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other guidance as are necessary or ap-  expands this statutory rule, whereby the
         Corporations & Shareholders       propriate to carry out, and to prevent   excise tax can apply where the U.S. af-
                                           the avoidance of, the purposes of this   filiate does not acquire, but is treated as
         New stock repurchase              section, including regulations and other   funding the acquisition of, stock of the
         excise tax                        guidance (1) to prevent the abuse of the   publicly traded foreign corporation, and
         The Inflation Reduction Act, P.L.   exceptions provided by Sec. 4501(e); (2)   the principal purpose of such funding
         117-169, was signed into law on Aug.   to address special classes of stock and   is to avoid the excise tax (including a
         16, 2022. The act included a new Sec.   preferred stock; and (3) for the applica-  “per se rule,” where a principal purpose
         4501 that imposes an excise tax on   tion of the rules with respect to foreign   is deemed to exist if stock acquisitions
         certain repurchases of stock by publicly   corporations under Sec. 4501(d).  occur within two years of certain fund-
         traded corporations.                                                ings). In addition, except as described
           In general, and before considering   Notice 2023-2                here, compensation-related aspects of
         exceptions, the amount of the excise tax   On Dec. 27, 2022, Treasury and the   the excise tax are beyond the scope of
         is equal to 1% of (1) the aggregate fair   IRS released Notice 2023-2, which   this item.
         market value (FMV) of stock repur-  announced that they intend to issue
         chased by a corporation, over (2) the   proposed regulations with respect to the   Corporations subject to
         aggregate FMV of stock issued by the   excise tax. The notice provides interim   the excise tax
         corporation, in each case, during the tax   guidance that Treasury and the Ser-  The excise tax applies to a “covered cor-
         year. The excise tax applies to repurchas-  vice generally intend to include in the   poration” that repurchases its stock (Sec.
         es of stock by corporations beginning   proposed regulations, including several   4501(a)). A covered corporation means
         after Dec. 31, 2022. The excise tax is not   examples that illustrate the applica-  any domestic corporation the stock
         deductible for purposes of computing   tion of the rules set forth in the notice.   of which is traded on an “established
         U.S. federal income tax (Sec. 275(a)(6)).   Treasury and the IRS anticipate that   securities market” within the meaning of
           The Inflation Reduction Act did   the proposed regulations will be consis-  Sec. 7704(b)(1) (Sec. 4501(b)). Notice
         not include any legislative history that   tent with the guidance provided in the   2023-2 defines the term “established
         describes the underlying policy for the   notice. In addition, until the issuance of   securities market” by reference to
         excise tax. Based on prior draft legisla-  the proposed regulations, taxpayers are   Regs. Sec. 1.7704-1(b), which includes,
         tion proposing an identical excise tax,   permitted to rely on the operating rules   among other things, (1) a national
         the apparent policy is to disincentivize   set forth in Section 3 of the notice. The   securities exchange that is registered
         publicly traded corporations from using   proposed regulations are anticipated to   under the Securities Exchange Act of
         available cash to repurchase stock (in-  apply to repurchases of stock made after   1934 (e.g., NYSE and NASDAQ);
         cluding any savings resulting from the   Dec. 31, 2022, and to issuances of stock   and (2) an interdealer quotation system
         lowering of the U.S. federal corporate   made during a tax year ending after Dec.   that regularly disseminates firm buy or
         income tax rate to 21%), which may   31, 2022.                      sell quotations by identified brokers or
         increase earnings per share and benefit   Contrary to the apparent underlying   dealers by electronic means or otherwise
         corporate executives who have stock-  policy for the excise tax described above,   (which could include over-the-counter
         based compensation as well as other   the notice contains rules that result in a   (OTC) markets).
         shareholders (see, e.g., Press Release   broad application of the excise tax. The   Although covered corporation status
         for Proposed Stock Buyback Account-  notice requests comments, including on   requires a corporation’s class of stock
         ability Act (Sept. 10, 2021); President   aspects of the excise tax not discussed in   to be traded on an established securi-
         Biden Announces the Build Back Better   the notice. Thus, the proposed regula-  ties market, the notice provides that
         Framework (Oct. 28, 2021) (“[I]ncludes   tions could have additional rules or   “stock” means any instrument issued by
         a 1% surcharge on corporate stock buy-  rules different from those set forth in   a corporation that is treated as stock for
         backs, which corporate executives too   the notice.                 U.S. federal income tax purposes. Thus,
         often use to enrich themselves rather   Although the application of the ex-  repurchases of nontraded classes of stock
         than investing [in] workers and growing   cise tax to foreign corporations is beyond  of a covered corporation would be taken
         their businesses”)).              the scope of this item, Sec. 4501(d) gen-  into account for purposes of the excise
                                           erally provides that the excise tax applies   tax (see the notice, Section 3.09, Ex-
         Regulatory authority              to acquisitions of stock of a publicly   ample 1, where the excise tax applies to
         Sec. 4501(f) provides that the IRS will   traded foreign corporation by certain   a redemption by a covered corporation
         prescribe such Treasury regulations and   U.S. affiliates. The notice significantly   of mandatorily redeemable preferred

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