Page 134 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
P. 134


                                                                               FTC. USP has no foreign income
                                                                               taxes that qualify for the corporate
                                                                               AMT FTC. USP chooses to claim
                                                                               an FTC for the tax year. USP’s
                                                                               corporate AMT FTC is the lesser
                                                                               of the pro rata share of the foreign
                                                                               income taxes ($165 million) or 15%
                                                                               of the CFC AFSI adjustment (15%
                                                                               of $500 million + $200 million, or
                                                                               $105 million). Thus, even though
                                                                               blending of CFC1 and CFC2’s for-
                                                                               eign income taxes is allowed, USP is
                                                                               allowed to claim only $105 million
                                                                               of a corporate AMT FTC in the
                                                                               current year. The remaining $60
                                                                               million of taxes paid by CFC1 and
                                                                               CFC2 are carried forward for up to
                                                                               five years.

                                                                               Example 2: Assume US1, a domestic
                                                                               corporation, is an applicable corpo-
           Foreign income taxes are taken into   deemed paid or attributable to inclu-  ration and wholly owns FB1, a for-
         account for purposes of the corporate   sions under Sec. 951 or 951A.   eign branch in country X. FB1 has
         AMT FTC only if a two-prong test    The IRS is granted regulatory au-  net income of $500 million, none of
         is met (i.e., the foreign income taxes   thority to provide regulations or other   which is considered ECI, and has
         must be taken into account on the   guidance as is necessary to “carry out   $150 million of foreign income taxes
         relevant applicable financial statement   the purposes of this subsection.”  that are (1) income taxes within the
         and be paid or accrued, for U.S. federal   The examples below illustrate   meaning of Sec. 901; (2) taken into
         income tax purposes, by the relevant   the mechanics of the corporate   account on the applicable financial
         corporation).                     AMT FTC:                            statements; and (3) paid or accrued
           Excess corporate AMT FTCs at-                                       for federal income tax purposes by
         tributable to CFCs may be carried   Example 1: Assume USP, a do-      US1. Thus, FB1’s foreign income
         forward for five years. As drafted, the   mestic corporation, is an applicable   taxes qualify for the corporate AMT
         corporate AMT FTC carryforward      corporation and wholly owns each   FTC. Because FB1 is a foreign
         appears to apply only to CFC-level for-  of CFC1 and CFC2, both foreign   branch of US1, no limitation applies
         eign taxes in excess of the CFC-specific   corporations in countries X and Y,   on the foreign income taxes paid by
         limitation, rather than global foreign   respectively. CFC1 and CFC2 have   FB1. Thus, US1 is allowed to claim
         taxes in excess of the overall corporate   net income of $500 million and   $150 million of a corporate AMT
         AMT liability. As a result, it does not   $200 million, respectively, none of   FTC in the current year.
         appear that any foreign income taxes   which is considered effectively con-
         paid or accrued directly by a domestic   nected income (ECI). CFC1 and   As with many aspects of the act,
         corporation would be allowed as a car-  CFC2 have $150 million and $15   several questions and issues are left un-
         ryforward. The corporate AMT FTC    million, respectively, of foreign in-  answered as they relate to the corporate
         does not include any limitations under   come taxes that are (1) income taxes   AMT FTC. The next section of this  IMAGE BY MOHD HAFIEZ MOHD RAZALI/EYEEM/GETTY IMAGES
         Sec. 904 — such as separate category   within the meaning of Sec. 901; (2)   item examines unanswered questions
         income or loss, overall foreign loss,   taken into account on the applicable   related to the scope of foreign income
         overall domestic loss, or loss recapture   financial statements; and (3) paid   taxes that are available for the corporate
         provisions — in determining the credit.   or accrued for federal income tax   AMT FTC, what taxes are “taken into
         Additionally, it is not determined on   purposes by CFC1 and CFC2. Thus,   account,” timing issues, foreign tax
         a country-by-country basis, nor does   CFC1 and CFC2’s foreign income   redeterminations issues, and transition
         it matter if taxes paid by CFCs are   taxes qualify for the corporate AMT   and carryforward issues.

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