Page 9 - TaxAdviser_2022
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Although the federal requirement to
                                                                             provide leave benefits under the Emer-
                                                                             gency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA)
                                                                             and the Emergency Family and Medical
                                                                             Leave Expansion Act (EFMLEA) did
                                                                             not apply after Dec. 31, 2020, subse-
                                                                             quent coronavirus-related legislation
                                                                             extended the tax credits, first through
                                                                             March 31, 2021, and later through Sept.
                                                                             30, 2021, for paid leave that would have
                                                                             satisfied the EPSLA and EFMLEA
                                                                             Reporting instructions for
                                                                             boxes 1, 3, and 5
                                                                             According to Notice 2021-53, FFCRA
                                                                             qualified leave wages must be reported
                                                                             in box 1, “Wages, Tips, Other Com-
                                                                             pensation,” of Form W-2. To the extent
                                                                             that qualified leave wages are Social
                                           sick leave equivalent or qualified family   Security wages or Medicare covered
         Employee Benefits                 leave equivalent credits to which the   wages, they must also be included in box
         & Pensions                        employee may be entitled with respect to   3, “Social Security Wages,” (up to the

                                           any self-employment income.       Social Security wage base) and box 5,
         Qualified COVID-19 paid             Only employers that claim tax credits   “Medicare Wages and Tips,” respectively.
         leave benefits: Reporting on      under these provisions are required to   To the extent qualified leave wages are
         Form W-2                          separately report qualified sick leave   compensation subject to the Railroad

         In Notice 2021-53, the IRS explained   wages and qualified family leave wages   Retirement Tax Act (RRTA), they must
         how employers must report to their   to their employees. Similarly, govern-  also be included in box 14 under the ap-
         employees qualified sick leave or fam-  mental employers that are prohibited   propriate RRTA reporting label(s).
         ily leave wages paid in 2021. Under   from claiming credits for qualified leave
         the guidance, employers are required   wages are not required to separately   Reporting instructions for box 14
         to report these wages either in box 14,   report any qualified sick leave or family   or separate statement
         “Other,” of Form W-2, Wage and Tax   leave wages paid to their employees.  In addition to the regular reporting
         Statement, or in a separate statement.                              requirements described above, affected
           The IRS imposed this additional   Background                      employers must report the following
         Form W-2 reporting requirement so   The Families First Coronavirus Re-  information to employees in box 14 of
         that employees who also have self-  sponse Act (FFCRA), P.L. 116-127, as   Form W-2 or in a separate statement:
         employment income can properly claim   amended, generally required covered   ■   The total amount of qualified
         their qualified sick or family leave equiv-  employers to provide their employees   sick leave wages paid for reasons
         alent credits. Self-employed individuals   with emergency paid sick leave and   described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3)
         can claim credits for equivalent amounts   expanded family and medical leave for   of Section 5102(a) of the EPSLA
         if they would have received qualified   specified reasons related to COVID-19   with respect to leave provided to
         leave wages had they been treated as   beginning April 1, 2020, through Dec.   employees during the period begin-
         an employee of an employer, but they   31, 2020. At the same time, the act   ning on Jan. 1, 2021, through March
     PHOTO BY BAKIBG/ISTOCK  equivalent amount by some or all of any   refundable tax credits to cover the cost   employers must use the following, or
                                                                               31, 2021. In labeling this amount,
         may have to reduce their qualified leave
                                           provided eligible employers with fully
         qualified leave wages they received from
                                           of these benefits (see U.S. Depart-
                                                                               similar language: “sick leave wages
                                           ment of Labor fact sheet, available at
                                                                               subject to the $511 per day limit paid
         an employer. In other words, qualified
                                                                               for leave taken after Dec. 31, 2020,
                                 ; and IRS FAQs,
         leave wages received from an employer
                                           available at
         may limit the amount of the qualified
                                                                               and before April 1, 2021.”                                                                 January 2022  7
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