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         The type and rule above prints on all proofs including departmental reproduction proofs. MUST be removed before printing.
             previous years. The rest, if any, is   • Whether the adjusted basis was figured   d. Deduction for capital costs incurred in
             long-term capital gain.             using depreciation or amortization another   complying with Environmental Protec-
            Nonrecaptured  section  1231  losses.   person claimed.                     tion Agency sulfur regulations.
         Your  nonrecaptured  section  1231  losses  are   Corporate  distributions.  For  information  on   e. Deduction for certain qualified refinery
         your net section 1231 losses for the previous 5   property distributed by corporations, see Distri-  property if in effect before the repeal
         years that have not been applied against a net   butions to Shareholders in Pub. 542, Corpora-  by the Tax Increase Prevention Act of
         section 1231 gain. Therefore, if in any of your 5   tions.                     2014. (Repealed by P.L. 113-295,
         preceding tax years you had section 1231 los-                                  section 221(a)(34)(A), except with re-
         ses, a net gain for the current year from the sale   General asset accounts.  Different rules apply   gards to deductions made prior to De-
         of  section  1231  assets  is  ordinary  gain  to  the   to dispositions of property you depreciated us-  cember 19, 2014.)
         extent  of  your  prior  losses.  These  losses  are   ing a general asset account. For information on   f. Any applicable deduction for qualified
         applied against your net section 1231 gain be-  these rules, see Pub. 946.     energy efficient commercial building
         ginning  with  the  earliest  loss  in  the  5-year  pe-                       property. See section 179D of the In-
         riod.                               Special  rules  for  certain  qualified  section   ternal Revenue Code.
                                             179  real  property.    If  you  sold  or  otherwise
            Example.  In  2022,  You  have a $2,000  net   disposed of qualified real property for which you   g. Amortization of railroad grading and
         section  1231  gain.  To  figure  how  much  you   elected under section 179 of the Internal Reve-  tunnel bores, if in effect before the re-
         have  to  report  as  ordinary  income  and   nue Code to treat the cost of such property as   peal by the Revenue Reconciliation
         long-term capital gain, you must first determine   an expense, special rules apply. This includes   Act of 1990. (Repealed by Public Law
         your  section  1231  gains  and  losses  from  the   special  rules  for  determining  gain  or  loss  and   99-514, Tax Reform Act of 1986, sec-
         previous  5-year  period.  From  2017  through   determining if the basis of the property is trea-  tion 242(a).)
         2021, you had the following section 1231 gains   ted as section 1245 or section 1250 property.  h. Certain expenditures for childcare fa-
         and losses.                                                                    cilities if in effect before repeal by the
                                             Section 1245 Property                      Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
          Year                    Amount                                                1990, Public Law 101-508, section
          2017                      -0-                                                 11801(a)(13) (except with regards to
          2018                      -0-      A gain on the disposition of section 1245 prop-  deductions made prior to November
          2019                    ($2,500)   erty is treated as ordinary income to the extent   5, 1990).
          2020                      -0-      of  depreciation  allowed  or  allowable  on  the
          2021                     $1,800    property.  See  Gain  Treated  as  Ordinary  In-  i. Expenditures to remove architectural
            You use this information to figure how to re-  come, later.                 and transportation barriers to the
                                                                                        handicapped and elderly.
         port your section 1231 gain for 2022 as shown   Any  gain  recognized  that  is  more  than  the
         below.                              part that is ordinary income from depreciation is   j. Deduction for qualified tertiary injec-
                                             a section 1231 gain. See Treatment as ordinary   tant expenses.
          1) Net section 1231 gain (2022) .  .  .  .  .  $2,000  or  capital  under  Section  1231  Gains  and  Los-  k. Certain reforestation expenditures.
          2) Net section 1231 loss           ses, earlier.                             l. Deduction for election to expense
            (2019) .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ($2,500)             qualified advanced mine safety equip-
          3) Net section 1231 gain           Section  1245  property  defined.  Section   ment property.
            (2021) .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  1,800  1245  property  includes  any  property  that  is  or
          4) Remaining net section           has been subject to an allowance for deprecia-  m. Any deduction for qualified film, televi-
            1231 loss from                   tion or amortization and that is any of the follow-  sion, or live theatrical productions al-
            prior 5 years .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  ($700)  ing types of property.  lowed under section 181 of the Inter-
          5) Gain treated as                   1. Personal property (either tangible or intan-  nal Revenue Code.
            ordinary income .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $700  gible).  4. Single purpose agricultural (livestock) or
          6) Gain treated as long-term                                               horticultural structures.
            capital gain .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  $1,300  2. Other tangible property (except buildings
                                                 and their structural components, dis-  5. Storage facilities (except buildings and
                                                 cussed later) used as any of the following.  their structural components) used in dis-
         Depreciation Recapture                   a. An integral part of manufacturing, pro-  tributing petroleum or any primary product
                                                                                     of petroleum.
                                                    duction, or extraction, or of furnishing
         If  you  dispose  of  depreciable  or  amortizable   transportation, communications, elec-  6. Any railroad grading or tunnel bore.
         property at a gain, you may have to treat all or   tricity, gas, water, or sewage disposal   Buildings  and  structural  components.
         part of the gain (even if otherwise nontaxable)   services.             Section  1245  property  does  not  include  build-
         as ordinary income.                      b. A research facility in any of the activi-  ings  and  structural  components.  The  term
               To figure any gain that must be repor-  ties in (a).              “building”  includes  a  house,  barn,  warehouse,
               ted as ordinary income, you must keep   c. A facility in any of the activities in (a)   or garage. The term “structural component” in-
               permanent records of the facts neces-                             cludes walls, floors, windows, doors, central air
          RECORDS                                   for the bulk storage of fungible com-
         sary  to  figure  the  depreciation  or  amortization   modities (discussed later).  conditioning systems, light fixtures, etc.
         allowed or allowable on your property. This in-                            Do  not  treat  a  structure  that  is  essentially
         cludes the date and manner of acquisition, cost   3. Where applicable, that part of real prop-  machinery or equipment as a building or struc-
         or other basis, depreciation or amortization, and   erty (not included in (2)) with an adjusted   tural component. Also, do not treat a structure
         all other adjustments that affect basis.  basis reduced by (but not limited to) the   that houses property used as an integral part of
                                                 following.                      an activity as a building or structural component
         On  property  you  acquired  in  a  nontaxable  ex-  a. Amortization of certified pollution con-  if the structure's use is so closely related to the
         change or as a gift, your records must also indi-  trol facilities.     property's use that the structure can be expec-
         cate the following information.                                         ted to be replaced when the property it initially
                                                  b. The section 179 expense deduction.  houses is replaced.
           • Whether the adjusted basis was figured                                 The  fact  that  the  structure  is  specially  de-
             using depreciation or amortization you   c. Deduction for qualified clean-fuel ve-  signed  to  withstand  the  stress  and  other  de-
             claimed on other property.             hicles and certain refueling property   mands of the property and cannot be used eco-
                                                    (as in effect before repeal by Public   nomically  for  other  purposes  indicates  it  is
                                                    Law 113-295).                closely  related  to  the  use  of  the  property  it

                                                       Chapter 3  Ordinary or Capital Gain or Loss for Business Property    Page 27
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