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         rental income from the property to pay   regarding their tax liabilities for the 1989   sanctions. The Garavaglias then asked
         personal expenses, and that none of the   and 1990 tax years in Tax Court could   the Supreme Court to hear their case, but
         Village Mall’s funds were distributed to   not contest the tax liabilities again in a   it declined to do so.
         VSHPHH’s beneficiaries.           refund suit in district court in 2018.  Despite these decisions against them,
           Applying the Patras test, the court                               the Garavaglias continued their quest
         came to the same conclusions for each   Background                  in the courts to avoid paying their tax
         factor as it had in the analysis of Pachava.   Charles and Mary Ann Garavaglia were   liabilities for 1989 and 1990. They later
         As the Village Mall property had been   a married couple. Charles was convicted   brought a Bivens claim in district court
         transferred for $1 and the transfer took   of mail fraud and filing false tax returns   against the United States, the IRS, and
         place after Shant lost his Tax Court case,   in the 1990s. As part of his convictions,   unknown IRS agents. In that claim, they
         the first two factors of the test were met,   he was obligated to pay certain income   alleged that they had needed the boxes
         while the fourth was not because the   taxes that were past due to the govern-  of records earlier destroyed to defend ef-
         transfer had been recorded. The third   ment, and the plea agreement in his case   fectively against the notice of deficiency
         factor was met because Shant and Nina   specified that he remained liable for any   in their Tax Court case and that the
         were co-trustees at the time of the trans-  additional taxes that the government   IRS’s destruction of the records therefore
         fer of the Village Mall property, Nina was  might find that he owed. During the   violated their due-process rights. The
         later the sole trustee after Shant resigned   investigation of his and his company’s   district court dismissed the complaint
         as trustee, and Shant’s children were   misdeeds, the IRS seized over 100 boxes   against all parties, and a court of appeals
         the beneficiaries of the trust. The fifth   of documents and did not return them.  affirmed its decision. However, in the
         and sixth factors were met for the same   In December 2000, the IRS audited   proceedings, it came to light that 15 of
         reasons the court cited in support of its   the Garavaglias for the 1989 and 1990   the boxes of records the IRS said had
         conclusion that Shant had control of the   tax years. In September 2002, however,   been destroyed still existed.
         property. As with Pachava, having found   it informed the couple that there would   This relit the fire under the Gara-
         five of the six Patras factors weighed in   be no change to their 1989 and 1990 tax   vaglias, who in 2017 filed a Freedom of
         favor of a nominee finding, the court held  liabilities. Having apparently finished its   Information Act (FOIA) suit to compel
         that VSHPHH was a nominee of Shant   audit of those years, the IRS informed   production by the IRS of the rediscov-
         and, therefore, the tax liens against Shant   the Garavaglias that it was going to   ered boxes of records. The IRS agreed to
         attached to the Village Mall property.  destroy the records that had been seized   produce the documents. The Garavaglias
                                           during the earlier criminal investiga-  filed a second FOIA request in 2018 for
         Reflections                       tion of Charles if they did not come   any records related to the audit of their
         Besides arguing that the Patras test   pick them up. The Garavaglias’ lawyer   1989 and 1990 tax years and any ad-
         was not met, Pachava argued that the   received about 25 boxes of the records at   ditional boxes of their financial records
         IRS’s claims fell under the New Jersey   this time.                 that had not been disclosed but were still
         Fraudulent Transfer Act, which has a   While it had seemed the IRS was   in IRS possession, which resulted in a
         four-year statute of limitation and that   done with the Garavaglias for 1989 and   similar agreement with the IRS.
         the nominee lien was barred by the run-  1990, it was not. It did not formally   Having had some success on the doc-
         ning of that four-year limitation period.   close the audit, and, in 2006, the IRS   ument production front, the Garavaglias
         Pachava also, curiously, argued that the   informed the Garavaglias that they owed   decided to take another dip in the 1989
         IRS’s alter ego claim failed. However, the   significant deficiencies for those years.   and 1990 tax liability pool. In 2019, they
         court noted that the IRS did not bring   The Garavaglias took the IRS to Tax   filed amended returns for 1989 and 1990,
         any claims under the New Jersey Fraudu-  Court over its determination, but, unfor-  seeking refunds of $603,515 for tax year
         lent Transfer Act or regarding alter ego   tunately for them, the court affirmed the   1989 and $637,639 for 1990. The IRS
         liability. Therefore, the court rejected   IRS’s findings.          did not respond to the amended returns.
         these arguments.                    The Garavaglias appealed the Tax   Consequently, the Garavaglias filed a
           Hovnanian, No. 3:18-cv-15099 (D.N.J.   Court’s decision to the Sixth Circuit.   refund suit in district court.
         12/27/22)                         Besides contesting the deficiencies, the   In lieu of an answer to the Garava-
                                           Garavaglias asked the court for spoliation   glias’ complaint in the suit, the IRS filed
         Old tax liabilities cannot        sanctions for its earlier destruction of   a motion to dismiss. The IRS argued
         be relitigated                    documents. The court affirmed the Tax   that the case must be dismissed for lack
         Married taxpayers who had already   Court’s deficiency judgment and rejected   of subject matter jurisdiction under Rule
         challenged the IRS’s determinations   the Garavaglias’ claim for spoliation   12(b)(1) of the Federal Rules of Civil

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