Page 17 - 2021 Taxes Quick Guide_01
P. 17

Tax Credits

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          Earned                                                                                           opportunity 04
          Income 01
                                                                                                           $2,500 per year maximum (100% of the first
          Maximum credit depends on number                                                                 $2,000 of qualifying expenses and 25% of the
          of qualifying children: $1,502 (none);                                                           next $2,000), with 40% of the credit refundable
          $3,618(one); $5,980 (two); $6,728                                                                unless the taxpayers with MAGIs between
          (three or more), subject to phaseouts.                                                           $80,000 and $90,000 ($160,000 and $180,000 for
                                                                                                           married filing jointly).

          Child 02                                                                                         Lifetime
                                                                                                           learning 05
          $3,000 per qualifying child under age
          18 and $3,600 for child under 6. For                                                             20% of up to $10,000 of qualified tuition and
          additional child tax credits, speak to us                                                        related expenses. Phases out between
          and we can help.                                                                                 $59,000 and $69,000 of MAGI for single filers
                                                                                                           and from $118,000 to $138,000 for married
          Adoption 03                                                                                      filing jointly.

          $14,440 maximum. Phases out with
          MAGI between ,$216,660 and                                                                       Sec. 25D residential
                                                                                                           energy efficient
                                                                                                           property 06

                                                                                                           26% of amount paid for qualifying property
                                                                                                           (for qualified fuel cell property, maximum
                                                                                                           credit of $500 for each 0.5 kilowatt of
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