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an applicable corporation unless, as a
         result of an ownership change or a con-  Taxpayers and practitioners have been
         sistent reduction in AFSI below a yet-
         to-be-determined applicable threshold,   eagerly awaiting guidance on myriad open
         the IRS determines that it would not   questions with respect to the corporate AMT.
         be appropriate to continue to treat such
         corporation as an applicable corpora-
         tion. Very generally, for purposes of de-  Rules for calculating AFSI   liquidations and reorganizations; and
         termining whether a corporation is an   Sec. 56A defines “adjusted financial   (3) appropriately address transactions
         applicable corporation, Notice 2023-7   statement income” of a corporation   related to partnership contributions
         provides rules for certain corporate   (taxpayer) as the taxpayer’s net income   and distributions.
         acquisitions and dispositions.    or loss reported in the taxpayer’s ap-  Taxpayers and practitioners have
           When applying the AFSI test, AFSI   plicable financial statement (as defined   been eagerly awaiting guidance on
         of persons treated as a single employer   in Sec. 451(b)(3)), with adjustments for   myriad open questions with respect to
         with such corporation under Sec. 52(a)   certain items. If a taxpayer’s financial   the corporate AMT. The next section
         or (b) is treated as AFSI of such cor-  results are reported on the applicable   of this item provides an overview of the
         poration. For a corporation that is a   financial statement for a group of enti-  corporate AMT FTC and examines
         member of a foreign-parented multina-  ties, the act treats that consolidated   some unanswered questions about it as
         tional group, the AFSI test is applied by  financial statement as the taxpayer’s   of this writing.
         aggregating the AFSI for all members   applicable financial statement. Special
         of the foreign-parented multinational   rules apply for cooperatives, Alaska   The corporate AMT FTC
         group in which the applicable corpora-  Native corporations, and mortgage ser-  Tentative minimum tax may be reduced
         tion is a member. For purposes of this   vicing companies. Sec. 56A(c) provides   by a corporate AMT FTC if the ap-
         rule, the term “foreign-parented multi-  a number of specific adjustments in   plicable corporation chooses to claim
         national group” means, with respect to   arriving at AFSI to essentially (1) align   an FTC for the tax year. The corporate
         any tax year, two or more entities if:   the members of the financial statement   AMT FTC is the sum of:
         1.  At least one entity is a domestic   group with the members of the tax fil-  1.  Foreign income taxes (within the
           corporation (or a foreign corporation  ing group and (2) to account for various   meaning of Sec. 901) paid or ac-
           engaged in a U.S. trade or business);  tax items.                   crued by an applicable corporation;
         2.  Such entities are included in the   One such adjustment is to take   and
           same applicable financial statement   into account certain items of foreign   2.  The lesser of:
           with respect to such year; and   income. Sec. 56A(c)(3) provides that,   a.  The amount of foreign income
         3.  The common parent is a foreign   in the case of a corporation that is a   taxes (within the meaning of Sec.
           corporation or, if there is no com-  U.S. shareholder of a controlled foreign   901) taken into account on the
           mon parent, the entities are treated   corporation (CFC), AFSI includes   applicable financial statement of
           as having a common parent that is   the corporation’s pro rata share of the   each CFC and paid or accrued by
           a foreign corporation under regula-  AFSI of such CFC (the CFC AFSI    the CFC for U.S. federal income
           tions prescribed by the IRS.    adjustment). For this purpose, the AFSI   tax purposes, or
           Additionally, a domestic corpora-  of CFCs is aggregated globally, and a   b.  The applicable corporation’s pro
         tion (or foreign corporation with a U.S.   loss by one CFC may offset income   rata share of the CFC AFSI ad-
         trade or business) that is a member   of another CFC. However, net overall   justment multiplied by 15%.
         of the foreign-parented multinational   losses of CFCs may not reduce AFSI of   Thus, foreign income taxes paid or
         group must meet an additional $100   a U.S. corporation but may be carried   accrued by CFCs are subject to a limi-
         million threshold by looking solely   forward and used to offset the global   tation equal to the applicable corpora-
         to its U.S.-related income. Thus, the   CFC AFSI in future years.   tion’s CFC AFSI adjustment multiplied
         foreign-parented multinational group   In addition to the adjustments ex-  by 15%, while foreign income taxes
         must meet the AFSI test, and the   pressly provided in Sec. 56A, the IRS   paid or accrued directly by a domestic
         domestic corporation (or foreign cor-  is also granted regulatory authority to   corporation, such as withholding taxes
         poration with a U.S. trade or business)   provide adjustments to (1) prevent the   or the taxes paid on income of a foreign
         must meet the separate $100 mil-  omission or duplication of any item;   activity conducted directly by the cor-
         lion threshold.                   (2) appropriately address corporate   poration, are not subject to a limitation.

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