Page 102 - Inflation-Reduction-Act-Guidebook
P. 102

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               Improving Pollution Monitoring and Tracking

               Monitoring for pollution is critical for protecting communities from dangerous health impacts. It
               supports enforcement of environmental laws and helps communities to understand how they are
               affected by pollution, pinpoint a localized pollution source, and document the severity of a
               problem. The Inflation Reduction Act includes several programs to help communities and state,
               local, and Tribal air agencies add new pollution monitors, including at the fenceline of industrial
               facilities. In addition, the law gives the White House Council on Environmental Quality new
               resources to enhance the availability of national level data sets that can help characterize the
               disproportionate impacts of pollution, climate change, and other socioeconomic burdens on
               communities; provide a pathway to quantify and address the cumulative burdens on
               communities; and identify ways to improve outcomes for communities with environmental
               justice concerns. Funding for air pollution monitoring will advance the President’s Justice40

                Programs Covered in This Chapter

                Agency                          IRA     Program Name                               Amount
                                                        Funding to Address Air Pollution: Fenceline
                Environmental Protection Agency   60105(a)                                       $117,500,000
                                                        Air Monitoring
                                                        Funding to Address Air Pollution:
                Environmental Protection Agency   60105(b)   Multipollutant Monitoring            $50,000,000
                                                        Funding to Address Air Pollution: Air Quality
                Environmental Protection Agency   60105(c)  Sensors in Low-Income and Disadvantaged   $3,000,000
                                                        Funding to Address Air Pollution: Methane
                Environmental Protection Agency   60105(e)                                        $20,000,000
                Council on Environmental Quality   60401   Environmental and Climate Data Improvement   $32,500,000
                                                        Funding for Enforcement Technology and
                Environmental Protection Agency   60110                                           $25,000,000
                                                        Public Information
                Environmental Protection Agency   60111   Greenhouse Gas Corporate Reporting       $5,000,000

                                    B U IL D IN G   A   C L E A N   E N E R G Y   E C O N O MY             97
                                   G U ID E B O O K   |   J AN UARY   20 2 3   |   VE RS I O N   2
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