Page 63 - Finanancial Management_Feb_Apr23
P. 63
Levels of managing up
Managing up comes While not your natural You don’t consciously You know its “What on earth is this?
naturally to you, and inclination, you realise its “manage up”; importance, yet Is my work not enough?
you are comfortable or importance, have learned somehow your very sometimes you feel Do I have to do this,
even an expert at it. the basics, and it mostly nature helps you to be frustrated having to too?” You struggle with
works out for you. in this neutral zone. do it. the concept.
5 4 3 2 1
joining in “loose talk” even as a joke, or Seek out common interests for you? It is not a good idea to accept fuzzy
stealing the boss’s thunder in the desire to These can include sports, music, feedback — ask clarifying questions to be
build your own image as you seek to raise movies, etc., in order to connect beyond able to take concrete action.
visibility for yourself among senior work topics, spend time together, and
leadership. forge a bond. Manage your boss’s communications
Trust is not gained overnight. It about you and your team
develops from being true, honest, 4. Proactively enable your boss to Looking for a promotion? Or budget,
vulnerable, and having a track record of help your own and your team’s headcount, or support for an initiative? Your
delivering on time what you promised. performance ability to secure it often depends on how
A cardinal rule when managing up is to senior management perceives you and your
3. Be a likeable colleague to work take more off your boss’s plate than you department. Don’t leave this important issue
with add to it. only in your boss’s hands. Consider what
Show flexibility and willingness to take on information senior management looks at,
the difficult projects. Beyond competence, Explain how you’re best ‘managed’ and equip your boss with the talking points,
performance, and all that jazz, we all like to Every boss has their own default blurbs, facts, and figures to properly
work with congenial folk. Your boss is no management style; it’s up to you to gently represent you and your team. Offer to write
different. Follow these tips to achieve it: guide your boss with specifics on how reports, prepare slides, or even assist your
they can help you do your best work. This boss in presentations. Seek opportunities to
Embrace the mission to make your requires self-awareness first and then the factually highlight how you are contributing
boss successful courage to speak up. to the team’s success.
Remember the scene from the film The
Devil Wears Prada, where Miranda Make their work easier, not harder How well are you managing up
Priestly’s assistant stealthily walks When you have to escalate a problem, currently?
alongside her at a party and whispers approach your boss with a coherent Rate yourself on how well you manage up,
into her ear who each guest is, so it’ll problem statement, some homework on using the scale shown in the chart “Levels
seem as if she remembers everyone? causes, and your suggestions for of Managing Up”. I hope implementing the
That should be you. resolution. four ways discussed in this article will help
you to improve your scores to level 4 or
This does not mean being a ‘yes’ Anticipate your boss’s needs and higher, leading to more success and
person proactively support them fulfilment in your career.
Managing up also means speaking up This develops as you get to know your Of course, when your relationship with
when you need to be the truthteller, but do boss. Spotted some real-time industry your boss seems beyond repair and you’ve
it genuinely, respectfully, and news that your boss may not have done everything in your power to improve
confidentially (ideally one-on-one). picked up? Message it to them ahead of it, consider looking for a new job — or at
their upcoming meeting with their boss least a new manager. Anyway, it’s always a
Advise, then cooperate or the industry roundtable — they then good idea to identify and cultivate other
Don’t be shy to offer your point of view appear to be on top of their game and potential sponsors in the organisation
— I remember the many corner office recognise you as a key factor. beyond and in addition to your boss.
debates I had with my bosses. But once As you finish reading this article, I’d
the decision was taken (per my Get clarity on your KPIs and rewards encourage you to answer the following
recommendation or not), I’d put myself Ask your boss (1) what their expectations questions: What’s one challenge you
solidly behind it and wholeheartedly of you and your team are; (2) how will you confront in your relationship with your
implement it. be measured on those; and (3) if you boss? What’s one strategy that you have
exceed those targets, what does that mean learned that you might use to address it? n
Show genuine appreciation for their
support and feedback Raju Venkataraman, FCMA, CGMA, is a credentialed leadership and career coach
This is important even where the feedback (PCC) and corporate trainer based in Singapore, serving clients worldwide. To
is negative. It is not to be confused with comment on this article or to suggest an idea for another article, contact Oliver Rowe
flattery, but it will make your boss feel at