Page 9 - Payroll Year-End Planning
P. 9

8 Steps - January Activities

                                    01    This is a                       04                 New Year Planning
                                          W2 and          02                                 Communicate to employees any changes
                     Celebrate            employee                                           for the new year, including:
                08   Year-end             data (Oct)   Identify any                          • Social Security wage base, 401(k) limits,
                                                       State changes
                                                                                               tax rate, withholding, etc.
                                                       to withholding                        • New Year Form W-4 is required for all
          Verify new                                   methods (Nov)                           new hires and for employees who need
          wage bases                                                                           to make adjustments
          and rates are                                                                      • New Year reminder to employees about
          included in                                                03                        employee portion of Social Security
          Payroll                                         Schedule testing                     deferral repayment
          system                                          of Form W-2,                       File:
          07                                              Box 12, special                    • All Forms W-2 or equivalents with
                                                          codes (Dec)                          employees and jurisdictions by their
                                                                                               due dates
                  Verify State                      Tax                                      • Fourth-quarter Form 941 (by Feb. 1 if
                  Unemployment                      withheld                                   balance due; Feb. 10 if no balance due)
                  insurance                         using new                                • Form 941 Schedule D if any mergers or
                  notices (Mar)                     formulas   04
                                  File annual       on first pay                               acquisitions occurred in 2020
                     06           Form 940 by       for the                                  • Any third-party sick pay recap form
                                                    year. (Jan)
                                                                                               (Form 8922)
                                  Feb 10 (Feb)
                                                                                             • Form 940, Employer’s Annual Federal
                                           05                                                  Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return, on
                                                                                               same schedule as fourth-quarter Form
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