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                                                                               Sec. 72(t) penalty: In Grajales,20 the
                   The IRS issued much-anticipated                           taxpayer argued that the 10% “exaction” on
                                                                             her early pension withdrawal was not valid
                        guidance on the timing of                            because a penalty requires supervisory
                    tax-exempt income arising from                           approval under Sec. 6751(b)(1). The IRS
              the forgiveness of Paycheck Protection                         contended that the amount was not a
                                                                             penalty, addition to tax, or additional
                           Program (PPP) loans.                              amount but was in fact a tax. The Tax
                                                                             Court agreed, and the Second Circuit
                                                                             affirmed the decision.
         determined that taxpayers who make   the IRS reminded eligible educators   In Salter,21 the taxpayer received a
         one or more representations that they   that, due to an inflation adjustment,18   distribution from his retirement plan
         satisfy the conditions for the forgive-  they could deduct as out-of-pocket   before age 59½ and owed the 10% ad-
         ness of a PPP loan but do not factu-  eligible classroom expenses up to $300   ditional tax. He reduced the amount
         ally satisfy the forgiveness conditions   in tax years 2022 and following, the first   subject to the 10% tax by $5,647, repre-
         — and thus improperly receive loan   increase since the deduction was enacted   senting unreimbursed medical expenses
         forgiveness from their lender — must   in 2002.                     he incurred that year. He knew that he
         include the loan amount in gross                                    did not need to itemize deductions to
         income and are not eligible to exclude   Sec. 72: Annuities; certain   use that exception under Sec. 72(t)(2)(B).
         the amount of the forgiven loan from   proceeds of endowment and    However, the Tax Court held, the excep-
         gross income under 15 U.S.C. Section   life insurance contracts     tion applies to expenses allowable as an
         636m(i) or Section 276(b)(1) of the   Sec. 72(t) and 72(q) exceptions   itemized deduction, i.e., in excess of the
         COVID-Related Tax Relief Act of   expanded: Taxpayers have been al-  10%-of-AGI limitation (applicable to
         2020.17                           lowed an exemption since 1989 from the   that tax year). The medical expenses did
           In addition to the guidance men-  10% penalty for early distribution from   not exceed that limitation, the Tax Court
         tioned above, the IRS also outlined   a retirement plan by taking substantially   noted. The court also found that the tax-
         in News Release 2022-162 on Sept.   equal periodic payments over their life   payer failed to provide documentation
         21, 2022, three specific conditions   expectancy. The 1989 notice allowing   for the expenses.
         required to exclude forgiven PPP loan   this exception was modified in 2002
         amounts from income:              by Rev. Rul. 2002-62. Notice 2004-15   Sec. 108: Income from
         1.  The loan recipient was eligible to   allowed the same methods for early dis-  discharge of indebtedness
           receive the PPP loan;           tributions from nonqualified annuities   Insolvency: In Kelly, married
         2.  The loan proceeds were used to pay   with respect to the Sec. 72(q) penalty.   taxpayers argued that their insolvency
           eligible expenses, such as payroll   The exemption was modified again   allowed a Sec. 108(a)(1) exclusion of
           costs, rent, interest on the recipient   in 2022 by Notice 2022-6 (modifying   income with respect to their limited
           business’s mortgage, and/or utili-  and superseding Rev. Rul. 2002-62 and   liability company’s (LLC’s) canceled
           ties; and                       Notice 2004-15). Three methods are   debt.22 However, the bankruptcy court
         3.  The loan recipient applied for   allowed to calculate the payments that   disagreed due to the taxpayers’ lack of
           loan forgiveness.               avoid these penalties. Two rely on a   supporting documentation. While the
                                           reasonable interest rate limited by 120%   taxpayers testified to their financial situ-
         Sec. 62: Adjusted gross           of the federal midterm rate under Sec.   ation and provided statements for some
         income defined                    1274 at the start of payments.19 The Sec.   checking and retirement accounts, the
           Certain trade or business       1274 rates have been very low in recent   court explained that without supporting
         deductions of employees —         years; the current notice allows a maxi-  documentation of all assets and liabili-
         eligible educators: In News Re-   mum interest rate of 5% if that exceeds   ties, insolvency could not be determined
         lease 2022-70 issued March 29, 2022,   the value calculated by the 120% rule.  for the period in question. Additionally,

         17.  Subtitle B, Title II, of Division N of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,   20.  Grajales, 47 F.4th 58 (2d Cir. 2022), aff’g 156 T.C. 55 (2021).
            2021, P.L. 116-260.                             21.  Salter, T.C. Memo. 2022-29.
         18.  Sec. 62(d)(3).                                22.  In re Kelly, No. 18-60514 (Bankr. N.D.N.Y. 12/14/21).
         19.  The fixed amortization and fixed annuitization methods.

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