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         Special rules                     B.  The expenditures allocated to any   Allocation of expenditures
         Rules similar to the joint occupancy   individual for the tax year in which the  If less than 80% of the use of an item
         and allocation of expenditure rules   calendar year ends is an amount equal   is for nonbusiness purposes, only that
         for the residential clean energy credit   to the lesser of —        portion of the expenditures for the
         apply for purposes of the energy-   1.  The amount of expenditures made   item that is properly allocable to use
         efficient home improvement credit.     by such individual with respect to   for nonbusiness purposes is taken into
                                                such dwelling during such calendar   account (Sec. 25D(e)(7)).
         Joint occupancy rules                  year, or
         In the case of any dwelling unit that is   2.  The maximum amount of such ex-  Basis adjustments
         jointly occupied and used during any   penditures set forth in item 1 above  The basis of the property must be
         calendar year as a residence by two or   multiplied by a fraction (i) the   reduced by the amount of the credit
         more individuals, the following rules   numerator of which is the amount   allowed (Sec. 25C(g), as amended by
         apply with respect to qualified fuel cell   of such expenditures with respect   the act).   ■
         property (Sec. 25D(e)(4)):             to the dwelling made by the indi-
         A. The maximum amount of expen-        vidual during the calendar year, and
           ditures that may be taken into       (ii) the denominator of which is   Contributor
           account by all such individuals      the total expenditures made by all
           with respect to the dwelling unit    such individuals with respect to the   Patrick L. Young, CPA, is an executive
           during the calendar year is $1,667   dwelling during the calendar year.  editor with Thomson Reuters Checkpoint.
           in the case of each half-kilowatt of   C. Items 1 and 2 are applied separately   For more information about this column,
           capacity of the fuel cell property (as   with respect to each qualified fuel cell   contact
           defined in Sec. 48(c)(1)).        property expenditure.

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