Page 136 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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           Foreign taxes paid by partner-  partnerships; however, it does not pro-  the regular U.S. federal income tax
         ships: The statute’s language suggests   vide any guidance on this issue.  system and the alternative minimum
         that corporate AMT FTCs are available   Transition/carryforward issues:   tax in place prior to the enactment of
         only for foreign taxes paid by the cor-  There are also many questions related to   the TCJA. Key issues related to the
         porate taxpayer and its CFCs. Although   the corporate AMT FTC upon transi-  corporate AMT FTC are unsettled
         nothing in the language of the corporate   tion to the corporate AMT rules, as   and could have a significant effect on
         AMT statute addresses the creditability   well as questions on the carryforward of   a taxpayer’s corporate AMT liability.
         of foreign taxes paid by a partnership in   credits under the corporate AMT FTC.   Taxpayers will need guidance on how to
         which the corporate taxpayer is a direct   First, as mentioned, excess corporate   appropriately account for the corporate
         or indirect partner, Sec. 56A(c)(2)(D)(i)   AMT FTCs attributable to CFCs may   AMT regime.
         is clear that a corporate taxpayer that   be carried forward for five years. Sec.   The author thanks Chris Trump, Reed
         is a partner in a partnership takes into   59(l) is silent on the amount of corpo-  Kirschling, Chad Hungerford, Ryan
         account in AFSI the corporate partner’s   rate AMT FTC carryforward from the   Bowen, and John Franco for their guid-
         distributive share of the partnership’s   preceding five years before the effective   ance and input on this item.
         AFSI. Thus, corporate partners bear the   date of the corporate AMT (i.e., 2023)   From Lauren Richards, CPA, MT,
         economic burden associated with their   or from the five years before a taxpayer   Denver
         distributive share of the partnership’s   first becomes an applicable corporation.
         AFSI for purposes of computing the   Sec. 56A(d) provides a transition rule for
         corporate AMT liability, as well as their   financial statement NOLs for tax years   Practice & Procedures
         share of foreign taxes paid by the part-  ending after Dec. 31, 2019. Similarly,
         nership. However, as the law is drafted,   transition relief was provided for the im-  More than three dozen IRS
         it is unclear whether the corporate part-  plementation of the branch basket in Sec.  letter rulings allow late QOF
         ners would receive a proportionate share   904 as part of the law known as the Tax   self-certifications
         of such taxes for purposes of computing   Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), P.L. 115-97,   Since 2018, taxpayers have been eligible
         the corporate AMT FTC.            under Regs. Sec. 1.904-2(j)(1)(iii).  for tax deferral and reduction benefits
           For example, consider Example 2,   Second, Sec. 59(l) is silent on   by reinvesting capital gain from a sale or
         but instead assume FB1 is a partnership.   whether the carryforward amount ex-  exchange with an unrelated person into
         As the law is currently drafted, US1   ists even if a taxpayer does not pay the   self-certified investment vehicles known
         would take into account its distributive   corporate AMT in a particular year.   as qualified opportunity funds (QOFs)
         share of FB1’s net income in computing   In other words, if a taxpayer has excess   that must reinvest at least 90% of their
         its corporate AMT liability; however,   FTCs under this rule but ultimately   assets into business property or busi-
         it is unclear whether the taxes paid by   pays regular tax, does the taxpayer have   nesses located in a qualified opportunity
         FB1 would be eligible for the corporate   an excess carryforward account on an   zone (QOZ). Early in the program, the
         AMT FTC.                          “as if paid” basis?               IRS and Treasury determined that any
           Sec. 59(l)(3) provides that the IRS   Lastly, there does not seem to be a   eligible entity (defined as a partnership
         shall provide for such regulations or   rule to determine the ordering where   or corporation for federal tax purposes,
         other guidance as necessary to carry out   there are current taxes and carryforward   organized under a state, District of
         the purpose of Sec. 59(l). Further, Sec.   taxes (i.e., Sec. 59(l)(2) provides that   Columbia, or U.S. possession statute)
         56A(c)(15)(A) provides that the IRS   excess taxes increase the amount of   could elect to be treated as a QOF by
         shall issue regulations or other guidance   taxes in Sec. 59(l)(1)(A)(i) in any of   filing with the IRS a self-certification
         to provide for such adjustments to AFSI  the first five succeeding tax years, but it   form attached to a timely filed federal
         as the IRS determines are necessary   does not provide an ordering). Order-  income tax return. Self-certification
         to carry out the purposes of Sec. 56A,   ing rules could be significant in terms   forms for QOFs can thus be filed by
         including adjustments to prevent the   of a taxpayer’s ability to utilize corpo-  a domestic partnership or corporation
         omission or duplication of any item.   rate AMT FTC carryforwards.  (including, for this purpose, certain enti-
         Notice 2023-7 provides guidance on                                  ties organized under the laws of a U.S.
         certain issues under the corporate AMT   Taxpayers will need guidance   possession) with a tax return filed by the
         regarding Subchapter K of Chapter 1   As mentioned, the corporate AMT   statutory due date or, in the case of an
         of the Internal Revenue Code and the   applies to tax years beginning after   entity that timely requests a return filing
         determination of applicable corporation   Dec. 31, 2022. The corporate AMT   extension, by the extended due date for
         status in circumstances involving certain   represents a significant departure from   the tax return.

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