Page 142 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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         To be valid, a protective refund claim must actually be contingent on a
          future event — a taxpayer cannot file a protective refund claim merely
                    to reserve its right to make a refund claim in the future.

         The taxpayer filed a protective refund   is resolved, and the taxpayer owes an   issue on which the taxpayer may request

         claim saying he would furnish the “exact   additional $3 million in foreign taxes.   competent authority assistance (id.,
         data” relating to his refund claim after his   The corporation cannot amend its   §11.03(1)). Like all refund claims, the
         books were audited and the extent of the   2018 return to take a credit for those   protective refund claim must satisfy the
         bookkeeper’s misconduct discovered. The   additional foreign taxes, unless it had   requirements of Sec. 6402 and Regs. Sec.
         court held that the informal claim, later   filed a protective claim.   301.6402-3; i.e., it must “(a) fully advise
         perfected, was sufficient to toll the refund                        the IRS of the grounds on which the
         statute of limitation.              Accordingly, taxpayers involved in   credit or refund is claimed, (b) contain
           In the other case, the taxpayer filed   foreign tax audits should consider filing   sufficient facts to apprise the IRS of the
         a protective refund suit stating that she   protective refund claims with the IRS   exact basis of the claim, (c) describe and
         believed her deceased husband had paid   with respect to the potential future pay-  identify the contingencies affecting the
         a tax in 1948 that was also paid by his   ment of foreign taxes for the year at issue.   claim, (d) state the year for which the
         estate in 1954 (Caswell, 190 F. Supp.   (See also an Office of Chief Counsel   claim is being made, (e) be verified by
         591 (N.D. Cal. 1960)). In the refund   memo, Legal Advice Issued by Field At-  written declaration made under penal-
         claim, the taxpayer said she was filing a   torneys (LAFA) 20125202F, concluding   ties of perjury, and (f) be filed before the
         protective claim to allow more time to   that a taxpayer filed a valid protective   expiration of the applicable period of
         look for proof of payment. Again, the   claim pending the resolution of a foreign   limitation to which the claim relates” (id.,
         court held the protective refund claim to   tax dispute on the withholding taxes of   §11.02(3)).
         be sufficient.                    constructive dividends.)
           Foreign tax credit redetermina-   If the taxpayer is working with the   Analyze the facts
         tions: One common reason for protec-  U.S. competent authority to resolve the   and circumstances
         tive refund claims involves the foreign   foreign tax dispute through the mutual   Taxpayers with contingent refund claims
         tax credit. Under Sec. 901(a), taxpayers   agreement procedures (MAP), the IRS   should consider filing protective refund
         are allowed a credit for foreign taxes paid.   instructs taxpayers to file protective   claims before the refund statute of limita-
         However, taxpayers can claim foreign   refund claims: “A taxpayer may make a   tion expires. Although protective claims
         tax credits only within 10 years of the   protective claim to protect its right to a   do not require a dollar amount or imme-
         due date for filing the return for the year   potential credit or refund in the event   diate demand for refund, they should still
         in which the tax was paid or accrued   that a competent authority resolution is   comply with the regulatory requirements
         (Sec. 6511(d)(3)(A)). It is critical that   reached and to retain its rights of access   for refund claims (e.g., the specificity re-
         taxpayers note that this period runs from   to any alternative remedies available out-  quirement). In addition, taxpayers should
         the unextended due date of the return for   side of the competent authority process   amend their protective refund claims as
         the year to which the taxes relate (Regs.   under the Code or regulations” (Rev.   soon as practical after the contingency
         Sec. 301.6511(d)-3(a)). So, although 10   Proc. 2015-40, §11.02(1)). The revenue   is resolved.
         years may seem like a long time to claim   procedure states that, generally, taxpayers   From Matt Cooper, J.D.; Howard
         a refund, it may in fact be relatively short,   should file the protective claim when they   Berman, J.D.; and Teresa Abney, J.D.,
         considering how long foreign audits may   have “reason to believe that an action of   Washington, D.C.  ■
         take to resolve.                  a tax authority has resulted or is likely to
                                           result in a competent authority issue” (id.,   Editor
           Example: In 2022, a foreign tax   §11.02(2)).
           authority audits a corporation’s 2018   To file the protective refund claim, the   Alexander J. Brosseau, J.D., CPA,
           taxes. The audit concludes in 2025,   taxpayer can either include the claim with   is a senior manager in the Tax Policy
           but the corporation disputes the   the MAP request or file a letter stating   Group of Deloitte Tax LLP’s Washington
           audit and litigates the issue in the   that the claim is being made pursuant   National Tax office.
           foreign courts. In 2030, the litigation   to Rev. Proc. 2015-40 in relation to an

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