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         “capped” contracts evaluated in Geosyntec   standard is arbitrary in substance be-  constitute substantial rights in the re-
         and noting that Geosyntec and Dynetics   cause of Congress’s failure to include   search, and Dynetics, in which the court
         considered the extent to which clients   any reference or discussion of substantial   stipulated that skills and advancements
         could reject work by comparing the facts   rights in its directive to promulgate   developed while working on a contract
         against Fairchild, the IRS contended   regulations implementing the research   are incidental benefits from performance
         that a rejection clause in an agreement   credit, which Perficient concluded was   of the research.
         is irrelevant when there are no detailed   evidence that Congress did not intend to
         specifications on which to measure   expand the meaning of “funded.”  Grigsby and contract language
         conformity and base the rejection. No-  The IRS disputed Perficient’s   The recent holding in Grigsby provides
         tably, Perficient and the IRS agreed that   analysis and asserted that Treasury is   further insight regarding the district
         certain warranty provisions, including   not required to address all comments   court’s application of the funded-research
         warranties relating to general standards   provided in response to proposed regula-  exclusion. This case involved Cajun
         of care and assurances that performance   tions, noting that one comment that   Industries LLC, a construction com-
         will be free from negligence, are not   Perficient referenced in its challenge   pany taxed as an S corporation that had
         relevant to determining whether a pay-  of procedural validity was sent ap-  claimed the research credit for work per-
         ment is contingent on the success of   proximately six years after the close of   formed under contractual agreements.
         the research.                     the notice-and-comment period. With   In total, four sample projects were evalu-
           With respect to the substantial-rights   respect to the substantive validity of the   ated, two of which consisted of “capped”
         standard, Perficient cited Oakbrook Land   substantial-rights standard, the IRS con-  contracts subject to an agreed-upon
         Holdings, LLC, 154 T.C. 180 (2020),   tended that Congress left it to Treasury   maximum price and two of which con-
         which provides that courts must gener-  to define funded research and did not   sisted of fixed-price agreements.
         ally give deference to agency regulations   address whether research was “funded”   The first item at issue in this case was
         if the statute is ambiguous and the   based on which party retains the rights   related to the definition of Cajun’s busi-
         agency’s interpretation is “rational” or   in the research.         ness components in accordance with Sec.
         reasonable. Perficient contended that the   Lastly, Perficient contended that even   41(d)(2)(B), which provides context for
         substantial-rights standard is procedur-  if the substantial-rights standard is valid,   applying the funded-research exclusion.
         ally defective under the APA because   each of its 24 sample projects satisfied   Cajun argued that its business compo-
         of Treasury’s failure to discuss, address,   the standard because Perficient retained   nents associated with the sample proj-
         or provide any reasoned explanation in   the rights to use the research; know-  ects were construction processes that it
         response to all comments questioning   how; and improvements, modifications,   used when constructing items for its cli-
         the inclusion of the substantial-rights   and derivatives to preexisting intellectual   ents. The court rejected Cajun’s position,
         standard in the 1983 proposed regula-  property developed or refined in connec-  pointing out that Cajun had previously
         tions. Perficient further claimed the   tion with the sample project. Perficient   claimed during the discovery process
         substantial-rights standard is substan-  pointed out that Examples 1–4 in Regs.   of the proceedings that it developed
         tively defective under the two-step   Sec. 1.41-4A(d)(6) clearly establish that   a product (rather than a construction
         standard for determining deference to   the taxpayer’s retention of the right to   process) for each of the sample projects
         regulations under Chevron. Concerning   use the results of the research is a sub-  and failed to supplement its discovery
         step one of the Chevron analysis, Perfi-  stantial right and cited the court’s hold-  responses. The court also reasoned that
         cient asserted that Congress explicitly   ing in Lockheed Martin that a substantial   Cajun’s assertion failed due to a lack of
         (and unambiguously) addressed the   right does not require the right to ex-  specificity, as Cajun did not identify any
         meaning of qualified research to exclude   clude others from using the research and   new or improved construction processes.
         funded research in Sec. 41, and the in-  the holding in Populous that the right   With respect to the funded-research
         sertion of the substantial-rights standard   to use research without paying for it is   exclusion item at issue, the court found
         in the regulations directly conflicts with   a substantial right. The IRS countered   that three of Cajun’s sample projects did
         congressional intent, in part because   that know-how is not a substantial right   not meet the substantial-rights standard,
         there is no evidence that demonstrates   but rather an incidental benefit that does   citing guidance provided in Lockheed
         the meaning of the word “funded”   not constitute a substantial right in the   Martin, which requires a taxpayer to, at
         requires a taxpayer to retain substantial   research. The IRS’s position is aligned   a minimum, maintain the right to use
         rights to research. Regarding the second   with Regs. Sec. 1.41-4A(d)(2), which   its research without having to pay for it.
         step of the Chevron analysis, Perficient   states as an example that “increased ex-  The court referred to language in each
         asserted that the substantial-rights   perience in a field of research” does not   of Cajun’s three projects’ agreements,

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