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         representative that the IRS had com-  income, according to a district court   careful review, affirmed the Tax Court’s
         pleted its work and specifically stated   opinion in earlier, related proceed-  decision.18
         that the results could change before   ings.15 An essential component of
         the examination officially concluded.   the scheme was a series of offsetting   Partnership definition
         In addition, neither the agenda nor   foreign currency exchange forward   Sec. 761 defines a partnership as an en-
         the telephone conference informed the   contracts, or straddles. The IRS au-  tity including any syndicate, group, pool,
         partnership of any unequivocal decision   dited the partnerships and determined   joint venture, or other unincorporated
         by the IRS to assert penalties.   that they were an abusive tax shelter   organization through or by which a
                                           and, thus, disallowed the losses gener-  business, financial operation, or venture
         Economic substance                ated. The partnerships filed suit in   is carried on and that is not by defini-
         A basic principle of tax law is that   district court, which found the scheme   tion a corporation or a trust or estate.
         taxpayers are entitled to structure their   to be an abusive tax shelter and in a   During 2022, the question of whether
         business transactions in a manner that   partnership-level proceeding upheld   an entity was a partnership was raised
         produces the least amount of tax.13   the IRS’s disallowance of the benefits   in two cases. In one case,19 shortly after
         However, business transactions must   of the losses. The partnership appealed   Congress expanded the refined coal tax
         have economic substance. For a trans-  to the Eleventh Circuit, which af-  credit,20 a corporation began developing
         action to have economic substance, it   firmed the district court’s ruling.16   coal refining technology and set out to
         must have a reasonable possibility of   As a result of the partnership-level   launch a coal refining facility. To do so, it
         a profit, and the transaction should   proceeding, the IRS issued a notice of   formed a new single-member LLC.
         have a business purpose independent   deficiency to the married taxpayers in   The corporation anticipated that
         of reducing taxes. The IRS has been   Sarma, disallowing the loss deduction   the LLC would be able to claim the tax
         diligent in examining transactions that   they reported on their joint tax return   credit but would produce tax losses. The
         it considers to lack economic substance   from the husband’s participation in   LLC brought in additional investors to
         or that are shams. The IRS generally   the scheme as a partner. The taxpayers   allow the original owner to spread its
         has prevailed on the issue. To help   sought review by the Tax Court. The   own investment over a larger number
         clarify the rules, Congress codified the   taxpayers argued that the statute of   of projects and to reduce its overall
         economic substance doctrine in 2010.14   limitation expired prior to the IRS’s   risk. A secondary reason to expand the
         Several cases during the update period   issuance of the notice to them.   ownership was that the original owner
         considered whether a partnership    The resolution of this issue hinged   could claim only a portion of the refined
         transaction had economic substance.  on whether the partner’s outside   coal tax credits in any given year; the
                                           basis in the partnership was an item   rest would have to be carried forward.
         Sham partnerships                 affected by a partnership item (an “af-  Because money has a time value, it made
         In some court cases, partnership struc-  fected item”) under TEFRA’s former   sense to have partners who could claim
         tures were found to be abusive arrange-  Sec. 6229. The Tax Court determined   the credits sooner. All of the members
         ments or shams.                   that it was and found the notice to be   of the LLC were actively involved in its
           In Sarma, the taxpayer participated   both timely and valid.17 In addition,   operation and financed any operating
         in a tax-avoidance scheme to avoid   the Tax Court determined that the   shortfall. For the years in question, the
         paying tax on the gain he expected on   outside basis of the partnership inter-  LLC had ordinary business losses and
         the sale of his business. This scheme   est was zero because a partner cannot   claimed more than $25.8 million in re-
         required the creation of a set of three-  have any basis in a sham partnership.   fined coal tax credits. The LLC distrib-
         tiered partnerships with upper, middle,   Thus, the taxpayers were not entitled   uted the credits and losses proportionally
         and lower tiers. The partnerships were   to the passthrough loss. The taxpay-  among its members.
         designed to generate significant artifi-  ers appealed on both issues to the   On audit, the IRS concluded that the
         cial losses to offset legitimate taxable   Eleventh Circuit, which in 2022, after   LLC was not a partnership because it

         13.  See, e.g., Gregory v. Helvering, 293 U.S. 465 (1935).  17.  Sarma, T.C. Memo. 2018-201.
         14.  Including under Secs. 6662(b)(6) and 7701(o), as enacted by §1409 of the   18.  Sarma, 45 F.4th 1312 (11th Cir. 2022).
            Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, P.L. 111-152.  19.  Cross Refined Coal, LLC, No. 20-1015 (D.C. Cir. 8/5/22).
         15.  Kearney Partners Fund, LLC, No. 2:10-cv-153-FtM-37CM (M.D. Fla.   20.  By the Energy Improvement and Extension Act of 2008, P.L. 110-343,
            3/6/14), aff’d, 803 F.3d 1280 (11th Cir. 2015).    which repealed a requirement that the taxpayer’s sale price of refined coal
         16.  Id.                                              be at least 50% more than the market value of unrefined coal.

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