Page 165 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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requires planning well before the retir-
                                                                              ing partner’s final year. Begin including
                    Once the planning is complete,                            incoming staff in meetings with all
                       teams have been selected,                              major clients well before the retiring
               and internal communication has been                            partner officially leaves, not just in the
                                                                              year of retirement.
                 taken care of, it is time to officially                        For individual tax clients, tax sea-
                    let your clients know about the                           son is a great time to make this first
                                                                              introduction, since this is when many
                  pending retirement and introduce                            clients are already in more frequent
                         them to their new team.                              communication and likely already have
                                                                              meetings scheduled, whether in person
                                                                              or virtually. Make sure to include the
                                                                              administrative staff so they can help
         their favorite clients and may assume   such as the client’s family dynamics,   schedule the appointments.
         all their clients should be retained and   issues faced during the time the client   Not all clients will need a meeting.
         transitioned. A partner’s exit is a good   has been with the firm, the client’s   A letter may be sufficient for inform-
         time for the firm to evaluate whether   length of time with the firm, etc. This   ing clients who have had less contact
         all the retiring partner’s clients still   process can be made more efficient   with the retiring partner.
         meet the firm’s ideal client profile.   by developing a template to capture   Communication announcing the
         These clients might be better suited   this information.             retirement to clients should preferably
         and better served elsewhere rather than   The staff or partner taking over the   come from the retiring partner. Clients
         being transitioned to the next genera-  client should spend time reviewing this   may be disappointed to lose their rela-
         tion in the office.               client memo and the files from prior   tionship with the retiring partner, but
           One other consideration may be   years. They also should look for ways   they are also planning for retirement
         whether the retiring partner’s retire-  to add value through planning and ad-  someday themselves and, hopefully,
         ment compensation is affected by   ditional services that the retiring part-  will be understanding.
         culling clients. If the retiring partner’s   ner may not have thought to pursue or   The retiring partner should also
         compensation is based on a retained   did not have the time to implement.  communicate to the client any and all
         book of business, that partner might be                              known changes to level-set expecta-
         reluctant to let any clients go.  Communications with clients        tions. For example, maybe the retiring
                                           Once the planning is complete, teams   partner would complete a return in
         Communication within the firm     taking over the client accounts have   a few days for one of their “favorite”
         Communicate internally the retire-  been selected, and internal commu-  clients, or maybe they would person-
         ment or scaling back of a partner as   nication has been taken care of, it is   ally pick up client documents, etc.
         soon as possible. Employees tend to   time to officially let clients know about   The client needs to be aware of all
         listen to the grapevine and make as-  the pending retirement and introduce   such changes that will happen after
         sumptions. The current and succeeding   them to their new team. One of the   the transition. It may be easier for the
         leaders of the firm should be as clear   pros of having a partner retire is the   client to hear this directly from the
         and transparent as possible. Discuss the   opportunity it gives the younger part-  outgoing partner.
         succession plans and where they stand.   ners and staff to stretch their wings. It
         Consider how best to handle this com-  presents an opportunity like no other   How long should the retiring
         munication, based on the firm’s culture   for staff members to grow their experi-  partner stick around?
         — staff meetings, retreats, and/or one-  ence, expand their knowledge, and   In an ideal world, the incoming partner
         on-one meetings with key personnel.  build their book of business.   or staff should be involved with the re-
           The retiring partner should also                                   tiring partner’s key clients for the two
         draft a memo on all substantial clients   Making those introductions —   to three years leading up to the retiring
         to share historical information and   some tips                      partner’s final year. The incoming part-
         knowledge that might not be captured   Ideally, for larger clients, this introduc-  ner or staff member should be involved
         in their client files. This would entail   tion should be done face to face and   in client meetings, become the main
         personal matters that are important,   more than once before retirement. This   client contact, and begin managing the

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