Page 137 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 137

QOF self-certification election. On Oct.
           Despite a relatively simple self-certification                    7, 2022, the IRS released one more letter
                                                                             ruling — arguably, its broadest yet on
               requirement, the QOZ program is fairly                        the topic of late elections by an eligible
              complex, and many taxpayers and their                          entity to become a QOF — involving a
          representatives have filed tax returns without                     partnership representative and a member
                                                                             of the QOF, neither of whom had any
                 the requisite self-certification form.                      educational or professional background
                                                                             that focused on taxation and who failed
                                                                             to make the QOF self-certification elec-
           Despite this relatively simple self-  taxpayer (1) uses hindsight in requesting   tion because the taxpayer was unaware
         certification requirement, the QOZ   relief; (2) chose not to make the elec-  of the necessity for the election.
         program is fairly complex, and many   tion despite being fully informed in all   Then, in three further rulings re-
         taxpayers and their representatives have   material respects of the required election   leased on Oct. 28, Nov. 11, and Nov. 18,
         filed tax returns without the requisite   and related tax consequences; or (3) is   2022, the IRS excused various failures by
         self-certification form. When an eligible   seeking to alter a return position for   taxpayers’ professional tax preparers and
         entity seeking to qualify as a QOF   which an accuracy-related penalty has   advisers to properly assist the eligible
         for a particular year fails to timely file   been or could be imposed at the time the  entities to self-certify as QOFs in their
         Form 8996, Qualified Opportunity Fund,   taxpayer requests relief.    initial tax years. There are now at least
         with its timely filed federal income tax   Nevertheless, in a growing number   39 letter rulings released since May 2020
         return (including extensions) for that   of IRS letter rulings addressing a wide   that have permitted late self-certification
         year, the only option for that entity to   variety of situations, the IRS has shown   elections by eligible entities seeking to
         become a self-certified QOF is to make   a willingness to work with taxpayers   be classified as QOFs in various circum-
         an IRS letter ruling request for relief   to allow late elections by eligible enti-  stances, reflecting the complex nature of
         under Regs. Secs. 301.9100-1 through   ties under Regs. Secs. 301.9100-1 and   the QOZ tax program and the federal
         301.9100-3. Those provisions establish   301.9100-3 to (1) make a timely election  government’s willingness to excuse these
         the standard that the IRS will use to   under Regs. Sec. 1.1400Z2(a)-1(a)(2) to   foot faults.
         determine whether to grant an entity   be certified as a QOF, as defined in    Letter Ruling 202239001 (released
         an extension of time to make a regula-  Sec. 1400Z-2(d); and (2) for the tax-  Sept. 30, 2022) concerned an eligible en-
         tory election, including to self-certify as   payers to be treated as a QOF, effective   tity organized as a domestic, multimem-
         a QOF.                            as of the month in which the entities   ber limited liability company (LLC)
           Regs. Sec. 301.9100-3(a) provides   received qualifying equity investments   whose managing member hired an
         that requests for extensions of time   from taxpayers intended to benefit from   attorney to consult on matters relating
         for regulatory elections (other than   favorable income tax treatment under   to the formation of the taxpayer and the
         automatic extensions) will be granted   Secs. 1400Z-2(a) through (c).     requirements for the taxpayer to become
         when the taxpayer provides evidence   In six recent IRS letter rulings   a self-certified QOF. However, the law-
         (including affidavits from the taxpayer   involving tax partnerships that each   yer did not advise the entity’s managing
         and the taxpayer’s tax preparers and/or   intended to be treated as QOFs for   member as to the timing for filing the
         advisers) to establish that the taxpayer   purposes of Sec. 1400Z-2(d)(1) during   required Form 1065, U.S. Return of Part-
         acted reasonably and in good faith and   the month in which they received a tax-  nership Income, with which Form 8996 is
         the grant of relief will not prejudice the   deferred investment from an eligible tax-  filed, and assumed that the entity’s man-
         government’s interests. While a taxpayer   payer, the partnerships failed to timely   ager was consulting with a tax preparer
         is deemed to have acted reasonably and   file Form 8996 with a timely federal   on that matter. The lawyer provided a
         in good faith if, among other reasons,   income tax return due to a lawyer’s, an   signed affidavit to the IRS asserting the
         the taxpayer requests relief before the   accountant’s, or a partnership represen-  entity’s managing member was not expe-
         IRS discovers the failure to make the   tative’s error, resulting in their technical   rienced with Form 8996 and that, given
         regulatory election, or failed to make the   failure to self-certify as QOFs. On Sept.   the complexity of the QOF regulations,
         election because, after exercising reason-  30, 2022, the IRS released two letter rul-  the scope of the lawyer’s discussion with
         able diligence, the taxpayer was unaware   ings, each involving taxpayers that relied   the entity’s managing member could
         of the necessity for the election, the   on qualified tax professionals to properly   have included a discussion of the timing
         taxpayer will not be granted relief if the   make or advise the taxpayers to make the  of the filing of the taxpayer’s Form 1065

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