Page 83 - IRS Plan
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Initiative  3.6  Pursue appropriate enforcement for complex, high-risk

                        and emerging issues

          The IRS will enhance detection of noncompliance and increase enforcement activities for complex,
          high-risk and novel emerging issues, including digital assets, listed transactions and certain
          international issues

          Where we are heading                                     listed transactions, certain international issues
                                                                   and any other key issues that emerge.
          The IRS tracks many known, high-risk issues           2. Improve, expedite and scale detection
          in noncompliance, such as digital asset                  of emerging issues, including building
          transactions, listed transactions and certain            stronger feedback processes from all
          international issues. These issues arise in multiple     parts of the IRS. Reinforce and expand the
          taxpayer segments, and data analysis shows               IRS’s strategic detection of issues and develop
          a higher potential for noncompliance. Recent             pathways for providing feedback on important
          resource limitations have prevented the IRS              emerging issues.
          from sufficiently examining these issues,
          while new issues that could significantly raise       3. Establish processes to respond more
          noncompliance and fraud schemes emerge                   rapidly to emerging issues and develop
          each year, especially as new tax laws are enacted.       treatments that can be deployed quickly
                                                                   and integrated into enforcement efforts.
          For issues known to have high, ongoing risks             Develop and deploy new digital tools and
          of noncompliance or complexity, such as digital          analytics capabilities to respond to and enforce
          assets and listed transactions, we will prioritize       tax laws pertaining to emerging issues. Explore
          resources to increase enforcement activities,            and pilot enforcement treatments for specific
          including criminal investigation as appropriate.         emerging issues. Refine existing tools and
          We will improve detection of emerging issues             processes, such as audits, to adapt to a
          and gather feedback within the IRS to identify           changing landscape and account for key
          trends and risks. We will establish processes            emerging issues. Use improved analytics
          for responding to emerging issues more quickly           to identify patterns of noncompliance and
          with appropriate and tailored compliance                 apply the most appropriate treatment
          treatments. For emerging issues, we will                 to each taxpayer situation.
          develop new treatments or adjust existing             4. Hire, onboard and train the staff needed
          treatments accordingly.                                  to achieve appropriate compliance coverage
                                                                   rates. Identify the optimal mix of employee
                                                                   skills and strategically focus hiring and training
          What success would look like                             efforts to build a compliance workforce capable
                                                                   of detecting and responding to key emerging
          Success for this initiative would include increased      issues. Implement rapid, focused hiring
          enforcement of known, high-risk issues and more          and skills development to cover key issues
          timely detection of and response to emerging             for enforcement.

          Key projects                                          Milestones

          1. Mobilize resources to focus on high-risk                    FY 2024
             and emerging issues that have not received             1    Workforce trained and re-skilled with
             appropriate enforcement attention. Increase                 specialized capabilities to address
             enforcement pertaining to digital assets,                   complex and emerging issues

      76  IRS IRA Strategic Operating Plan
          Part II: Objectives and Initiatives
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