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                                                                             Time for retirement
                              In an ideal world,                             There can be a great amount of hesita-
                                                                             tion and fear from the retiring partner
                      the incoming partner or staff                          about announcing they are stepping
                 should be involved with the retiring                        back and/or retiring. However, most
                   partner’s key clients for the two                         will find that their clients are not only
                                                                             understanding of the fact that the retir-
                      to three years leading up to                           ing partner is stepping back, but they
                    the retiring partner’s final year.                       encourage it. From the authors’ personal
                                                                             experience, most of the time, the mes-
                                                                             sage from the client to the retiring
                                                                             partner is something along the lines of:
                                                                             “Congratulations. Your retirement is well
         firm’s relationship with that client. The   a short list of longtime    deserved.” With proper planning and
         retiring partner can communicate to the   clients who may not respond to   some upfront work by the retiring part-
         client that they are scaling back over the   younger staff as favorably? It is   ner, the transition can be smooth and
         next few years. This makes the transition   probably not a good idea to allow this   largely successful for all involved. The
         more natural and seamless. This will not   to continue with key clients because   retiring partner can walk away knowing
         work if a retiring partner does not give   the transition to the new trusted   that clients will be taken care of and
         sufficient advance notice or has a shorter   adviser may never occur. Also, clients   with a feeling of a job well done.    ■
         retirement plan.                   may talk to each other — how will
           A one-year transition is somewhat   this look if the retiring partner kept
         abrupt. Some clients may need more   the relationship with client A but not
         time to feel comfortable with the in-  client B?
         coming partner or staff. The authors   How do you deal with a retir-
         would not recommend a shorter hand-  ing partner (particularly a lega-
         off for any key clients. It would be best   cy partner) who will not stay out
         for the retiring partner to identify, well   of the firm’s business? This can
         in advance of their actual retirement,   best be addressed in firm policies and
         which clients may need a longer transi-  best practices. Are retiring partners
         tion period.                       still part of key meetings? Who is
                                            running the meetings? Can retiring   Contributors
         Problem-solving for likely issues  partners make any key decisions? If
                                                                               J. Raleigh Cutrer, CPA/PFS/ABV,
         The following questions are likely to   the succession planning process is
                                                                               is a shareholder with Matthews,
         arise over the course of the transition:  working properly, retiring partners
           How do you handle a client       have time to mentor and coach the   Cutrer and Lindsay PA in Ridgeland,
         who keeps asking for the retiring   generations coming up behind them.   Miss. Teela McCullar, CPA, is direc-
         partner? The retiring partner should   There should be trust and confidence   tor, Barnard, Vogler & Co. in Reno,
         clearly communicate the transition plan   in those generations to let them make   Nev. April Walker, CPA, CGMA, is
         and then must stick to that plan. If a   their own decisions with their new   lead manager–Tax Practice & Eth-
         client calls asking for the retiring part-  clients. The retiring partner should be   ics, Public Accounting for AICPA &
         ner, they should not jump in       there to guide, not direct them.   CIMA, together as the Association
         immediately. Communication from the   What should be done where       of International Certified Professional
         retiring partner should focus on the   a retiring partner may be get-  Accountants. Cutrer and McCullar are
         qualifications and competencies    ting pushed out earlier than
         of the incoming partner or staff    planned, refuses to transition    members, and Walker is staff liaison,
         and convey the trust that has been   clients, or remains involved in   of the AICPA Tax Practice Manage-
         placed in their hands. A longer    the firm’s business? These issues   ment Committee. For more informa-
         transition usually helps with this issue.   should be addressed in the firm’s code   tion about this column, contact
           Should a retiring partner be     of conduct and possibly also in the
         allowed to continue to work with   partner’s retirement agreement.

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