Page 43 - Understandinging Forensic Technology Landscape
P. 43
Algorithm/algorithmic model: Set of defined Cognitive agent: AI models with capabilities to speak
instructions that takes a set of inputs, manipulate cohesively to humans, make decisions, self-learn and
them, and produces an output. Models are written address inputs it has not been trained on.
in programming language and provide sequences
of instructions that can include decision points or Continuous active learning (CAL): A method for finding
iterations. substantially all relevant information on a particular
subject within a vast sea of ESI. At the outset, CAL
Application programming interfaces (APIs): Set of resembles a web search engine, presenting first
routines, protocols, and tools that defines how software the documents that are most likely to be of interest,
components interact. Generally, APIs are used to request followed by those that are somewhat less likely to be
and deliver data or actions across software. of interest. Unlike a typical search engine, however,
CAL repeatedly refines its understanding about which
Artificial intelligence (AI): A subfield of computer of the remaining documents are most likely to be of
science focused on the development of intelligence interest, based on the user’s feedback regarding the
in machines so that the machines can react and documents already presented. CAL continues to present
adapt to their environment and the unknown. AI is the documents, learning from user feedback, until none of
capability of a device to perform functions that are the documents presented are of interest.
normally associated with human intelligence, such
as reasoning and optimization through experience. It Custodians: The individual or organization having
attempts to approximate the results of human reasoning possession of and responsibility for the care and control
by organizing and manipulating factual and heuristic of material.
knowledge. Areas of AI activity include expert systems,
natural language understanding, speech recognition, Database: A collection of structured information
vision and robotics. organized in one or more related tables, rows and
columns, also referred to as a “relational database”.
Chain of custody: The process of maintaining and
documenting the handling of evidence. It involves Digital artifact or computer artifact: Artifacts are files
keeping a detailed log showing who collected, handled, or electronic data left behind as a result of activities
transferred or analyzed evidence during an investigation. and transactions by the end-user. Because these data
Documentation regarding the possession, movement, elements are typically not used by or accessible to the
handling and location of evidence from the time it is end-user, they are often difficult to manipulate and may
identified to the time it is presented in court or otherwise be a source of evidence.
transferred or submitted; necessary both to establish
admissibility and authenticity; important to help mitigate
risk of spoliation claims.
46 The Sedona Conference Journal, Volume 19, 2018
47 Continuous Active Learning for TAR, E-Discovery Bulletin,, accessed March 9, 2020
48 A Glossary of Archival and Records Terminology, The Society of American Archivists,, accessed March 9, 2020
49 Digital Forensics: Content Vs. Artifacts — What’s the Difference?, Vestige,, accessed
March 18, 2020
Understanding the forensic technology landscape | 39