Page 131 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 131

Taxpayers engaging in capital     As demonstrated in these ex-   form of supporting documentation for
         transactions frequently issue debt   amples, the choice of approach in this   an allocation, but that the determination
         concurrently with the capital transac-  area can have substantive consequenc-  of whether the documentation require-
         tion. Investment bankers may assist the   es to a taxpayer’s taxable income.  ment is met is based on all the supporting
         taxpayer in negotiating and obtaining                              documentation provided by the taxpayer.
         this financing and may be compensated   Traditional allocation of    Examples of evidence used to substantiate
         for these services with the success-based   success-based fees     an allocation may include retainer agree-
         fee contingent on the capital transaction   The Rev. Proc. 2011-29 safe harbor is   ments, invoices, lists of potential buyers,
         rather than any separately stated fee.   an optional election. At least in theory,   transaction timelines, presentations, meet-
         Under Regs. Sec. 1.263(a)-5(c)(1), an   taxpayers are free to pursue their own   ing agendas, taxpayer records, the files of
         amount paid to facilitate a borrowing   allocation of success-based fees if they   the attorneys, and board meeting minutes.
         facilitates only the borrowing and is not   can meet the Regs. Sec. 1.263(a)-5(f)   In CCA 201830011, the taxpayer
         treated as facilitating any related trans-  documentation requirement discussed   treated 92% of a success-based fee as
         actions. If some piece of a success-based   above. However, taxpayers have no way   nonfacilitative and 8% as facilitative. The
         fee relates to services performed in in-  to be certain that they have assembled   taxpayer’s documentation for this treat-
         vestigating or otherwise pursuing a bor-  sufficient documentation to satisfy the   ment consisted of (1) an allocation letter
         rowing rather than a covered transaction,   IRS’s apparently exacting standards,   from the investment banker estimating
         then the Rev. Proc. 2011-29 safe harbor   and the consequences of failing to   the amount of time it spent on various
         arguably does not apply to that portion   meet the documentation requirement   activities relating to the transaction and
         of the fee. There is no clear guidance   can be severe.            (2) a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation
         on whether it is necessary to allocate   The regulations do not mandate   that the investment banker presented to
         a success-based fee between a covered   that certain types of records be includ-  the taxpayer’s board and that contained
         transaction and a borrowing and, if such   ed, but they do state that the docu-  basic information regarding the taxpayer
         an allocation is necessary, the methodol-  mentation must consist of supporting   and explored possible acquisition strate-
         ogy that should be used.          records (e.g., time records, itemized   gies. The IRS concluded that the taxpayer
           The lack of guidance in this area is   invoices, or other records) that identify   failed to meet the documentation require-
         meaningful because there are several   (1) the activities performed by the   ment and was required to treat 100% of
         conceivable approaches that may or   service provider; (2) the amount of   the success-based fee as an amount that
         may not be supportable. To illustrate   the fee (or percentage of time) that is   facilitated the transaction. In so conclud-
         some potential approaches by example,   allocable to each of the various activi-  ing, the IRS stated that the investment
         consider a $1 million success-based fee,   ties performed; (3) where the date the
         of which 10% is appropriately treated as   activity was performed is relevant to
         facilitating a borrowing:         understanding whether the activity
         1.  The taxpayer could treat all of the   facilitated the transaction, the amount
           success-based fee as eligible for the   of the fee (or percentage of time) that
           safe harbor (i.e., $700,000 as nonfa-  is allocable to the performance of that
           cilitative, $300,000 as facilitative, and   activity before and after the relevant
           $0 as related to the borrowing).  date; and (4) the name, business ad-
         2.  The taxpayer could first allocate a   dress, and business telephone number
           portion of the fee to the borrowing   of the service provider.
           and apply the safe harbor to the   and 200953014, the IRS stated that
                                             In Letter Rulings 200830009
     PHOTO BY EUGENESERGEEV/GETTY IMAGES  3.  The taxpayer could first apply the   necessary to support an allocation.
           remaining fee (i.e., $630,000 as
                                           detailed time records are not always
           nonfacilitative, $270,000 as facilita-
           tive, and $100,000 as related to the
                                           In Technical Advice Memorandum
                                           (TAM) 201002036, the IRS advised
           safe harbor and allocate the debt por-
                                           that allocation spreadsheets com-
           tion from the nonfacilitative amount
                                           pleted by service providers allocating
                                           their time between facilitative and
           (i.e., $600,000 as nonfacilitative,
                                           nonfacilitative activities are generally
           $300,000 as facilitative, and $100,000
           as related to the borrowing).             “other records” that are an acceptable              March 2023  17
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