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                                           doctrine of substantial compliance ap-  including a proportionate value of post-
          An acknowledgment                plies to a failure to meet a regulatory re-  donation improvements.
                                                                               During the pre–rule-making public
                                           quirement, not a statutory requirement.
          is contemporaneous               Thus, taxpayers must strictly follow the   notice period, some comments on the
             if the charitable             documentation requirements set out by   proposed regulations had disagreed with
         organization provides             Congress in the statute to qualify for the   this approach. In Hewitt, the Eleventh
                                           charitable contribution deduction.
                                                                             Circuit ruled that the IRS failed to
             it within 30 days                                               respond to “significant comments” con-
           of the contribution.            Sec. 170(h): Qualified            cerning the extinguishment proceeds
                                           conservation contribution
                                                                             calculation, violating the APA’s proce-
                                           Owners of real property sometimes   dural requirements.39 The court thus
                                           agree to limit the use of their property   found the regulation’s allocation method
         is contemporaneous if the charitable   for conservation purposes. Sec. 170(h)   for post-extinguishment proceeds pro-
         organization provides it within 30   allows a charitable contribution for the   cedurally invalid. But in Oakbrook Land
         days of the contribution. Addition-  fair market value (FMV) of a quali-  Holdings, the Sixth Circuit upheld the
         ally, the recipient organization must   fied conservation contribution, which   procedural and substantive validity of
         provide the IRS with the information   is defined as a contribution “(A) of a   the extinguishment proceeds regula-
         contained in the acknowledgment.   qualified real property interest, (B) to a   tion.40 Oakbrook Land Holdings LLC
           With his 2010 Form 1040-X,      qualified organization, (C) exclusively   petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to
         Amended U.S. Individual Income Tax   for conservation purposes”36 The Code   review the Sixth Circuit’s ruling, hoping
         Return, the taxpayer, Joe Alfred Izen   and accompanying Treasury regulations   the justices would step in to resolve the
         Jr., provided a letter from the donee   delineate the requirements to be met   circuit split. However, on Jan. 9, 2023,
         organization, but it was addressed   before a contribution is deductible. A   the Court denied Oakbrook’s petition.41
         to Philippe Tanguy, not Izen. Also,   variety of issues can arise.37  Conservation purpose must
         the letter did not mention Izen or    Validity of judicial extinguish-  be protected in perpetuity: In
         include his TIN. Izen also submit-  ment proceeds regulations: In   Pickens Decorative Stone,42 Morgan Run
         ted a copy of a donation agreement   recent decisions, two federal circuits split   Partners,43 Thompson,44 Sparta,45 and
         between him, Tanguy, and the society,   on whether the IRS violated the notice-  Corning Place Ohio,46 the issue arose
         but it, too, lacked his TIN. Finally,   and-comment rule-making requirements  whether the IRS properly disallowed
         although Izen attached Form 8283   of the Administrative Procedure Act   charitable contribution deductions for
         to his Form 1040-X, the Form 8283   (APA) when it promulgated the judicial   conservation easement donations be-
         did not include his TIN and was not   extinguishment proceeds regulation.38   cause the easement deeds did not satisfy
         signed contemporaneously.         This regulation, issued in 1986, ad-  the protected-in-perpetuity requirement
           Izen argued that he substantially   dresses how a conservation easement   under Sec. 170(h)(5). In all the cases, the
         complied with the rules and that   donor and donee should divide the   Tax Court denied IRS motions for par-
         the documents he submitted should   proceeds if the easement is subsequently   tial summary judgment on this issue.
         be read together with his tax return   judicially extinguished. Under the   In Pickens and Morgan Run, the court
         to support the claimed deduction.   regulation, the donee must be entitled   denied the IRS’s motions because mate-
         The court denied the substantial-  to at least a minimum proportionate   rial fact issues were ill suited to sum-
         compliance argument because the   share of post-extinguishment proceeds,   mary judgment.

         36.  Sec. 170(h)(1).                               38.  Regs. Sec. 1.170A-14(g)(6)(ii).
         37.  Several provisions relating to qualified conservation contributions were   39.  Hewitt, 21 F.4th 1336 (11th Cir. 2021).
            included in the SECURE 2.0 Act, which was enacted in December 2022,   40.  Oakbrook Land Holdings, LLC, 28 F.4th 700 (6th Cir. 2022).
            after the period covered by this update. The legislation provides safe   41.  Oakbrook Land Holdings, LLC, No. 22-323 (U.S. 1/9/23) (cert. denied).
            harbors to allow taxpayers to correct easement deed language regard-  42.  Pickens Decorative Stone, T.C. Memo. 2022-22.
            ing extinguishment clauses and boundary line adjustments; the IRS is   43.  Morgan Run Partners, T.C. Memo. 2022-61.
            directed to develop safe-harbor language for this purpose. In addition,   44.  Thompson, T.C. Memo. 2022-80.
            certain limitations are placed on charitable deductions for conservation   45.  Sparta, T.C. Memo. 2022-88.
            easements by passthrough entities. See Section 605 of the SECURE 2.0   46.  Corning Place Ohio, T.C. Memo. 2022-12.
            Act of 2022 (Division T of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, P.L.

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