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The Tax Court ruled that the LLC was a bona fide partnership
                 because all three members made substantial contributions
                    to the LLC, participated in its management, and shared
                                          in its profits and losses.

         of tax. Ten days after mailing the letter,   under Sec. 170(h)(5)(A) was met, as this   2022, the government charged seven
         the auditor sent the case to his im-  issue had not been addressed in Pine   individuals with conspiracy to defraud
         mediate supervisor, who approved the   Mountain Preserve, LLLP. The appellate   the United States arising out of their
         penalties in writing. Eventually, the IRS   court also reversed the Tax Court’s   promotion of fraudulent tax shelters
         issued the taxpayers statutory notices of   decision that the accuracy-related   involving syndicated conservation
         deficiency that described the proposed   penalties could not be upheld against the   easements.46 The indictment charged
         tax changes and penalties resulting from   taxpayers because the IRS did not meet   that the syndicated conservation
         the audit. Each partner timely petitioned   the Sec. 6751(b) written supervisory   easement transactions were abusive tax
         the Tax Court for pre-assessment review   approval requirement. The appellate   shelters lacking in economic substance
         of his deficiency.                court followed Kroner,44 which found   or a business purpose.
           The Tax Court held that the tax-  that the Tax Court erred in determining   In another situation,47 a marketer
         payers’ arguments failed on the merits   in that case that the penalties’ approval   of a syndicated conservation easement
         because their retained rights under   was untimely.                 scheme pleaded guilty to filing a false
         the conservation deed rendered the   Lastly, in another case, the IRS   tax return that claimed a fraudulent
         easement in violation of the granted-  disallowed a charitable contribution   charitable contribution of a conserva-
         in-perpetuity requirement under Sec.   deduction claimed for a conservation   tion easement. The individual, a CPA
         170(h)(2)(C).41 But it also disallowed   easement made by an LLC because the   and attorney, admitted that he knew the
         the IRS’s asserted Sec. 6662 penalties,   easement’s conservation purpose was   tax shelter did not entitle him to a tax
         holding that the letters and examination   not protected in perpetuity.45 The IRS   deduction; however, he claimed the false
         reports constituted “initial determina-  argued that the contribution did not   charitable deduction on his personal tax
         tions of assessment” under Sec. 6751(b).   meet this requirement because the deed   return for the years in question.
         Because the IRS had mailed the letters   had a “deemed consent” provision that   In Equity Investments Associates, LLC,
         without first obtaining supervisory ap-  stripped the donee of its perpetual right   the IRS was auditing an LLC related
         proval of the penalties, the Tax Court   to prevent uses of property that were not   to a charitable contribution deduction
         held that the government could never   consistent with conservation purposes.   for a conservation easement the IRS
         assess those penalties. Both the taxpayers   The IRS asked the court for summary   deemed to be overvalued.48 At the same
         and the IRS appealed the decision.  judgment on this issue but was denied   time, there was a criminal investigation
           The Eleventh Circuit42 reversed   because the argument raised material-  of the owners and managers of the LLC
         the Tax Court’s decision that the   fact issues that were not suitable for   related to the tax shelter that provided
         taxpayers were not entitled to a   summary judgment.                the deduction. As part of its audit, the
         charitable contribution deduction for a   Tax shelter promoters and   IRS issued a summons for information,
         conservation easement donation, because   others: The IRS is still conducting   which the LLC ignored. The LLC
         of the appellate court’s 2020 decision   audits of taxpayers that took   sought to quash the summons because
         in Pine Mountain Preserve, LLLP.43   a charitable contribution for a   the IRS is barred from issuing a sum-
         However, the case was remanded to the   conservation easement, but now   mons with respect to any person if a
         Tax Court for consideration of whether   the government is also looking at   Justice Department criminal referral is
         the protected-in-perpetuity requirement   the promoters of the tax shelters. In   in effect. In this case, the LLC argued,

         41.  Carter, T.C. Memo. 2020-21.                   46.  Department of Justice Press Release 22-178.
         42.  Carter, No. 20-12201 (11th Cir. 9/14/2022).   47.  Department of Justice Press Release 22-905.
         43.  Pine Mountain Preserve, LLLP, 978 F.3d 1200 (11th Cir. 2020).  48.  Equity Investments Associates, LLC, No. 3:21-CV-170-GCM (W.D.N.C.
         44.  Kroner, No. 20-13902 (11th Cir. 9/13/22).        8/16/21).
         45.  Pickens Decorative Stone, LLC, T.C. Memo. 2022-22.

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