Page 180 - Inflation-Reduction-Act-Guidebook
P. 180

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                    Tribal Climate Resilience: Fish Hatchery Operations and Maintenance

               Federal Agency: Department of the Interior
               Bureau or Office: Bureau of Indian Affairs

               IRA Statutory Location: 80001(b)

               Program Description: To extend the life of 88 Tribal hatcheries across the nation and to support
               hatchery rearing and stocking programs.

               Funding Amount: $10,000,000

               Period of Availability: To remain available until September 30, 2031

               Funding Mechanism: Direct Federal Spending, Grants, Contracts, or Financial Assistance

               New or Existing Program: Existing

               Eligible Recipients: Direct Federal Spending and Tribes

               Tribal Eligibility: Yes

               Eligible Uses: Fish hatchery maintenance and operations.

               Cost Share Requirements: 0%

               Formula Funding: No

      Assistance Listing: 15.156

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