Page 176 - Inflation-Reduction-Act-Guidebook
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                                                  Drought Mitigation

               Federal Agency: Department of the Interior
               Bureau or Office: Bureau of Reclamation

               IRA Statutory Location: 50233

               Program Description: To complete short-term bridging actions and longer-term durable actions
               to protect the Colorado River and the 40 million people it serves as well as other basins
               experiencing a comparable level of long-term drought, such as the Sacramento-San Joaquin,
               Klamath, and Rio Grande Basins.

               Funding Amount: $4,000,000,000

               Period of Availability: To remain available through September 30, 2026.

               Funding Mechanism: Grants, Contracts, or Financial Assistance Agreements

               New or Existing Program: Existing

               Eligible Recipients: Public Entities and Indian Tribes

               Tribal Eligibility: Yes

               Eligible Uses: To provide funding for projects ensuring that (1) conserved water will benefit
               basins experiencing long-term drought and (2) the conserved water is not diverted for
               consumptive use for a period of time or in perpetuity based on certain criteria.

               Cost Share Requirements: None required, but subject to determination by the Commissioner.

               Formula Funding: No

      Assistance Listing: 15.514

               Related Announcements:   Inflation Reduction Act Funds Landmark Agreements to
                                            Accelerate Salton Sea Restoration (11/28/2022)
                                            Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Steps for Drought
                                            Mitigation Funding from Inflation Reduction Act (10/12/2022)

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