Page 6 - Finanancial Management_Feb_Apr23
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f I asked you what single factor globe. I firmly believe that by
was most vital for securing the ensuring our profession recruits
Ifuture of the profession, what the best people from all
would you say? There are those backgrounds, we will not only
who believe that it is maintaining strengthen it but also spread great
the high standard of CIMA’s CGMA opportunities at the same time.
Professional Qualification. There
is no doubt that is part of the Making change happen
answer. We must also protect and We all have a role to play in
enhance the CGMA designation’s helping younger people become
highly respected status around successful. This could mean
the world. But, most importantly, talking to them about advancing
we have to make sure the path to in their careers, and the
the designation is open to the very opportunities for volunteering,
best people, regardless of their mentoring students, or even
gender, ethnicity, geographical coaching talent. All these things
location, or socio-economic collectively add up to make a
background. As a profession, we difference. To borrow the words of
must do everything we can to the American activist Marian
attract the most talented people Wright Edelman, “You can’t be
and continue to retain them. Attracting the what you can’t see.” Young people
This is why our efforts in the need role models to inspire their
diversity, equity, and inclusion best talent success.
(DEI) space are essential for By embracing different
securing the future of our great cultures and perspectives, our
profession. If we don’t do this, we ‘We have to make sure the path profession is best positioned to
will miss out on the talent that solve even the most complex
will be vital for building the to the designation is open problems and enable us to meet
thriving businesses of tomorrow. the needs of the people and
to the very best people.’ organisations we serve. To attract
Opening doors — and retain — the best and the
DEI is an area that I am passionate about and where brightest in our organisations, we need to address
our profession has a lot to celebrate. Attending new biases and showcase the diversity we want to see in
member celebrations recently in London, Dubai, and our profession and our organisations.
Sri Lanka, I have been privy first-hand to the diversity What does this mean for AICPA & CIMA in practice?
of talent we have welcomed into our profession. To increase the diversity of the profession we need to
Professional accounting designations, such as the proactively support our candidates to earn their CGMA
CGMA, are viewed in many global markets as an designation. That includes the work we do in
attractive pathway to building a lifelong, varied career promotion, education, assessment, and retention. We
in accounting, business, and finance. When someone can be proud of what we have achieved while
earns this prestigious designation, it opens doors for recognising that there is more to do.
them, no matter what their background is. When I talk about these issues, I am building on
I hold my CIMA CGMA Professional Qualification the work of past CIMA presidents and effectively
very dear, and I know how highly it is valued. The laying the groundwork for others to follow in the PHOTO BY FIONA HANSON/AP IMAGES
CGMA designation shows the world that I have future. I encourage you to be a part of this journey as
business acumen, professional competence, and a KEEP IN TOUCH well. It is our duty to leave the profession in a
strong understanding of ethics. It is what has enabled Follow me stronger position than when we first joined it.
me to have a fascinating and fulfilling 30-year career, on Twitter: Promoting DEI within our profession is a key pathway
working in many different sectors, all around the @CIMA_President to achieving this.