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to self-audit seamlessly and reduce   leveraging the sampling methodology
              Many countries                 reserves while improving cash flow   discussed above.
                                             should help in seeking leadership
                                                                               Second, out-of-date government
             already are using               support for the audit-ready file   IT processes eventually will catch up to
            e-invoicing, which               effort.                         advancements already in place with global
         eliminates the ‘paper’            ■   The power of artificial intelligence   taxation. Many countries already are using
                                             (AI) has started to unfold, especially
                                                                             e-invoicing, which eliminates the “paper”
         exchange of invoices.               as marketplace facilitator taxation   exchange of invoices. Some U.S.-based
                                             has evolved. Consider leveraging the   organizations are ahead of their competi-
                                             power of AI to predict differences   tors and began to implement e-invoicing
         ■   Whether sales and use tax returns are   in tax engine calculations and/or   capabilities years ago. These programs
           prepared in-house or outsourced to   supplement the calculation of use tax   likely herald a continuing evolution of
           a compliance provider, the primary   in place of a tax engine — feeding   sales and use tax technology, and, in time,
           objective is to make the data you   data back into the audit-ready file   the current sales and use taxation system
           will eventually provide an auditor tie   process to proactively true-up differ-  may be replaced with blockchain technol-
           to the data used for the company’s   ences prior to audit problems.   ogy, allowing taxpayers to move toward
           returns (which, in turn, tie to your   Cadence of review is trumped by   real-time compliance. This would change
           trial balance or general ledger totals).   process when it comes to getting ahead   the entire aspect of U.S. taxation, with a
           Creating a database through cloud   of auditor data and documentation re-  heavy impact on sales and use tax engines,
           technology or old-school SQL serv-  quests. Still, it is important to commit   data requirements, and audit capabilities.
           ers can allow “stacking” the data used   to a regular cadence of reconciliation,   Third, until then, state revenue
           for compliance month over month,   test sampling, and tracking audit his-  departments may face limited resources
           automating reconciliation against   tory. Consider engaging the organiza-  and massive backlogs of audits. There
           the file amounts reported on returns.   tion’s internal audit team to collaborate   has been a recent uptick in the number
           Watch for your IT organization to   in undertaking a regular cadence of   of auditors accepting or even suggest-
           use terms such as “global platform,”   sampled self-audit reviews.   ing the roll-forward of error rates from
           “data mart,” “data warehouse,” or                                 a prior audit. Be sure to include the
           “data lake” as a cue to ensure sales   Forward looking            estimated cost of documentation, data
           and use tax is in those solutions.   Looking forward, there are three key   preparation, and auditor negotiation in
           Your team and/or your compliance   takeaways from this column:    your planning of how to move forward
           provider can support taking the   First, government technology and   with the audit, prepare audit-ready files,
           initiative to also incorporate credit   systems likely will continue to be years   and create lasting processes that should
           tracking and rebate capabilities into a   behind the evolution of data handling.   reduce audit anxiety.  ■
           one-stop shop of data.          Numerous state and local jurisdictions
         ■   The traditional approach of linking   still require paper filings each month,   Contributors
           supporting documentation can save   in contrast to the holistic, end-to-end
           time in material review. Incorporat-  automation trends in industry sales and   Lindsay Galvin, J.D., is principal;
           ing hyperlinked invoices into the   use tax processes. Some jurisdictions   Elizabeth Schraeder, CPA, CMI, is
           database through invoice extraction   have technology for sampling but still   director; and Daniel Gwin, CPA, is senior
           automation, combined with analytics   cannot leverage appropriate file transfer   manager, all of Indirect Tax at Price-
           to highlight troublesome trends in   mechanisms and require the taxpayer to   waterhouseCoopers LLP, with Galvin
           vendor purchases and customer sales,   break up files. Even the use of citizen   and Gwin in Pittsburgh and Schraeder
           can allow a streamlined review to   automation is relatively unfamiliar to   in Dallas. Moshe Bell-Jacobs, J.D., is
           occur without significant manual   many, which equates to confusion when   senior manager of State and Local Tax,
           effort.                         a taxpayer considers using AI for use tax   Washington National Tax, at RSM US
         ■   The process of self-audit can be   accruals or cloud-based global tax marts.   LLP in the Washington, D.C., area and
           time-consuming and frustrating   So, how can you as the taxpayer take   chair of the AICPA State and Local Tax
           to gather documentation for. If   advantage? Set the tone with a managed   Technical Resource Panel. For more
           an organization is struggling to   audit–style response to audit notices.   information about this column, contact
           articulate a return on investment on   Provide audit data reconciled with hy-
           creating audit-ready files, the ability   perlinked supporting documentation,

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