Page 77 - IRS Plan
P. 77

Initiative  3.3  Expand enforcement for large partnerships

          The IRS will increase enforcement activities to help ensure tax compliance of large partnerships

          Where we are heading                                  Key projects

          The IRS has not had the resources in recent           1. Hire, onboard and train the staff needed
          years to sufficiently address the significant            to achieve appropriate compliance coverage
          growth of partnerships. The number of                    rates. Strategically focus on hiring and training
          partnerships increased by 32% in just a decade,          to ensure appropriate resources to address the
          from 3.2 million in tax year 2010 to 4.3 million         variety of skill sets needed. Increase staff in the
          in 2020. Partnerships with assets exceeding              Independent Office of Appeals to resolve
          $5 million grew even more, by 75%. Many of               tax controversies arising from enhanced
          these partnerships are complex, with many tiers          compliance efforts. Increase staff in the Office
          and sometimes thousands—or even hundreds                 of Chief Counsel to support both compliance
          of thousands—of partner entities, each of which          and appeals and to litigate cases when
          can be a legally recognized entity such as an            necessary. Hiring and training efforts
          individual, corporation, foreign entity or another       will focus on specialized enforcement
          partnership. Because of their size and complex           for large partnerships.
          structure, partnerships require specialized           2. Develop approaches and new treatments
          capabilities and often significant resources             for large partnership enforcement by
          to audit. In 2019, the audit rate for partnerships       leveraging data and analytics. Explore
          was 0.05%.  6
                                                                    and pilot new compliance treatments for
                                                                   large partnerships and refine existing tools
          We will increase compliance coverage for large
          partnerships to help ensure that their partners          and processes for auditing them. Use improved
                                                                   analytics to identify the most appropriate
          are paying the taxes they owe. We will improve           treatments to address potential noncompliance,
          our tools and processes for auditing and
          enforcement actions for large partnerships.              given the issue-specific level of risk. Deploy
          We will hire specialized compliance employees            appropriate contacts to help these taxpayers
          and train other employees to help ensure the             resolve their compliance issues while also
                                                                   applying sufficient approaches to promote
          compliance of pass-through entities, with                compliance.
          a particular focus on enforcement for large
          partnerships. We will use data and analytics
          to improve our understanding of these complex         Milestones
          structures. We will pursue noncompliance through
          a variety of mechanisms, including audit and                   FY 2023
          non-audit treatments.                                     1    First wave of hires dedicated to large
                                                                         partnerships hired and onboarded
                                                                         to work toward increasing compliance
          What success would look like                                   coverage rates for large partnerships

          Success for this initiative would include an                   FY 2025
          increase in audit coverage and other types                2    Refined approaches and treatments
          of enforcement of large partnership taxpayers                  piloted for large partnership enforcement
          to improve voluntary compliance.

      70  IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
          Part II: Objectives and Initiatives
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