Page 49 - Finanancial Management_Feb_Apr23
P. 49
’m delighted that my It is in the interests of all CIMA
professional designations have members to do everything we can
Iserved me so well over the to reinforce the power and brand
course of a varied and interesting recognition of that designation.
30-year career, ever since I was CGMA is a differentiator in a
admitted to CIMA membership in confusing market. At the moment,
1992. I proudly added the CGMA there are many management
designatory letters after my name accounting designations,
in 2012, when the CGMA certificates, and programmes
designation was created. around the world awarded by
The worldwide reach of AICPA different organisations, but only
& CIMA makes CGMA the only appropriately qualified AICPA &
management accounting CIMA members can call
designation with truly global themselves CGMAs, the global
recognition. That means our standard in management
qualifications are recognised and accounting. It is vital that we who
respected everywhere by our have it capitalise on this
employers, clients, customers, advantage.
and regulators. The CGMA Unlike the current post-
designation is a true global nominal letters ACMA and FCMA,
passport that leads one to a AICPA & CIMA own the sole rights
successful global career. to use the CGMA designation,
The reason for this is which is very important. It means
simple. The aptitude and the designation is unique and the
dedication that are required to value of the designation can be
acquire CIMA’s CGMA The CGMA legally defended to protect the
Professional Qualification, interests of the people who hold it.
which permits use of the CGMA This is not true of ACMA and
designation, shows that the designation’s power FCMA, as a number of competing
designation holders are people accounting organisations also
of good character, are guided by ‘AICPA & CIMA own the sole rights award ACMA and FCMA to their
strong ethics, and have a sound members. While CIMA’s ACMA
grasp of the leading-edge skills to use the CGMA designation.’ and FCMA continue to be awarded
required in today’s rapidly and used across the world, CGMA
evolving business environment. is unique because it is owned and
defensible by CIMA and recognised globally.
Members value the CGMA To prevent confusion and to highlight the value of
Since I became CIMA president and co-chair of the what we have, we must always ensure that our
Association of International Certified Professional qualification, and membership of CIMA, stand apart in
Accountants last June, I’ve had the opportunity to meet a crowded marketplace. That is why we renamed the
with members and candidates from around the world, CIMA Professional Qualification as CIMA’s CGMA
including in Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Professional Qualification and brought about brand
United Arab Emirates, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Canada, consistency through the CGMA Finance Leadership
and the UK. In all these places I heard how becoming a Program and the CGMA Competency Framework,
CGMA designation holder helps start a successful emphasising the CGMA designation’s significance.
career. Maintaining the CGMA’s status as a distinct,
Both new and long-standing CIMA members also prestigious, legally owned, and defensible designation
share these feelings. Time and time again, they tell me is central to CIMA’s global leading role. Doing so plays a
the value that their membership and CGMA key role in securing the best possible future for our PHOTO BY FIONA HANSON/AP IMAGES
designation bring to their careers and how their members, giving them the global opportunities that
unique skillset is valued by their organisations. This is KEEP IN TOUCH make our profession such an interesting and
why they continue to place their trust in us by Follow me rewarding field to work in. I wish you the very best as
remaining a member of the world’s largest body for on Twitter: you continue on your progressive professional journey
management accountants. @CIMA_President onward and upward. With my best wishes.