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systems used to power the interior light-  increased. The sliding scale starts at   Standard 90.1 affirmed by the IRS not
         ing systems as well as the rest of the   $2.68 per sq. ft., provided the requisite   later than two years prior to the date
         building would be eligible.       25% energy savings baseline has been   when construction of the building began
                                           achieved. The additional deduction for   was used as the baseline to determine
         Amount of deduction               each additional percentage point of   energy savings. Under Sec. 179D(c)(2) as
         Under prior law, installation of the   energy savings above the 25% baseline   amended, the new baseline is ASHRAE
         energy-efficient property needed to   is 11 cents per sq. ft., up to a maximum   Standard 90.1-2007 or, if more recent,
         reduce the total annual energy and   of $5.36 per sq. ft. for energy savings   the ASHRAE Standard 90.1 from four
         power costs by 50% to be eligible for   of 50% or more (see new Sec. 179D(b)  years prior to when the building was
         the Sec. 179D deduction. The amount   (3) and Rev. Proc. 2022-38). Consis-  placed in service. The new rules provide
         of the deduction was 63 cents per sq. ft.   tent with prior law, the amount of the   a more definitive frame of reference for
         of qualified building property for each   deduction is also limited to the amount   taxpayers by using the placed-in-service
         of three eligible systems installed on   spent for the improvements, regardless   date of the building rather than the date
         the property. These are interior light-  of whether the prevailing wage and ap-  construction began.
         ing, HVAC and hot water, and building   prenticeship standards are met.  Under prior law, the deduction cap of
         envelope systems, as noted above. The   To meet the prevailing wage standards   $1.88 per sq. ft. (as adjusted for inflation)
         amount of the deduction was capped at   under new Sec. 179D(b)(4), laborers and   also served as a lifetime limitation on
         $1.88 per sq. ft. if all three systems were   mechanics employed by the taxpayer, or   the amount of Sec. 179D deduction that
         installed and was limited to the amount   any contractor or subcontractor, are to be   could be taken with respect to any specif-
         spent for the improvements (both square   paid wages at rates that meet or exceed   ic building. There is no lifetime limitation
         footage rates were as adjusted for infla-  the prevailing wage for that locality. The   under the new rules. Rather, the deduc-
         tion for tax years beginning in 2022; see   prevailing wage standards are maintained   tion allowed in the current year is reduced
         Sec. 179D(b)(2) before amendment by   by the Department of Labor. Prevailing   by the amount of any Sec. 179D deduc-
         the Inflation Reduction Act and Rev. Proc.   wages are established both by job type   tion that was taken for that building in
         2021-45).                         and by locality and will likely be different   the immediate three preceding tax years
           Under the changes, the amount of   for projects that take place in different   (four years in the case of buildings owned
         the Sec. 179D deduction is based on the   parts of the United States. As such, a   by a governmental or tribal entity or tax-
         amount of annual energy savings and   number of questions arise. For example,   exempt organization; see Sec. 179D(b)(1)
         whether prevailing wage and apprentice-  it is unclear whether additional guidance   (B)). As a result, periodically undertaking
         ship standards have been met. A base   in the form of a safe harbor(s) will be is-  energy-efficient projects allows for an ad-
         deduction with a sliding scale starts at   sued to alleviate the difficulty for building   ditional benefit under the new rules.
         54 cents per sq. ft., provided an energy   owners of monitoring the payment of
         savings of 25% has been achieved. An   wages by contractors and subcontrac-  Alternative deduction for retrofits
         additional deduction of 2 cents per sq. ft.   tors. Additional guidance is necessary to   Under prior law, the retrofitting of many
         is allowed for each additional percentage   define the apprenticeship requirements of   older buildings was not eligible for the
         point of energy savings achieved above   Sec. 179D(b)(5) and is forthcoming. The   Sec. 179D deduction because the 50%
         the 25% baseline, up to a maximum of   rules will be similar to the rules in Sec.   energy savings threshold could not be
         $1.07 per sq. ft. for energy savings of   45(b)(8), which largely require that a cer-  met. The new law provides two amend-
         50% or more (see Sec. 179D(b)(2) after   tain percentage of hours be performed by   ments that make it easier for these
         amendment by the Inflation Reduction   qualified apprentices (i.e., 12.5% of hours   retrofits to be eligible for a Sec. 179D de-
         Act and Rev. Proc. 2022-38). By reduc-  in 2023 and 15% in 2024 and after).  duction. First, the sliding scale discussed
         ing the baseline annual energy savings   The new rules also modified the   above under Sec. 179D(b)(2) provides
         percentage requirements from 50% to   standard used to measure energy savings.   a benefit for older properties that could
         25% and adding a sliding scale, the new   ASHRAE Standard 90.1 is now used to   only achieve the lower threshold of 25%
         rules expand the deduction opportunity   determine if there has been a reduction in   or more in energy savings.
         to include older properties, for which   total annual energy and power costs. This   Second, Sec. 179D(f) adds a new
         owners previously had difficulty achiev-  standard provides the minimum require-  alternative deduction for retrofits that is
         ing the 50% energy savings threshold.   ments for energy-efficient design of most   elective on a building-by-building basis.
           If the prevailing wage and appren-  buildings and, notably, does not include   Under this alternative, the level of energy
         ticeship standards are met, the amounts   low-rise residential buildings. Under   usage, rather than the level of energy
         described previously are significantly   prior law, the most recent ASHRAE   cost, is used to determine the extent the

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