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the right to distribute the new IRA or   2021-45 indexes the amount for 2022 to   Andrew Redleaf to his former wife,
         any part of it to the taxpayer.  $540,000 for joint returns and $270,000   Elizabeth, pursuant to a marriage ter-
           The taxpayer, as the surviving spouse,   for all others. The threshold is increased   mination agreement, were made under
         trustee, and sole beneficiary of the   in 2023 to $578,000 for joint returns and   Sec. 1041 rather than being deductible
         survivor’s trust, wished to roll over the   $289,000 for all others.73  alimony payments under now-repealed
         inherited IRA into one or more IRAs                                 Sec. 215. The court affirmed the Tax
         in the taxpayer’s name. Because no third   Sec. 469: Passive activity   Court’s decision.
         party could prevent the taxpayer from   losses and credits limited    Andrew and Elizabeth married in
         receiving the proceeds of the IRA and   In Rogerson,74 the Tax Court addressed   1984, and Andrew initiated divorce
         from rolling over the proceeds into the   the issue of material participation after   proceedings in 2007. They owned
         taxpayer’s own IRA, the IRS allowed a   a corporate reorganization. Before the   substantial marital properties. On Feb.
         tax-free rollover of the inherited IRA.  reorganization, the businesses were all   4, 2008, after months of litigation,
                                          operated through one S corporation.   they sought to resolve the remain-
         Sec. 461(l): Limitation on       The taxpayer materially participated in   ing financial issues by entering into a
         excess business losses of        the S corporation (S1) for at least five   marital termination agreement (MTA).
         noncorporate taxpayers           of the 10 immediately preceding years.   The final divorce judgment and decree
         The excess business loss limitation that   The reorganization divided the existing S  dissolved the marriage under Min-
         originated as part of the law known as   corporation activities into three S corpo-  nesota law, approving the MTA and
         the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act70 limits the   rations. The taxpayer filed his tax returns   incorporating many of its provisions
         amount of trade or business losses that   reporting material participation in S1   into the decree. The MTA provided
         can offset nonbusiness income for non-  and S3 but reported S2 as a passive activ-  that if it was approved and the marriage
         corporate taxpayers such as individuals,   ity. The taxpayer argued that S2 should   dissolved, all terms “shall be made by
         trusts, and estates. An excess business   be considered a new activity; thus, the   reference a part of any decree issued.”
         loss equals aggregate trade or business   five-of-10-years test would not apply.   This dispute involved the tax con-
         deductions that exceed the sum of ag-  The Tax Court determined that Regs.   sequences of deferred payments that
         gregate trade or business gross income   Sec. 1.469-5(j)(1) does not require the   Andrew made to Elizabeth in 2012 and
         or gain plus a threshold amount. This   precise activity to have existed in prior   2013. Andrew took the position in his
         disallowed loss is carried forward to the   years to apply the five-of-10-years test.   federal income tax returns that these
         next tax year as an NOL.         The regulation treats a taxpayer as ma-  were deductible “alimony and separate
           The limitation initially applied to   terially participating in an activity under   maintenance payments.” Elizabeth’s
         tax years beginning after Dec. 31, 2017,   this test if the new activity includes   returns claimed, on the other hand, that
         and before Jan. 1, 2026. However, the   significant Sec. 469 activities that were   the payments were nontaxable transfers
         CARES Act retroactively postponed its   included in an activity in which the   of property incident to divorce.
         implementation to tax years beginning   taxpayer materially participated in five of   The IRS issued separate deficiency
         after Dec. 31, 2020. The American Res-  the 10 preceding years. Since the activity  notices to each of them. The notice to
         cue Plan Act of 202171 then extended   in S2 was part of the activities of S1 prior  Andrew explained he had not shown
         the provision one year through 2026,   to the reorganization, the court ruled   that the payments “qualified as ali-
         and later, in 2022, the Inflation Reduc-  that the five-of-10-years test applied and  mony,” and the one to Elizabeth said
         tion Act72 added two years through   that the taxpayer materially participated   that payments to her “are includable
         2028. As a result, the excess business loss  in S2 for the years in question.  in taxable income as alimony income.”
         limitation’s current period of applicabil-                          Both individuals filed petitions with
         ity is 2021–2028.                Sec. 1041: Transfers of            the Tax Court, where the IRS took the
           The calculation’s initial threshold in   property between spouses or   position that the payments were neither
         2018 was set at $250,000 (or $500,000   incident to divorce         alimony payments deductible by An-
         for joint filers), with these amounts   In Redleaf,75 the Eighth Circuit con-  drew nor taxable income to Elizabeth.
         indexed for inflation annually. Rev. Proc.   cluded that $51 million in payments by   The Service therefore acknowledged

         70.  The law known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), P.L. 115-97.  73.  Rev. Proc. 2022-38.
         71.  American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, P.L. 117-2.  74.  Rogerson, T.C. Memo. 2022-49.
         72.  Inflation Reduction Act, P.L. 117-169.        75.  Redleaf, 43 F.4th 825 (8th Cir. 2022).

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