         Dispositions of                        In applying this rule, members of the same   patent if you meet all the following conditions.
         Intangible Property                 controlled group of corporations and commonly   • You are the holder of the patent.
                                                                                   • You transfer the patent other than by gift,
                                             controlled  businesses  are  treated  as  a  single
                                             entity.  For  example,  a  corporation  cannot  de-  inheritance, or devise.
         Intangible property is any personal property that   duct a loss on the sale of a section 197 intangi-  • You transfer all substantial rights to the
         has value but cannot be seen or touched. It in-  ble if, after the sale, a member of the same con-  patent or an undivided interest in all such
         cludes  such  items  as  patents,  copyrights,  and   trolled  group  retains  other  section  197   rights.
         the goodwill value of a business.   intangibles acquired in the same transaction as   • You do not transfer the patent to a related
            Gain or loss on the sale or exchange of am-  the intangible sold.        person.
         ortizable or depreciable intangible property held   Covenant not to compete.  A covenant not   Note.  For  dispositions  after  December  31,
         longer than 1 year (other than an amount recap-  to  compete  (or  similar  arrangement)  that  is  a   2017, certain patents are not treated as capital
         tured as ordinary income) is a section 1231 gain   section 197 intangible cannot be treated as dis-  assets.  See  Noncapital  Assets,  earlier.  Also,
         or loss. The treatment of section 1231 gain or   posed  of  or  worthless  before  you  have  dis-  see Patents and copyrights in chapter 3.
         loss and the recapture of amortization and de-  posed of your entire interest in the trade or busi-
         preciation as ordinary income are explained in   ness for which the covenant was entered into.   Holder.  You  are  the  holder  of  a  patent  if  you
         chapter 3. See chapter 8 of Pub. 535, Business   Members of the same controlled group of cor-  are either of the following.
         Expenses, for information on amortizable intan-  porations and commonly controlled businesses   • The individual whose effort created the
         gible property and chapter 1 of Pub. 946, How   are  treated  as  a  single  entity  in  determining   patent property and who qualifies as the
         To  Depreciate  Property,  for  information  on  in-  whether a member has disposed of its entire in-  original and first inventor.
         tangible property that can and cannot be depre-  terest in a trade or business.  • The individual who bought an interest in
         ciated. Gain or loss on dispositions of other in-                           the patent from the inventor before the in-
         tangible  property  is  ordinary  or  capital   Anti-churning  rules.  Anti-churning  rules   vention was tested and operated success-
         depending on whether the property is a capital   prevent a taxpayer from converting section 197   fully under operating conditions and who is
         asset or a noncapital asset.        intangibles  that  do  not  qualify  for  amortization   neither related to, nor the employer of, the
                                             into property that would qualify for amortization.   inventor.
            The  following  discussions  explain  special   However, these rules do not apply to part of the
         rules that apply to certain dispositions of intan-  basis  of  property  acquired  by  certain  related   All substantial rights.  All substantial rights to
         gible property.                     persons if the transferor elects to do both of the   patent  property  are  all  rights  that  have  value
                                             following.                          when  they  are  transferred.  A  security  interest
         Section 197 Intangibles               • Recognize gain on the transfer of the prop-  (such as a lien), or a reservation calling for for-
                                               • Pay income tax on the gain at the highest   feiture for nonperformance, is not treated as a
                                                                                 substantial right for these rules and may be kept
         Section  197  intangibles  are  certain  intangible   tax rate.
         assets  acquired  after  August  10,  1993  (after                      by you as the holder of the patent.
         July 25, 1991, if chosen), and held in connec-  If the transferor is a partnership or S corpo-
         tion with the conduct of a trade or business or   ration, the partnership or S corporation (not the
         an  activity  entered  into  for  profit  whose  costs
                                                                        Chapter 2  Ordinary or Capital Gain or Loss    Page 23
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