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         account be paid out in full by the end of   in the same year and failed to roll over   be named as the primary beneficiary. In
         the year that includes the 10-year an-  either distribution. Her spouse had pre-  three recent letter rulings, however, the
         niversary of the death. Requiring RMDs   viously managed her financial affairs,   IRS allowed IRAs with estate or trust
         for each of the 10 years and the remain-  but he had died before the distributions   beneficiaries to be rolled over by the
         ing balance in the 10th year — which   were taken. After the 60-day rollover   surviving spouse.
         applies if the decedent was receiving   period had expired, the taxpayer had re-  Estate named as beneficiary:
         RMDs before death — surprised many.  covered enough from her health prob-  In IRS Letter Ruling 202210016, the
           Notice 2022-53 was welcome es-  lems to ask for help with her finances   decedent named his estate as an IRA
         pecially because deferring the effective   and submit a ruling request for a waiver   beneficiary. His surviving spouse was
         date of the proposed regulations served   of the 60-day rollover requirement,   authorized by the probate court to
         to eliminate the specter of 50% penal-  which included medical and other doc-  administer the estate; she was the only
         ties for beneficiaries who did not take   umentation in support of her request.   estate beneficiary. The IRS concluded
         RMDs in 2021 and 2022, being unaware  The IRS waived the requirement and   that since the taxpayer/spouse was both
         they were subject to the year-by-year   allowed the taxpayer additional time to   the sole administrator of the estate and
         version of the 10-year rule. This change   roll over both distributions.   the sole beneficiary of the decedent’s
         in the effective date, along with the pro-  Rollover allowed for fraud vic-  IRA proceeds that passed through the
         vision of the proposed regulations that   tim: In IRS Letter Ruling 202244029,   estate, no third party could prevent the
         allows an IRA beneficiary to take the   the taxpayer failed to roll over funds   spouse from receiving the benefits and
         decedent’s date-of-death RMD before   in a timely manner because she was   rolling them into an IRA. A tax-free
         the extended due date of the beneficia-  the victim of fraud. Under the highly   rollover was allowed to her exist-
         ry’s return for the year of the decedent’s   complex scheme, a computer alert   ing IRA.
         death, prevented many heirs from being   supposedly directed her to contact a   Estate beneficiary by
         subject to the 50% penalty imposed by   financial institution. The alert told her   default: The decedent opened an
         Sec. 4974.69 The notice indicates that   that hackers had put illegal informa-  IRA and named himself as the benefi-
         the final regulations will apply no earlier   tion on her computer and withdrawn   ciary, according to IRS Letter Ruling
         than the 2023 distribution year.  funds. She was directed to contact   202214008. At his death, the custodian
                                           another person who was purportedly   transferred the IRA to a beneficiary
         Sec. 402(c): Rules applicable     with her bank’s anti-fraud department.   account in the name of the decedent’s
         to rollovers from exempt          That person told the taxpayer she had   estate. He had not reached age 72, so
         trusts                            to secure her funds and that illegal   benefits ordinarily would have been
         The IRS received so many ruling   material on her computer was a federal   subject to the five-year rule. However,
         requests to waive the 60-day rollover   crime. She was referred to a third per-  he left a will that named his surviving
         requirement that it released Rev. Proc.   son who claimed to be a federal officer   spouse as the sole beneficiary of his
         2016-47, which contains a procedure for   who promised to write her a check to   estate and executor. In an analysis simi-
         eligible taxpayers to self-certify that they   reimburse her for withdrawals made   lar to the item above, the IRS allowed
         are eligible for a waiver. The procedure   from her accounts. She was told she   the spouse to have the beneficiary IRA
         for self-certification was updated in   would be arrested if she contacted law   transferred to a new IRA in her name,
         2020 by Rev. Proc. 2020-46. As a result,   enforcement. Ultimately, she contacted   with no adverse tax consequences.
         fewer requests for relief are seen. How-  authorities to report the fraud. The IRS   Sole beneficiary: In IRS Let-
         ever, letter rulings were issued in 2022   waived the 60-day rollover requirement   ter Ruling 202227005, the decedent’s
         for two requests that did not fit exactly   and allowed the taxpayer additional   IRA was payable to a joint trust that
         into the revenue procedure’s framework.   time for the rollover.     provided that any retirement assets
           Medical condition and death                                        would be allocated to the survivor’s
         of spouse: In IRS Letter Ruling   Sec. 408(d)(3): Rollover           trust portion after the first death. The
         202218028, the taxpayer had a severe   contribution                  decedent’s two IRAs were transferred
         medical condition diagnosed before the   In general, for a surviving spouse to roll   to a new inherited IRA at his death.
         tax year in question. She withdrew an   over a retirement benefit into his or her   With respect to the new IRA allocated
         amount from her 401(k) and her IRA   retirement account, that spouse should   to the survivor’s trust, the taxpayer had

         69.  Prop. Regs. Sec. 54.4974-1(g)(3). For tax years beginning after Dec. 29, 2022, the penalty is reduced to 25% (10% if the failure is corrected timely), by the
            SECURE 2.0 Act (Division T of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, P.L. 117-328).

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