Page 5 - Payroll Year-End Planning
P. 5

8 Steps – October Activities

                                    01    Preview                         01                 Year End Planning
                                          W2 and                                            1.  Review prior year-end issues; current
                                          employee        02                                    year and upcoming policy changes; and
                     Celebrate            data (Oct)                                            calendar of processing, due dates, and
                08   Year-end                          Identify any                         2.  holidays for year-end and the new year
                                                       State changes
                                                                                                Receive updates on implementing
                                                       to withholding                           Publication 15-T, Federal Income Tax
          Verify new                                   methods (Nov)                            Withholding Methods updated tables
          wage bases                                                                        3.  Ensure systems can process revised
          and rates are                                                                         Forms 941 used for second half of
          included in                                                03                         current year
          Payroll                                         Schedule testing                  4.  Verifying Earned Income Credit
          system                                          of Form W-2,                          statement is properly on employee
          07                                              Box 12, special                       copies Running mock year-end for Form
                                                                                                W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, with
                                                          codes (Dec)                           third-quarter data.

                  Verify State                      Tax                                     5.  Verify no one has negative amounts in
                                                                                                any Form W-2 field Social Security
                  Unemployment                      withheld                                    numbers are verified (identifying those
                  insurance                         using new                                   without)
                  notices (Mar)                     formulas   04
                                  File annual       on first pay                            6.  Social Security numbers are not
                     06           Form 940 by       for the                                 7.  truncated
                                                                                                Total wages on mock Forms W-2
                                                    year. (Jan)
                                  Feb 10 (Feb)
                                                                                                reconcile with Form 941, Employer’s
                                           05                                               8.  Quarterly Federal Tax Return
                                                                                                Bank reconciliations are up to date
                                                                                            9.  Look for 2021 Social Security wage base
                                                                                                and pension plan limit announcements
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