Page 123 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 123

As is the case with respect to stock repurchases, the notice
            provides that stock generally will be treated as issued or provided
            by the covered corporation when ownership of the stock transfers
                                 for US federal income tax purposes.

         (A) (including by reason of Sec. 368(a)  a controlled corporation by a distribut-  consideration actually paid for the stock.
         (2)(D), (E), or (C), or Sec. 368(a)(1)  ing corporation that qualify under Sec.   Where the repurchased stock is traded
         (D) (but the latter only if the condi-  355 but are not a split-off (e.g., pro rata   on an established securities market, the
         tions in Sec. 354(b)(1) are met) (which   spin-offs — see the notice, Section 3.09,   covered corporation is required to apply
         are treated as repurchases by the target   Examples 13 and 14).     one of the four following “acceptable
         corporation of its stock from the target                            methods” for determining the market
         corporation shareholders in exchange for   Timing and FMV           price for the date the stock is repur-
         the reorganization consideration); (2)   Pursuant to Notice 2023-3, stock gener-  chased: (1) the daily volume-weighted
         “recapitalizations” under Sec. 368(a)(1)  ally is treated as repurchased when its   average price; (2) the closing price; (3)
         (E); (3) “F reorganizations” under Sec.   ownership transfers for U.S. federal   the average of the high and low prices;
         368(a)(1)(F); (4) distributions qualifying   income tax purposes to the covered   or (4) the trading price. If the date of
         under Sec. 355 (whether or not part of a   corporation or the relevant specified af-  repurchase is not a trading day, then
         reorganization under Sec. 368(a)(1)(D))   filiate. See, for example, the notice, Sec-  the covered corporation must apply the
         in which shareholders of the distributing   tion 3.09, Example 15 — an accelerated   selected method to the immediately
         corporation exchange distributing cor-  share repurchase agreement between a   preceding trading day. Covered corpora-
         poration stock for stock in a controlled   covered corporation and an investment   tions are required to consistently use
         corporation (including money and other   bank involved two repurchases, (1) one   a selected method for all repurchases
         property) (i.e., “split-offs”); and (5) a   repurchase where, upon entering into   during the tax year (but apparently may
         liquidation to which both Sec. 332 and   the agreement, the investment bank   chose a different method for another tax
         Sec. 331 apply (in general, a liquidation   borrowed covered corporation shares on   year).
         with an 80%-plus corporate shareholder   the open market and delivered the shares   If the repurchased stock is not traded
         and minority shareholders).       to the covered corporation in exchange   on an established securities market, the
           As discussed below with respect to   for a cash payment; and (2) a second   market price is required to be deter-
         the statutory exclusion relating to Sec.   repurchase where, upon final settlement   mined under the principles of Regs. Sec.
         368(a) reorganizations, the broad defini-  of the agreement, the investment bank   1.409A-1(b)(5)(iv)(B)(1). The provision
         tion of  “repurchase” pursuant to the   delivered additional covered corporation   generally provides that the FMV of
         foregoing economically similar transac-  stock to the covered corporation.   stock may be determined using a reason-
         tions is mitigated to some extent by   The timing for a transfer of owner-  able application of a reasonable valua-
         effectively allowing covered corporations   ship for U.S. federal income tax purposes   tion method.
         to offset repurchases where the consid-  may not be clear, as in the case of open-
         eration received by covered corporation   market purchases where the trade and   Statutory exceptions
         shareholders is property that can qualify   settlement dates may occur several days   As indicated above, the stock repurchase
         for nonrecognition treatment.     apart. For economically similar transac-  excise tax base is first reduced by the
           The following is a nonexclusive list   tions, stock is treated as repurchased   amount of any repurchases that qualify
         of transactions that are not economically   when the shareholders of the covered   for one of several statutory exceptions.
         similar transactions under the notice: (1)   corporation exchange their covered   One statutory exception relates to
         complete liquidations where only Sec.   corporation stock (e.g., for an acquisitive   repurchases relating to Sec. 368(a) reor-
         332 or only Sec. 331 applies (see the   reorganization, the effective date of a   ganizations (Sec. 4501(e)(1)). Under this
         notice, Section 3.09, Example 16 — in   merger).                    exception, stock is not treated as repur-
         addition, where Sec. 331 applies, with   In addition, under the notice, the   chased to the extent that the repurchase
         respect to any distributions that occur   FMV of the repurchased stock is the   is part of a Sec. 368(a) reorganization
         in the liquidating corporation’s final tax   “market price” of the stock on the date   and no gain or loss is recognized on the
         year); and (2) distributions of stock of   of the repurchase, regardless of the   repurchase by the shareholder by reason

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