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to make indexing adjustments to cal-  make an election under Sec. 59(e) to   expenditures would have been included
         culate the premium tax credit for 2023.   deduct ratably over a 10-year period Sec.   in its Sec. 59(e) elections to allow it to
         The required contribution percentage   174 research or experimental (R&E)   use available production tax credits. The
         (now 9.12%) is updated by this rev-  expenditures. In one letter ruling,12 the   IRS issued a favorable ruling, permitting
         enue procedure, effective for plan years   taxpayer inadvertently failed to attach   the taxpayer to revoke its original Sec.
         beginning in calendar 2023. Rev. Proc.   a Sec. 59(e) election statement to its   59(e) elections and granting an exten-
         2014-37 is supplemented.          timely electronically filed income tax   sion of time to make new elections.
           Advance premium tax credits:    return, which was prepared as though
         In Sek,9 married taxpayers and their   the election statement had been prop-  Sec. 61: Gross income
         children were covered by COBRA10   erly attached.                   defined
         after the husband left his employment.   In three other letter rulings,13 the   Paycheck Protection Program
         When their COBRA coverage ended   taxpayers intended to make an election   — loan forgiveness: The IRS issued

         in August 2016, they purchased medical   under Sec. 59(e) to deduct ratably over a   much-anticipated guidance15 on the
         insurance through the New York state   10-year period their R&E expenditures,   timing of tax-exempt income arising
         health exchange for the remainder of   but the statement required to make the   from the forgiveness of Paycheck Pro-
         the year. The taxpayers claimed a Sec. 35   election was not timely filed with the   tection Program (PPP) loans. The Ser-
         health coverage tax credit (HCTC) on   income tax return. In all cases, the IRS   vice advised that taxpayers may exclude
         their return for 2016. They also claimed   ruled favorably and granted a 120-day   expenses, paid or incurred, from gross
         a premium tax credit for all of 2016 on   extension to make the election, not-  income at the time the PPP loan for-
         an amended return. The taxpayers stipu-  ing that the taxpayers acted reasonably   giveness application is filed or when the
         lated before trial in the Tax Court that   and in good faith and that granting   PPP forgiveness is granted. The guid-
         they were ineligible for the HCTC. The   relief would not prejudice the govern-  ance is effective for any tax year in which
         court, however, allowed a premium tax   ment’s interests.           the taxpayer paid or incurred expenses,
         credit for months in 2016 after August,   Revocation of original Sec.   PPP forgiveness was applied for, or PPP
         when they were enrolled in insurance   59(e) election and extension to   loan forgiveness was granted.
         through the exchange.             make new elections: In another let-  Treatment of improperly for-
           In another premium tax credit case,   ter ruling,14 the IRS was asked to rule   given PPP loans: The PPP loans
         the taxpayers deducted a capital loss   on whether to (1) permit the taxpayer to   made available under the Coronavirus
         exceeding $123,000 on their tax return,   revoke its original Sec. 59(e) elections to   Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
         received an advance premium tax credit,   capitalize and amortize intangible drill-  (CARES) Act of 202016 provided $800
         and claimed a premium tax credit for the   ing and development expenditures and   billion in relief to qualifying taxpayers
         year.11 In Tax Court, they unsuccessfully   mining exploration expenditures for the   during the COVID-19 pandemic. If
         disputed the IRS’s denial of a current   tax year, and (2) grant an extension of   taxpayers satisfied specific forgiveness
         loss in excess of $3,000. As a result, the   time for the taxpayer to make new elec-  criteria, as outlined in 15 U.S.C. Sec-
         court held, the taxpayers’ recalculated   tions under Sec. 59(e) to capitalize and   tions 636m and 636(a)(37)(J), then the
         income exceeded eligibility limits for any   amortize the expenditures.   PPP loan would be forgiven in whole or
         advance premium tax credit or premium   At issue was the fact that, after fil-  in part. The size of the PPP loan deter-
         tax credit.                       ing its income tax return, the taxpayer   mined the support necessary for lenders
                                           discovered that it had failed to include   to forgive the loan. In some instances,
         Sec. 59(e): Optional              certain expenditures in its timely filed   the taxpayer may only be required to
         10-year write-off of certain      elections due to a rare natural event   make representations on the forgive-
         tax preferences                   that damaged one of its facilities and   ness application. Loans qualifying for
           Extension to make an election   prevented the taxpayer from identify-  forgiveness are treated as exempt from
         under Sec. 59(e): In several letter   ing all expenditures eligible for the Sec.   gross income.
         rulings, the IRS was asked to rule on   59(e) election. The taxpayer asserted   IRS Chief Counsel Advice (CCA)
         requests for a 120-day extension to   that, but for the natural event, all eligible   202237010, released Sept. 16, 2022,

          9.  Sek, T.C. Memo. 2022-87.                      12.  IRS Letter Ruling 202206011.
         10.  Health care continuation coverage purchased through a former employer,   13.  IRS Letter Rulings 202209008, 202233009, and 202237009.
            as established by the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act   14.  IRS Letter Ruling 202224006.
            of 1985, P.L. 99-272.                           15.  Rev. Proc. 2021-48.
         11.  Powell, T.C. Summ. 2022-19.                   16.  Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, P.L. 116-136.

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