Page 135 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 135

Unanswered questions                Timing differences: As mentioned,   income taxes relating to nonconforming
           Foreign taxes “taken into ac-   the second prong of the two-prong test   foreign tax years and how that impacts
         count”: As mentioned, Sec. 59(l) pro-  requires that the foreign income taxes   FTCs in the corporate AMT, includ-
         vides that, for purposes of the corporate   are “paid or accrued (for federal income   ing rules for utilization of FTCs in the
         AMT FTC, foreign income taxes must   tax purposes)” by the relevant corpora-  first year.
         be “taken into account” on the relevant   tion. However, it is unclear whether,   Foreign tax redeterminations: A
         applicable financial statement and   to be eligible for the corporate AMT   foreign tax redetermination under Sec.
         “paid or accrued (for federal income tax   FTC, foreign income taxes must accrue   905(c) may change the amount of a cor-
         purposes)” by the relevant corporation.   in the same tax year of the applicable   porate AMT FTC previously claimed
         Thus, foreign income taxes are eligible   corporation for financial statement and   and an applicable corporation’s tentative
         for the corporate AMT FTC only if a   tax return purposes. Thus, it is unclear   minimum tax for the tax year in which
         two-prong test is met.            how differences in foreign tax, U.S. tax,   the corporate AMT FTC was claimed.
           As currently drafted, it is unclear   and U.S. financial statement year ends   A foreign tax redetermination gen-
         what “taken into account” on the   may affect such qualification. In many   erally occurs if there is a change in a
         relevant applicable financial statements   circumstances, the timing of the accrual   taxpayer’s foreign tax liability that affects
         means for purposes of the corporate   of foreign income taxes will differ for   a taxpayer’s previously claimed FTC.
         AMT FTC. For example, does this   financial statement and U.S. federal   For example, assume a taxpayer claims
         refer to the current tax expense on the   income tax purposes. Further, in certain   an FTC in year 1 based on foreign
         financial statements, or the total tax   countries (e.g., India), some companies   taxes paid or accrued in year 1. In year
         expense on the financial statements   are required to have a fiscal year end for   3, the taxpayer is audited by the foreign
         (that includes both current tax and   local tax purposes that differs from the   country, and the taxpayer’s original tax
         deferred tax expense/benefit)? Sec.   U.S. tax year required under Sec. 898.   liability for year 1 is adjusted. Such a
         56A(c)(5) — the rule that provides that   These timing differences could cre-  redetermination impacts the amount of
         AFSI shall be adjusted to disregard   ate particular issues in the very first year   FTC claimed in year 1.
         federal income taxes, or income, war   of corporate AMT applicability. For   Sec. 905(c) specifies three main types
         profits, or excess profit taxes (within   example, assume an applicable corpora-  of foreign tax changes that result in a
         the meaning of Sec. 901) with respect   tion has a financial statement and U.S.   foreign tax redetermination: (1) if for-
         to a foreign country or possession of   federal income tax year end of Dec. 31   eign income taxes paid or later adjusted
         the United States that are taken into   and a foreign income tax year end of   differ from amounts accrued by the
         account on the taxpayer’s applicable   June 30. The corporate AMT provisions   taxpayer and claimed as an FTC; (2)
         financial statements — provides that   are first effective for the U.S. tax year   if accrued foreign income taxes are not
         “[t]he Secretary shall prescribe such   ended Dec. 31, 2023. For purposes of   paid within two years after the close of
         regulations or other guidance as may   the corporate AMT FTC, the foreign   the tax year to which the taxes relate; or
         be necessary and appropriate to provide   income taxes paid for the period July 1,   (3) if there is a refund of foreign income
         for the proper treatment of current   2022, to June 30, 2023, are taken into   taxes previously paid. Sec. 905(c) and the
         and deferred taxes for purposes of this   account (at the end of such tax year and   regulations thereunder provide specific
         paragraph, including the time at which   in the first effective corporate AMT   rules as to when and how any adjust-
         such taxes are properly taken into   year), as these taxes have been both (1)   ments to a taxpayer’s foreign income
         account.”                         accrued for financial statement purposes   tax liability are taken into account for
           Further, some income items are   and (2) accrued for U.S. federal income   purposes of the FTC.
         reported on the applicable financial   tax purposes as of June 30, 2023. How-  It is unclear how foreign tax redeter-
         statements as a single, net-of-tax item,   ever, the income subject to the corporate   minations will be taken into account for
         and foreign taxes may be reported net   AMT provisions would be Jan. 1, 2023,   purposes of the corporate AMT FTC.
         of an FTC benefit in the effective tax   through Dec. 31, 2023.     The foreign income taxes might not be
         rate rather than reported separately as a   Notably, during the legislative pro-  taken into account on the applicable
         gross income item and a corresponding   cess, Finance Committee Chairman   financial statement of the relevant cor-
         tax expense. As drafted, it is unclear   Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., clarified in a   poration in the year to which the foreign
         whether taxes that are reported on a net   colloquy (168 Cong. Rec. 4166 (2022))   income taxes relate (i.e., they might be
         rather than gross basis are considered   with Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., that   taken into account on the applicable
         “taken into account” for purposes of the   Treasury will have regulatory authority   financial statement in the tax year in
         corporate AMT FTC.                to address potential issues with foreign   which the redetermination occurs).

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