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which expressly stated that all of Cajun’s   to what extent, expenditures could po-  which allows those taxpayers to avoid
         work product transferred to its client.   tentially be considered funded research.   the documentation rules as long as they
         For example, contract terms for one   It would be prudent for taxpayers to   treat 70% of the success-based fee as
         project defined Cajun’s work product as   evaluate all agreements related to the   an amount that does not facilitate the
         “work for hire” and expressly transferred   qualified research and memorialize   transaction and capitalize the remainder
         all “rights, title, and interest” in the work   supplemental facts if elements of the   as facilitative. A covered transaction
         product to the client. Contract terms for   funded-research exclusion rules are not   means (1) a taxable acquisition by the
         another sample project cited by the court   specifically addressed in contemporane-  taxpayer of assets that constitute a trade
         provided that “[a]ll inventions, discover-  ous documentation.      or business; (2) a taxable acquisition of
         ies, and improvements (patentable and   From Jennifer Frost, Esq., J.D.,   at least 50% of the ownership interest in
         unpatentable) that are made or con-  LL.M., Washington, D.C.; Jason Seo,   a business entity; or (3) certain reorgani-
         ceived by [Cajun] or [Cajun’s] employees   J.D., LL.M., Washington, D.C.; John   zations described in Sec. 368(a)(1).
         in performing the Services … shall be-  Andress, CPA, Atlanta; Dennis St. Mar-  Rev. Proc. 2011-29 was published
         long to Company.” Citing Dynetics, the   tin, CPA, Washington, D.C.; and Kevin   over a decade ago with the goal of re-
         court found such contract language to   Benton, E.A., Dallas, all with Grant   ducing the controversy between taxpay-
         be convincing and indicated that Cajun   Thornton LLP.              ers and the IRS over the allocation of
         failed to show a plausible contractual                              success-based fees between facilitative
         basis that it retained substantial rights to                        and nonfacilitative activities. While
         the research.                     Expenses & Deductions             the safe harbor has been largely suc-
           The court made no ruling on the                                   cessful in its goals, taxpayers still face
         fourth sample project regarding the   Uncertainties remain in       several areas of uncertainty in analyzing
         substantial-rights standard, since the   analyzing success-based fees  success-based fees. This item surveys
         contract was silent on the ownership   Under Regs. Sec. 1.263(a)-5(a), a tax-  four such areas.
         of the construction process developed   payer must capitalize an amount paid
         during the project. However, the court   to facilitate an acquisition of a trade or   Milestone payments
         concluded that the project did not meet   business, a change in the capital struc-  In addition to receiving success-based
         the risk standard. Acknowledging that   ture of a business entity, and certain   fees, investment bankers are often paid
         the contract associated with the project   other transactions. An amount is paid   milestone payments that are contingent
         was a fixed-price contract, the court   to facilitate a transaction if it is paid in   on something other than the successful
         distinguished Cajun’s facts from those   the process of investigating or otherwise   closing of a transaction. For example, a
         in Populous and other prior case law by   pursuing the transaction.  banker might receive a retainer payable
         referencing specific contract terms that   The regulations require taxpayers to   upon the execution of the engagement
         stated monthly payments included “full   satisfy a special documentation require-  letter between the banker and the tax-
         compensation for all loss, damages, or   ment for success-based fees, which are   payer, a signing fee contingent on the
         risks of every description connected   amounts paid that are contingent on the   execution of the deal agreement, or a
         with or resulting from the nature of the   successful closing of a transaction. Under  fairness opinion fee contingent upon the
         work.” The court found such language   Regs. Sec. 1.263(a)-5(f), a success-  provision of a fairness opinion by the
         conclusive in determining the research   based fee is treated as facilitative, and   banker to the taxpayer. These fees are
         performed during the sample project   therefore capitalized, unless the taxpayer   generally creditable against the success-
         was funded.                       maintains sufficient documentation to   based fee, meaning the amount of
                                           establish that a portion of the fee is al-  success-based fee owed by the taxpayer
         Importance of case law to         locable to activities that do not facilitate   is reduced by the amount of the mile-
         structuring agreements            the transaction. Such documentation   stone payments.
         As evidenced by the developments in   must consist of more than merely an al-  In 2014, the Large Business and
         Perficient and Grigsby, the funded-  location between activities that facilitate   International (LB&I) Division of the
         research exclusion continues to be a   the transaction and activities that do not   IRS issued a directive instructing its
         highly contentious and evolving provi-  facilitate the transaction.  examiners to not challenge the ap-
         sion of the research credit. In lieu of   Taxpayers that engage in a “covered   plication of the Rev. Proc. 2011-29
         additional, much-needed guidance on   transaction” under Regs. Sec. 1.263(a)-  safe harbor to milestone payments
         the matter, taxpayers should consider   5(e)(3) may take advantage of a safe   creditable against success-based fees
         prior case law when evaluating if, and   harbor provided by Rev. Proc. 2011-29,   (LB&I-04-0114-001). This directive

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