Page 176 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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                                           Analysis of and reflections on

                                           recent cases and rulings.

         Author:                                                             2008, and Shant was responsible for
         James A. Beavers, CPA, CGMA,      Procedure & Administration        paying the expenses of the property.
         J.D., LL.M.                                                         The house was previously owned
                                           Trusts held to be nominees        by Shant’s mother, but in 2012 she
                                           of delinquent taxpayer            transferred the property to Pachava for

                                           The IRS can assert tax liens against   $1. In 2018, Nina Hovnanian, Shant’s
                                           properties held by two trusts to satisfy   sister, was the sole trustee of Pachava.
                                           the tax debts of a taxpayer because the   Legal title to the Village Mall prop-
                                           trusts were nominees of the taxpayer.  erty was held by the VSHPHH Trust.
                                                                             The property was a two-story office
            Two trusts held to             Background                        complex, partially rented out to tenants
              be nominees of               In the early 2000s, taxpayer Shant   and partially used rent-free by Shant.
                                           Hovnanian engaged in certain tax shel-
                                                                             Shant’s parents previously owned the
           individual taxpayer;            ter transactions structured and marketed   property but transferred it to Shant
             decades-old tax               by tax lawyer Lance O. Valdez. The IRS   in 2015 for $1. Nina was also the sole
                                           determined that the shelters were illegal
                                                                             trustee of VSHPHH in 2018.
           liabilities previously          and denied Shant the losses he claimed   In 2018 the IRS filed a notice of
          affirmed in Tax Court            associated with the shelters. The Tax   tax lien against the properties, which
           proceedings cannot              Court upheld the IRS’s determination,   listed both Pachava and VSHPHH as
                                           and its decision was affirmed by both the
                                                                             Shant’s nominees with respect to the
            be relitigated in a            Second and Third Circuits. By 2018, the   properties. Later that year, the IRS
               refund suit in              IRS claimed that Shant owed federal tax   filed an action in district court seeking
                                                                             an order that it had valid federal tax
                                           liabilities in excess of $16 million related
               district court.             to his participation in the shelters.  liens against the Navesink property
                                             As part of its efforts to collect the   and the Village Mall property and
                                           taxes Shant owed, the IRS sought to   that it could foreclose the liens against
                                           attach federal tax liens and foreclose on   the properties.
                                           two pieces of real property it attributed   In district court, the IRS moved
                                           to him: 520 Navesink River Road, Mid-  for summary judgment, arguing that
                                           dletown Township, N.J. (Navesink prop-  based on the facts of this case, under
                                           erty), and 1 Dag Hammarskjold Blvd.,   the six-factor test from Patras, 544
                                           Freehold, N.J. (Village Mall property).   F. App’x 137 (3d Cir. 2013), both
                                             At this time, legal title to the   Pachava and VSHPHH were Shant’s   PHOTO BY ARCHEOPHOTO/ISTOCK
                                           Navesink property was owned by the   nominees and that the tax liens as-
                                           Pachava Asset Trust. Shant (as well as   sessed against him consequently
                                           his ex-wife and children until 2015)   attached to the Navesink and Village
                                           lived at the property after it was built in   Mall properties.

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