Page 88 - TaxAdviser_Jan_Apr23_Neat
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Upon audit, the IRS determined that the taxpayers had
              purchased an interest in a partnership that owned the property,
                              not a direct interest in the property itself.

         was formed to facilitate the prohibited   the partnership claimed an interest   In a case23 decided in 2022, three
         transaction of monetizing the refined   deduction for the payment of the ap-  single-member entities were partners
         coal tax credits. Since the LLC was not   preciation interest. The partnership also   in an accounting firm organized as a
         a partnership, only the original owner   reported a Sec. 1231 gain on the sale of   partnership. The partners negotiated
         could claim the tax credits. The tax-  the property.                a buyout of one of the partners in
         payer petitioned the Tax Court, which   A partner in the partnership reported   anticipation of the retirement of that
         ruled that the LLC was a bona fide   his distributive share of the appreciation   partner’s principal owner. The buyout
         partnership because all three members   interest and the gain on his individual   was added to a restated partnership
         made substantial contributions to the   return. The IRS audited his return and   agreement. The partnership agreement
         LLC, participated in its management,   disallowed the deduction for the ap-  also included provisions governing
         and shared in its profits and losses.21   preciation interest but did not adjust the   allocations of income and distributions
           The IRS appealed the ruling to the   gain on the sale of the property. The IRS   (both liquidating and nonliquidating)
         D.C. Circuit, which agreed with the   argued that the lender and the partner-  to the partners and a qualified income
         Tax Court. Factors that the appellate   ship were a joint venture, making the   offset provision. The partnership
         court held showed that the entity met   appreciation interest a nondeductible   agreement anticipated that a partner
         the definition of a partnership included   return on equity. The Tax Court rejected   could receive a distribution of clients
         that the founder had legitimate nontax   that argument and found that, based on   from the partnership and provided a
         motives for forming it and for recruit-  the facts, it was clear the partnership   method for valuing such a distribution.
         ing other partners, such as spreading   and the lender did not enter into a joint   Shortly after finalizing the restated
         investment risk over a larger number of   venture. The facts the court relied on   partnership agreement, the other two
         projects; that there was nothing wrong   included that there was no contribution   partners withdrew from the partnership
         with the founder’s seeking partners who   by the lender, the parties stipulated that   and formed a new partnership. Some
         could apply the tax credits immediately   all funds provided to the partnership   of the old partnership’s clients moved
         rather than carrying them forward   were loans, the lender did not have a   to the new partnership. The old
         to future tax years; and that all of the   “single equity interest” in its dealings   partnership reported on its tax return
         partners shared in the partnership’s po-  with the partnership, and the records   that the two partners that withdrew
         tential for profit and risk of loss.   showed the partnership payments were   received distributions in amounts equal
           In another case,22 a partnership   income to the lender for the use of funds   to the value of the clients (as determined
         purchased a commercial rental property   it had advanced.           under the restated partnership
         by financing the property with the                                  agreement) that followed them to the
         proceeds of a loan. The loan document   Income included on          new partnership. The partnership also
         included an “additional interest agree-  partner’s return           decreased the withdrawing partners’
         ment” that entitled the lender to ad-  Partnerships are not subject to federal   capital accounts by the value of the
         ditional interest of two types — “NCF   income tax under Sec. 701. After items   reported distributions, which reduced
         [net cash flow] interest” and “apprecia-  of income and expense are determined   their capital accounts below zero. To
         tion interest.” The partnership made   at the partnership level, each partner is   restore their capital accounts to zero,
         regular loan payments that included the   required to take into account separately   the partnership allocated all of the
         NCF interest. Later, the partnership   in the partner’s return a distributive   partnership’s ordinary income to the
         sold the property and, in accordance   share, whether or not distributed, of each  withdrawing partners pursuant to the
         with the loan documents, paid the ap-  class or item of partnership income, gain,  qualified income offset provision in the
         preciation interest. On its tax return,   loss, deduction, or credit under Sec. 702.   partnership agreement.

         21.  Cross Refined Coal, LLC, No. 19502-17 (bench opinion, decision entered,   22.  Deitch, T.C. Memo. 2022-86.
            Tax Ct. 10/16/19).                              23.  Clark Raymond & Co., T.C. Memo. 2022-105.

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