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is generally based on the individual’s
         income from two years prior. Lifelong     If a Medicare beneficiary receives a
         penalties for failure to enroll when first
         eligible are to be avoided. This research   determination or decision regarding benefits
         summarizes the applicable statutes   that they do not agree with, the SSA has an
         and regulations and how planning may
         be effective.                      appeal process to follow and make a request
                                                              for reconsideration.
         Basic Part B premium
         As a starting point, one needs to
         understand the determination of the   Income-related monthly        to be provided a copy of the amended
         premium. As noted in the Centers for   adjustment amount            tax return as filed. A copy of the IRS’s
         Medicare & Medicaid Services’ Sept.   To determine the IRMAA, the Social   acknowledgment or notice that the
         27, 2022, announcement, the 2023 Part   Security Administration (SSA) obtains   amended return has been accepted
         B premiums range from $164.90 to   the Medicare beneficiary’s modified ad-  is also required to be submitted to
         $560.50 per month. According to the   justed gross income (MAGI) from the   the SSA.
         announcement, only 7% of beneficiaries   IRS for two years prior to the premium
         pay more than the basic premium. For   year. If the IRS is unable to provide   MAGI for Medicare
         that 7%, the premium is structured   that information because a return has   premium purposes
         as a two-part assessment: the basic   been extended or for another reason   MAGI specific to Medicare is defined
         assessment of $164.90 (down from   such as nonfiling, it will provide the tax   in Section 1839(i)(4) of the Social
         $170.10 in 2022), plus what is called   information for the third year preceding  Security Act by taking total adjusted
         the income-related monthly adjustment   the premium year. If the SSA is relying   gross income from the most recent
         amount (IRMAA)).                  on information from three years earlier,   federal tax return provided to the SSA
                                           the IRMAA will be adjusted once the   (for the 2023 Medicare Part B and D
         Medicare Part B income-related    MAGI for two years prior to the pre-  premiums, 2021 Form 1040-SR, U.S.
         monthly adjustment amounts        mium year becomes available.      Tax Return for Seniors, line 11) and
         A beneficiary’s Part B monthly premi-  If the Medicare beneficiary files   adding back other income that is tax-
         um is based on their income. The pre-  an amended tax return that changes   exempt under the Internal Revenue
         mium amounts, including the IRMAA,   the MAGI calculation and would   Code (IRC).
         are shown in the table, “Medicare Part   result in an adjustment to the monthly   For the purpose of identifying
         B Premiums by Income Level.”      Medicare premium, the SSA will need   who is required to pay high-income

            Medicare Part B premiums by income level

             Beneficiaries who file individual   Beneficiaries who file joint  Income-related monthly   Total monthly
             tax returns with MAGI:     tax returns with MAGI:    adjustment amount    premium amount
             Less than or equal to $97,000  Less than or equal to $194,000  $0.00      $164.90
             Greater than $97,000 and   Greater than $194,000 and   $65.90             $230.80
             less than or equal to $123,000  less than or equal to $246,000
             Greater than $123,000 and  Greater than $246,000 and   $164.80            $329.70
             less than or equal to $153,000  less than or equal to $306,000

             Greater than $153,000 and  Greater than $306,000 and   $263.70            $428.60
             less than or equal to $183,000  less than or equal to $366,000
             Greater than $183,000 and   Greater than $366,000 and   $362.60           $527.50
             less than $500,000         less than $750,000
             Greater than or equal to $500,000  Greater than or equal to $750,000  $395.60  $560.50
            Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

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