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Martin concluded that “[t]he right to   from performance of the research rather   designs, builds, and delivers software
         use the research results, even without   than substantial rights in the research.   technology solutions, claimed that it was
         the exclusive right, is a substantial   Ultimately, the court concluded that   entitled to summary judgment because
         right,” clarifying that a contractor is not   Dynetics had the burden to show that it   (1) each of its sample projects satisfied
         required to retain all rights to retain   had substantial rights in the research and  the risk standard; (2) the substantial-
         substantial rights.               its arguments were not persuasive.   rights standard is procedurally invalid
           The court observed that the cost-  Another contract with a university   under the Administrative Procedure Act
         recovery recoupment provisions only   involved research for patentable and   (APA) and substantively invalid under
         applied when Lockheed Martin in-  nonpatentable technology. The govern-  an analysis consistent with that in Chev-
         tended to sell products or sell or license   ment argued that Dynetics did not   ron USA Inc. v. Natural Resource Defense
         technology developed specifically for   have substantial rights in the research   Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984); and
         the government to other parties. The   due to language in the contract, stating   (3) even if it were valid, each of the ap-
         court ruled that these provisions did   that all the rights of the work belonged   proximately 24 sample projects analyzed
         not restrict Lockheed Martin’s right to   to the university. Dynetics conceded   satisfied the substantial-rights standard.
         manufacture the specific products, simi-  that it may not have substantial rights   Perficient contended that the risk
         lar products, related technology, or the   in all of its work for the university but   standard was satisfied for the sample
         right to unrestricted use of the results   argued that it had substantial rights in   projects because each client paid for a
         of the research in its own business, such   the nonpatentable technology. The court   product rather than for Perficient to
         that Lockheed Martin retained the right   disagreed, citing broad language in the   undertake research. In support of its
         to use its research without paying for   contract that vested “other intellectual   claim, Perficient asserted that certain
         that right.                       property rights” in the university.   provisions in the contracts — requir-
           The substantial-rights standard was   A more recent case, Populous Hold-  ing the client to review and inspect the
         also litigated in Dynetics, Inc., 121 Fed.   ings, Inc., No. 405-17 (Tax Ct. 1/16/20)   deliverables, allowing the client to test
         Cl. 492 (2015). Dynetics, an engineer-  (stipulated decision entered), addressed   the deliverables for functionality, and
         ing firm, filed amended tax returns   the substantial-rights standard and   allowing the client to accept or reject
         for three tax periods seeking a refund   payment for future use of the research.   the deliverables — demonstrated that
         resulting from research credits related to   Populous Holdings, an architectural   Perficient was delivering a solution to
         work performed on more than 100 con-  design service, entered into multiple   a client’s technical issue and not to un-
         tracts, of which seven sample contracts   contracts for design work. In each of   dertake research. Perficient did not chal-
         were reviewed                     the contracts, the client retained owner-  lenge the validity of the risk standard in
           Aspects of the terms evaluated in   ship of the documents and any models   its motion.
         certain of these sample contracts are   produced. Populous was free to use any   The IRS disputed Perficient’s char-
         relevant to the Perficient and Grigsby   design details that were repetitive but   acterization of its project agreements as
         cases. For example, one required the   was restricted from using project-specific  product contracts and contended that
         attachment of a DD Form 254, Depart-  design details. The contracts did not   22 of the sample projects constituted
         ment of Defense Contract Security Clas-  require Populous to pay its clients for   funded research. The IRS argued that
         sification Specification, which dictates   use of the research. Citing Lockheed   the master agreements governing Per-
         the security level and characteristics of a   Martin, the court determined on sum-  ficient’s project contracts required more
         specific research project. Security provi-  mary judgment that Populous retained   than just end products. In reference to
         sions in the Form 254 placed a variety of   substantial rights in the research because   another sample project where payment
         limitations on the use of the intelligence   no provisions within the contracts pro-  depended solely on the passage of a
         information contained in the results of   hibited Populous from using the related   specified amount of time, the IRS dis-
         the research. Dynetics asserted that it   research technology in its business and   tinguished Perficient’s facts from those
         retained the right to use the results of   the agreements did not require Populous   in Fairchild where Fairchild did not have
         the research, in part because of the skills   to pay its clients to use the research in   a right to retain advance payments until
         and advancements it developed while   future projects.              after client acceptance. The IRS main-
         working on the contract. Citing Regs.                               tained that a taxpayer’s right to payment
         Sec. 1.41-4A(d)(2), the court stipulated   Perficient and validity of the   cannot only depend on the passage of a
         that it was not clear how the skills and   substantial-rights standard  specified time but must also depend on
         advancements Dynetics developed were   In the Perficient case, Perficient Inc.,   a post-inspection approval and accep-
         anything other than incidental benefits   a technology services company that   tance process. Further citing two of the

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