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                                           Election. Without this election, this   reported the election. For example, in
             The character of              type of entity defaults to a corporation.   several situations,65 the partnership’s
                                                                             accountant filed a Form 1065 along
                                           In several instances recently, a foreign
           income reported by              entity failed to make the election in   with the Form 8996 after the due date
          a partner is generally           a timely manner. In each of these   of the tax return. The IRS accepted the
            determined at the              instances,63 the IRS allowed the   tax return and determined the election
                                                                             was timely filed. In other instances,66
                                           entity 120 days after the ruling to file
             partnership level.            the election.                     the partnership filed Form 1065 timely
                                             In a different situation,64 the taxpay-  but failed to include Form 8996. In this
                                           er was formed as an LLC and thought   situation, the IRS granted the partner-
         2022, the IRS granted the partnership   it had filed a valid election to be treated   ship 60 days to file either an amended
         an extension to file the election.  as an S corporation. Soon after the   tax return or Administrative Adjust-
                                           election was made, the taxpayer was ad-  ment Request to make the election. In
         Missed elections                  vised it would be better to be treated as   the last factual variation, partnerships
         The Sec. 754 election is allowed when   a partnership, so the taxpayer took the   did not file either a Form 1065 or Form
         a partner dies and his or her interest is   steps to change its classification. Later,   899667 and requested additional time
         transferred. In many cases, the election   however, the taxpayer found out that   to file the election. In this instance, the
         is inadvertently missed. The IRS grant-  the election to change its initial clas-  partnerships were granted only 45 days
         ed an extension of time to make the   sification had not been filed timely. The   after the ruling to file the election.   ■
         Sec. 754 election in several situations   taxpayer had always filed a Form 1065,
         where a partner died and the partner-  and its owners had treated the entity as
         ship missed making the election.62   a partnership instead of as an S corpo-
                                           ration. The IRS allowed the entity 120
         Extensions of time for            days to file a late entity classification   Contributor
         other elections                   election to be treated as a partnership.
                                                                               Hughlene A. Burton, CPA, Ph.D., is
         There have also been recent letter                                    an associate professor and the for-
         rulings on requests to extend the   Qualified opportunity funds
                                                                               mer director of the Turner School of
         time to make other types of elections,   Partnerships that qualify as qualified
                                                                               Accounting at the University of North
         including entity elections and qualified   opportunity funds under Sec. 1400Z-2
                                                                               Carolina–Charlotte in Charlotte, N.C.
         opportunity fund elections.       must also file an election to self-certify
                                                                               She is a past chair of the AICPA Part-
                                           their assets using Form 8996, Quali-  nership Taxation Technical Resource
         Entity election                   fied Opportunity Fund. A number of
                                                                               Panel and has served on the AICPA
         Foreign entities formed as LLCs that   partnerships missed the deadline for
                                                                               Tax Executive Committee. For more
         want to be taxed as a partnership in the   the election during 2022. However,
                                                                               information about this article, contact
         United States must make an election   how the IRS handled the missed elec-
         on Form 8832, Entity Classification   tion depended on how the partnership
         CPE self-study                                     Tax Section materials (for members)
         Reviewing Partnership Returns                      2022 Partnership Engagement Letter — Form 1065
         Advanced Taxation LLCs & Partnerships — Tax Staff Essentials  2022 Partnership Income Tax Return Organizer — Form 1065
                                                            For more information or to make a purchase, visit
                                                   or call the Institute at 888-777-7077.

         62.  E.g., IRS Letter Rulings 202147007, 202211003, 202215001,   65.  E.g., IRS Letter Rulings 202149003, 202151003, 202213007,
            and 202220004.                                     and 202239001.
         63.  E.g., IRS Letter Rulings 202145001, 202152008, 202210003,   66.  E.g., IRS Letter Rulings 202205020 and 202209009.
            and 202236001.                                  67.  E.g., IRS Letter Rulings 202144010, 202203007, and 202233011.
         64.  IRS Letter Ruling 202219003.

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